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Everything posted by Soma888

  1. Umart is pretty good with a decent range and good prices
  2. Got my shipping notice today. Will post when I set it up, hoping the activation code works after such a long wait.
  3. Good to know people are starting to receive them, mine still isn’t here. They sent me the below in an email on the 13th Jan. For the DCS and X-Plane 11 force-feedback effects, we are cooperating with the developers of SimShaker for Aviators. The integration is still under the development, but we hope to finish the support within the following weeks.
  4. Has anyone received theirs yet? I got a general email saying they should have them by late December.
  5. The scratches look over done - having said that I’ve never sat in a AV-8B. When I worked on Blackhawks I never saw anything that bad. Razbam can you make an option to turn them off?
  6. I had the original Thrustmaster pedal which are ok. These are definitely better as you would expect, given that they are roughly 4 times the price of the original ones. The action is nice and smooth with both rudder and toe brakes. They feel pretty solid however you may want to fix them to something as even though they are over 7kg in weight they do slide on carpet. I’ve only used them with the f-18 and they make taxiing etc easier. I used to have a hard time parking in the f-18, now I find it easy with these. They are also way more comfortable to use than my originals ones as your feet are more upright and your pushing not sliding the pedals. So far pretty happy with them.
  7. Shift + k from memory. Then use [ & ] to scroll through the pages. I think the F18 startup PDF etc are in the downloads section with instructions on where to put them.
  8. Cool thanks for the reply, guessing it’s something with my pc then :thumbup:
  9. Is anyone else having issues getting DCS to work after the latest update? I know is not the rig as Assetto Corsa works fine.
  10. Cool thanks for trying to help. I’ve only just gotten back into pc gaming. Edit: thanks :)
  11. Processor is a i7-8700K -12M Cache, 3.7GHZ, Task manager shows it’s running at 4.70 GHz.
  12. Used my odyssey for the first time tonight and I’m getting a micro stutter whenever I look around the f-18 cockpit. Never had this issue with my rift. The settings are the same as the ones I use for the rift except that I lowered the PID to 1 (was on 1.2). I also tried lowering it to 0.5 and I still got the stuttering. Task manager shows Im only using about 50%nof my cpu and gpu. Frame rates are around 30fps when sitting in the cockpit in imstant action > cold and dark. Any ideas on what it might be? I have the room light on so I don’t think it’s tracking and it works fine when I’m in the WMR portal. If I can’t fix it these will have to go back, which I’d prefer not to do as I like the better resolution. I have the latest Nvidia drivers (1080ti) and windows updates + the latest odyssey updates + latest DCS Open Beta version.
  13. I’m using this which is for hdmi to display port and the sound works on my tv or through my rift headset. Just change where you want the sound to come through via the little speaker icon on the windows taskbar. https://www.umart.com.au/Skymaster-Display-Port-to-HDMI-Cable-1-8m-M-M_29675G.html In my original post I put the wrong cable type e.g. DVI, sorry about that.
  14. I ended up going the HDMI to Dispaly cable as same issue. Works well, next time I’ll prob get a card with 2 HDMI.
  15. There’s a good read here from a pilot that has flown both the f-18 and the f-16. He talks about the difference in the AOA bracket (the E symbol) in the 4th paragraph. http://www.72ndvfw.org/forum/m/5688083/viewthread/20557312-f16-vs-f18-from-pilot-who-drives-both
  16. Support advised me that if you don’t have the aircraft you can’t purchase the module. So I’m guessing kagelcom would have the A-10C. Thanks for the info on where to find the campaign, I just purchased a few in the sale.
  17. Soma888

    Congrats ED

    +1 awesome work. Hornet is my favourite aircraft and this is just amazing. Every time I sit in the cockpit I can’t help but smile (using Occulus Rift).
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