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Everything posted by GunnyCook

  1. probably asked many times but i cant find any real way. Do i have to uninstall and reinstall if i want to make my version open beta from stable? all i see is use command line, or some app, but it seems that it needs both installed to work. there must be some way to "update/patch from stable to beta without reinstalling everything. Thx
  2. switching maybe, but it wont update stable to beta.
  3. nothing, been on OB for the last few years, but as i said, i just recently upgraded the old pc so my vr was smoother, installed stable as i figured there would be less issues.
  4. new? lol, i think not. been on blackshark since 2009 when it was stand alone. i only installed stable version as i recently upgraded my machine for vr, never purchased a pre release either. Still poor though, been waiting months to fly something i paid for...
  5. SERIOUSLY???? i cant have it yet because i installed the stable version?? THATS POOR!
  6. hi, so im at kobuleti in a viggen, i get the comms menu up and select rearm and refuel. says request rearming...i get nothing back and no rearm.. tried electric power... still nothing. map set to easy communications... still nothing. happened last week, and today. any ideas? thanks.
  7. So further to my other issues, i had to buy a new mobo, cpu and ram, all my drives are differently identified now. if i wipe the drives and reinstall dcs in full, will all my modules and maps be reacquired or will i have to authenticate all from scratch, some modules have activation keys and the newer purchases dont. its not steam version its beta and i would like beta back. would a repair work just as well? thanks
  8. I had a major issue with my mobo, and spent 4 days trying to sort it, finally did it but had to move around my 1080 leaving no room for all my ssd's. i have a dedicated ssd for dcs open beta that was G drive, now i only have room for 2 ssd's and the G drive is now my D drive. when i started dcs it asked me to re log in etc which i did but now i dont think i am on open beta and half of my modules wont activate. question is, should i reinstall completely or is there another fix? thanks
  9. This, this is why i love this sim, thanks Repth, that was exactly the issue. Thank you
  10. Hi, i am not a novice in the mission builder, been building maps for years, but something has me foxed at the moment. i have missing A/C for some reason. example is , i have a map, cauc, as a setup map for new planes, for some reason there are planes not available in the plane selection that i own. for example, the f14 tomcat. when i go to the plane selection for usa it is not there. i cant find it to add it. or with the combined forces added to the coalition, things like the ka50, not there. i have tried changing from intercept to various others like sead and combat air strike and ground attack etc, still these planes do not show up as available to use. i have a tomcat on a carrier already( from a previous build), i select it, then click the add plane icon to place another but it reverts back to the a10 and when i look through the available plane lists its not there. oh, and i have tried a repair also Any ideas?
  11. yeah, always the way aint it, guessing im gonna stick with it for a while
  12. rather large sigh... so how do i get a credit/refund so i can get another module instead of waiting another month or two or more for this?
  13. I get what you are saying, to be fair i dont care who makes what as long as they are there, and up to scratch, from what i have seen the 3rd parties are making some really good kit, and if i had the time and the skills i would also make some, but alas, i do not. if a 17 is on the way, it will open the doors for lanc's and halifax's, pe-8's and 29's etc, because we are going to need some heavies to down when the fighters come along
  14. Thanks, Blackjack, is gimp any good?
  15. i have a rift touch, cv1 i think. No facebook, and it works just fine.
  16. Does anyone know if one has been sorted yet? Thanks
  17. yeah, maybe, but only for those who don't understand what "early release" means oh no its not, its DCS, the best combat flight "simulator" ever and i have flown a few
  18. It never ceases to amaze me how when someone makes a suggestion for an addition to a sim, there are those who always try to shoot it down(pardon the pun). Its like the age old bots in a fps argument..... If you dont like it, dont buy it, but dont take away the "choice". Multi engine bombers are a must for a WW2 sim. Sure they take time and effort to build, but when one observes the immensity of work involved with A/C such as the A-10 or Apache for example with all their high tech sub systems and weapons, creating a WW2 bomber without all the modern tech would "seem" a much easier project. And once one was completed would open the door for other greats like the Lancaster, Halifax, PE-8, Do-17 etc. DCS has so much potential to simulate all theatres (including WW1) nothing else out there even comes close. Bring on the heavies, i would buy them all
  19. Nothing like the community to test in early release to reveal bugs
  20. Me too chap, what with all this covid an all...
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