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  1. Thanks for the fixes in today's patch. Patch still downloading, hope to fly soon and that everything works. Thanks again for your work.
  2. Excellent patch. Today I especially want to thank ED for the fixes related to Yak-52. Even though we waited a long time, patience was rewarded. I will use the opportunity to test it on the Afghanistan map, hoping that everything will work. Thanks again.
  3. ED thank you for this exciting video, really a lot of nice news. Expectations are high, the waiting time for the release or the progress of what we have seen will be a little unnerving. I propose to start with a nice patch as soon as possible. Thanks again for your endless work.
  4. @bandit648 thanks for this interesting workaround. What if we want to get a more consistent cirrus coverage? Is there a way in this case too?
  5. Great update, with really nice improvements and additions. Can't wait to try them out. Just enough time to download and update DCS, then in flight ...
  6. YES!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH. and this hard work of your Team is deeply appreciated. Thanks again.
  7. The new fog effect is awesome, I also reverted the SSAO option to enhance the realism. The new deck vrew is awesome, this was a really significant addition. And many thanks also for the SC operation guide and updating the DCS manual.
  8. downloading ... then I'll do some flights and then comments. Anyway there are great expectations. BTW, thanks that you don't forget even the little things (ie Yak-52)
  9. Thanks for the previous explanations, things are more understandable now. We appreciate your hard work to release any planned update/patch.
  10. My heart is hurting this way
  11. This video is really gorgeous, can't wait. Thank you very much ED for this superlative update that will make the activities on flight deck much more realistic and immersive. Excellent job! Just a couple of questions - will these new crew deck features also be available for F-14 and any other aircraft that uses SC? - please, will the time ever come for the animated crew deck to be available also on third-party aircraft carriers, for example CV-59 Forrestal by HB? Even for a fee, of course, at least as far as I'm concerned.
  12. yeah, really great news about new fog effects and new SC plane directors. At this point I can't wait for the next patch to be released. Thanks ED for your continued hard work.
  13. Really interesting. Waiting for it. Although a picture of SC was posted, there is no mention of new deck crew animations. Can you say if it is coming soon? Thanks.
  14. I'm very happy to read this. I hope that as soon as available you can share with us some more information or even a short video. Thanks. Good to know. Thanks.
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