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About =Skywarp=

  • Birthday October 18

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  • Flight Simulators

    IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs Of Dover Blitz

    IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle Of Stalingrad
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  1. Tks Volator, I'll try it
  2. Hi I purchased the Sabre and Hunters Over The Yalu campaign. As I concluded the campaign, in which servers can I fly it? I know there's Cold War, but I think the Sabre has disadvantages against a fighter like the MiG-21. Is there a Korea server?
  3. "IMPORTANT - FOR STEAM USERS: In the main options under special is a checkbox "Tick the box to enable for steam users"." Hi! I downloaded the mod yesterday and the checkbox isn't available.
  4. Awesome! I taught there was a Vietnam map on the horizon, anyway. But your team job looks very interesting!!
  5. Vietnam map? Tell us more about
  6. Cool feature, just noticed it today
  7. Stunning job, Touma!
  8. Campaign concluded!! Final mission is awesome, loved the whole campaign! Tks Sedlo for your efforts! (What else do you have under your sleeve?)
  9. That "MQ-9 Reaper drone" screenshot looks like a real photo!
  10. Cool livery!! Is it available for download?
  11. I really admire Sedlo's efforts on mainteining his campaign working besides ED's updates & bugs
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