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Everything posted by dFlow

  1. thanks a lot! will check the crash advice from your signature! i hope i'll find a solution then :(
  2. Hi, I've recently updated my hardware and now encounter crashes of DCS everytime soon after any mission start can you tell me what is wrong using the attached logs? thank you! dcs.log-20200126-211203.zip
  3. since it is cold war - Our Hero ;)
  4. i thought there will come another version of the mig19 prior to the mig23 ? and i don't remember seeing any release date communicated by razbam - nevertheless hoping for a release at christmas 2020 ;)
  5. hm in this case: we need your postal address, and send you the money in an envelope :D
  6. i can't remember having such a high fee - or any fee ....:huh:
  7. If I could upvote, then exactly this, well said sir! Gesendet von meinem SNE-LX1 mit Tapatalk
  8. sorry, I meant it exactly this way ! ;)
  9. i understand people not wanting to click through the cockpits in order to get the systems running. but doing so you get to know the plane much better, you understand what is where and how it works. for me this is much more immersing than just hitting "start" anyhow, the best workaround in the meantime would be to put a hot plane onto the ground ;)
  10. Gentlemen! Next week is Christmas. I cannot tell and I cannot check if all of you flying on this server donated your share for this month. From my point of view it would be a great gift for our host - Alpenwolf - if he'd get some money for all his efforts! So please go and send money - you know it is invested in the right hands! ;)
  11. @Fred00: i really have no such issues you're facing - i am using a frontside usb3 port though (not on the graphics card) @golani79: for me the internal speakers weren't good enough - so i added those to my headset: i used the speaker-holder printed from this here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3615447 speaking of comfortability: this is a great addition to the headset and improves sound massively (depending on the speakers of course ;) )
  12. isn't it too classified still ?
  13. Actually no, all worked fine recently Gesendet von meinem SNE-LX1 mit Tapatalk
  14. you've lost another Airport?
  15. i wouldn't say you cut sales in half - i believe you gain more people investing money in DCS ;)
  16. I see it the exact same way. How can you really encourage people to fly in DCS with the current selection of free planes? Obviously people will fly the Su25, because its more capable ... unfortunately the FC3 level planes can't really give you an impression of what DCS is capable of. I have the exact situation that I want to show friends of mine this fascinating world of high fidelity flight, but i am unable except for gifting them planes or convincing them to buy one themselves - which is pointless. For me the arguments of yogiklatt are very much valid and should deserve our full community support!
  17. I can only support this request. lets broaden the field of pilots by making it easier to join DCS !
  18. which is perfectly fine of course! in my eyes the server should be supported and your efforts deserve some respect! lets pay the respect with some euros! i do my part and submit some money, i hope others will follow!!
  19. i have flown the mig yesterday, and the cockpit was fine do you have some custom cockpit in use or mods ?
  20. wrong forum my friend, razbam didn't do the viggen ;)
  21. I can confirm too, enabling aes works! This is great, thank you for your help! Gesendet von meinem SNE-LX1 mit Tapatalk
  22. great to hear! :thumbup:
  23. seems like i have to take a look again at how to use them without killing myself :D
  24. Now will be again a hard time for the server... Since the f16 will bind them for a time... At least I hope I am wrong and people will still fly the good old cold war machines Gesendet von meinem SNE-LX1 mit Tapatalk
  25. i am afraid not - since this thread has the same issues + analysis inside, without a solution since months! :( https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=242513&page=8
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