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Everything posted by DieSaureGurke

  1. Nope no update on it's progress. I've honestly given up the hope for it lol
  2. Wurde auch schon von verschiedensten SMEs bestätigt das es extrem realistisch ist ^^
  3. MH60M/HH60G und MH47G währen die Luftfahrzeuge die ich mir noch am ehesten wünschen würde.
  4. We do not have a website at the moment. Our Discord is the primary way of communicating
  5. We have just opened recruitment of viper pilots living in the EU timezone. If you are interested feel free to checkout our discord
  6. We have now opened recruitment for our new UH-1H squadron. if you are interested, feel free to check out our discord
  7. Any chance you could disable the pure client needed ? I personally got loads of mods installed (Due to my wing etc) and it can be a bit painfull to install/deinstall them every time I want to join the SAR server.
  8. We are now also looking for people that want to be ATC, AWACS or JTAC/FAC/CCT. You don't need to now how to do it, we can teach you ^^
  9. Welcome to the 366th vFW. We try to fly with the highest realism possible in DCS. We fly the F16C Fighting Falcon, A10C Thunderbolt II and in the future the F15E Strike Eagle. Our Fighter Wing flies the following modules: 389th vFS flying the F16C (Recruitment closed) 391st vFS flying the F15E in the future (Recruitment closed) 428th vFS flying the A10C (Recruitment open) Our main map is the Nevada test and training range as we use that map for our training. Other maps will be used in deployments, mostly the PG and Syria. We train each friday 1800z (Summertime) | 1900z (wintertime) and attending min. 2x trainings each month is mandatory except real life gets in the way. Although, new pilots are required to fly more than that to complete their training If you are new to the squadron you will be in a 3 month "test" phase. If your attendance was high enough and we think that you are interested in our Wing you will be welcomed as a full member. During the "test" phase you will already start you IQT based on your individual skill you bring to the unit, therefore the IQT length can vary. Once you completed your IQT you will move on to the MQT in which you will learn how to employ your aircraft and it's weapon systems in combat. What we offer: -A realistic experience in which we find the most fun -Briefings and debriefings of every mission -Over 300 pages of training material with several hundreds more in the works -A chance to build up the squadron and act as a CO for one of our squadrons What we expect/what you need: -A mic. -Be motivated to fly with us. -The NTTR and either the A10 or F16. We are currently looking for experienced A10 and F16 drivers that can help us stand up our squadrons: -Be able to start-up, takeoff and land safely -Capable of using most/all A2G munitions and it's systems -Capable of using all A2A munitions and it's systems https://discord.gg/RrsSTN4n8c If you are interested just check out our discord
  10. Welcome to the 366th vFW. We try to fly with the highest realism possible in DCS. We fly the F16C Fighting Falcon, A10C Thunderbolt II, the UH-1H "Huey" and in the future the F15E Strike Eagle. Our Fighter Wing flies the following modules: 389th vFS flying the F16C (Recruitment closed) 391st vFS flying the F15E in the future (Recruitment closed) 428th vFS flying the A10C (Recruitment closed) 1st vCCT using combined arms and LotATC (Recruitment closed) 66th vRSQ flying the UH-1H (Recruitment closed) We, the 366th vFW are currently flying the F16C, A10C II and UH-1H in the most realistic way possible within DCS. We are mainly operating on the NTTR map with deployments to Syria, the PG and Guam planned. Our main training is Fridays at 1800z
  11. Welcome to the 366th vFW. A newly formed Unit We try to fly with the highest realism possible in DCS. We fly the F16C Fighting Falcon, A10C Thunderbolt II and in the future the F15E Strike Eagle. Our Fighter Wing flies the following modules: 389th vFS flying the F16C (Recruitment closed) 391st vFS flying the F15E in the future (Recruitment closed) 428th vFS flying the A10C (Recruitment closed) 1st vCCT (AWACS/JTAC/ATC) using Combined Arms and LotATC (Recruitment closed) 66th vRQS flying the UH-1H (Recruitment open) Our main map is the Nevada test and training range as we use that map for our training. Other maps will be used in deployments, mostly the PG and Syria. We train each friday 1800z (Summertime) | 1900z (wintertime) and attending min. 2x trainings each month is mandatory except real life gets in the way. Although, new pilots are required to fly more than that to complete their training. After you join you will start your IQT phase in which you will learn the very basic employment of the airframe you have choosen. The length of the IQT depends on the experience you brought to the vWing. Once you completed your IQT you will move on to the MQT in which you will learn how to employ your aircraft and it's weapon systems in combat. What we offer: -Over 400 Pages of self written training material -A realistic and immersive experience - IPs with a lot of experience to help you in your airframe What we expect: -A working microphone -Motiviation to fly with us and repeat the learned content on your own -The NTTR map What we are looking for: -UH-1H drivers with some experience -Willingness to help https://discord.gg/RrsSTN4n8c
  12. Yeah but currently there is no need for it, that's why I would welcome the BAK-12
  13. I would love to see the BAK-12 together with functional tailhooks in the Viper and F15 :)
  14. It work's now, I've reinstalled Blender ^^ Now I need to figure out why my object is not showing up in the model viewer but I guess that's because I made a mistake somewhere (1st time using Blender :) )
  15. I got a problem: I download the .zip file and installed it in Blender, it even says that it installed that addon, BUT it does not show up in the addon list and I can't export anythin to EDM. Anyone got an idea why ?
  16. Moin, das ist ein Problem von DCS selber. Da kannst du wenig dran machen. Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass es bei manchen Flugzeugen mehr und bei manchen weniger Ungenauigkeiten im Replay gibt. Tacview hat dieses Problem nicht
  17. Auch für mich. Meine gesamte Staffel hatte beim Training Probleme
  18. Ich glaube dein größtes Problem ist die Zeit. Geschwader haben halt eigentlich 99% Einen oder mehrere Tage an denen sie Training haben. Wenn man da nicht kann bzw nur kurz vorher zu- oder absagen kann ist das meistens schwierig
  19. I've gotten it to fire just by setting the ROE to open fire and engage aircraft ticked on. I was hoping it would do no effect to the airplane just like irl.
  20. Ich dachte mir ich bring mal wieder etwas leben in dieses Thread ^^
  21. Can we actually fire the DGTR-18 yet ?
  22. DieSaureGurke


    The F15E got a license from ED
  23. Vielleicht kannst du mal die Mission schicken. Dann kann ich auch mal testen ob es nur bei dir ist. Bei mir ist es jedenfalls nicht so. Könnte ja irgendwie auch an der Mission liegen.
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