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About -_Cuervo_-

  • Birthday 05/19/1982

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  • Flight Simulators
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    Gamming - Bike - Guns
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  1. Based on CUBAN FAR (Fuerza Aerea Revolucionaria) Mi-35 Scheme https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3341103/ null
  2. Raf Coastal Command, BANFF Strike Wing, working dinamic bort numbers https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3329484/ nullnull nullnullnull
  3. Brief update, they are now available for download in the user files. There are four variants in total, two from Squadron 45 and two from 105. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3329439/
  4. This is my Mosquito for the competition, I still need to work some details (screws!!), and then upload it to the user files. RAF 45 Squadron based at Joari - India null Dynamic numbers, pre-set with the reference aircraft number in the arguments Custom Fuel tanks, Prop Blades... Taking into account that they have the same paint base, I will add two variants, from Squadron 45 (1945), an early one with white and blue roundels (they were painted like this to avoid confusion with the Japanese ones), a late one where the white was replaced by a light blue color, another variant is from Squadron 105 (1942) that has the roundel with yellow outline and fuselage serial numbers in red. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3329439/ nullnull
  5. I have the same problem, since the last update when trying to create any LUA from the Model Viewer the application crashes and closes.
  6. -_Cuervo_-


    nullCustom Skin, any chance to get the backseat enabled on the 339APAN?? in flight you can go to the back seat, but for flying with another pilot while doing aerobatics it would be great if it is enabled.
  7. Dude!!! thank you very much!!! you have helped me a lot, I had been breaking my head for a long time to see them, it works in the game, thank you very much!!!! null
  8. I have tried other names, but the only ones that load them in model viewer are the ones I used, I think I had tried the ones you sent me, I will check them anyway, thank you very much.
  9. No one has a clue on this?? any help to get my custom skins in the game??
  10. Hi! I have managed to create some Skins for the technicals, I get to see them in Model Viewer, but they do not appear in the game, I also noticed that in the liveries folder, each vehicle has 4 skins (fall, winter, summer, spring) but it seems not to load them either as an option to change Skins. I think that somehow the possibility of changing the Skins is blocked.
  11. I had the same problem, it was a skin that replaced the default F-16 skin in the saved games folder, you can delete it or edit the description file and delete the fuel tanks lines, that was my solution.
  12. Hi, I have updated the Skin with some details, mostly corrections and painting some screws, although this is an eternal task. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3321985/
  13. Based on Qatar AH-64 Apaches https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3321985/ My files https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/filter/user-is-MaximusRZ/apply/ Update on tail section, better references null
  14. It would be great to have more precise marks to aim the pieces, the degrees are marked every 5 degrees, maybe add a more precise numerical display of the aiming direction and elevation angle. Maybe as something more detailed to have a shooting calculator where to put the direction, distance and elevation difference between the artillery piece and the target zone, maybe even load the coordinates and elevation of the target to get the shooting data and even auto aiming. And improve the area damage of artillery and mortars in general. it is incredible that SA8 is intact. (2S19 Msta 152mm rounds!)
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