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Everything posted by FoxAlfa

  1. It has been stated that lethal radius of the SA-2 at higher altitudes is up to 250 m (~800ft). Big kill radius was a requitement due to lower accuracy.
  2. All including WP could use ER and ET both based on the Pilot testimony and flight manual data.
  3. All the discussion I see on P and wild uses cases. It is a straight forward missile and there is a single use case it makes sense and a gap it covered not covered by R and T. R being noisy RWR triggering all aspect and requiring STT, T being silent rear aspect and no support needed, so only silent front aspect support free is missing. And there P comes in, it is basically counter STT/CW from front aspect. Take it as anti Aim-7 HARM. Guidance there is not a problem if it can guide one way it can do it the other way as well. and Aim-7 was know to the soviets. Basically if you can do something that makes the target drop the lock/missile is quite useful in the late 80's time frame, if it kills it is a bonus if it happens. until Fox 3s and TWS launchers few years latter made it obsolete... thus no wide adoption or real world use latter... So if you are going to add it... make it guide toward AIM-7 CW and that is all.
  4. I think he was asking more as hotkey? It is there in the menu, but a key shortcut since it is used in the more 'fast' part of the flight.
  5. He didn't, you would get PR at black, but the missile would hit at red since the target is moving away
  6. Can we get this for fighter speed 900 kmh and target speed 700 kmh... since know ТР charts are for those speeds? And 1100 kmh and 900 kmh target?
  7. Can some one check tavarish palkovnik R-27ER vs DCS one? Unfortunately due a personal dipper wearing issue crawling around the house, I am not able
  8. Unfortunately, helmets can not be banned, since even dough not initial set, players can always ask ground crew to load them...
  9. АП Mark should remain when jamming target is locked in stt, currently it is there in search mode if there is active jamming but disappears when you lock the target. It is important for it to remain since it gives clear indication if you can employ R-27Rs in HOJ mode. You should be able to receive jamming angles even when radar is not emitting, for the same employment
  10. For the Multiplayer environment ability to have preferance "Highest priority" target by closing speed and distance over just nearest would be more beneficial. Per example a 1.5 mach closing speed at 40 km target is way more important than 1.5 mach cold target at 35 km
  11. Are we even sure R-27P is for Air targets primary? It may just be anti-SAM self-protection modification of the A to A missile... a kin to the AGM-122 or in a way AGM-45
  12. I do, since along weapon integration a platform usually gets a lot of other changes and workflows, so here by adding new weapons you are basically making a Frankenstein without any RL equivalent and reducing the quality of the simulation by making a fantasy platform.
  13. 1. As far as I recall (I am currently on vacation so can check the docs), the lock isn't dropped once 120 is reached, its just the indication start to become 'unreliable' and less accurate, and of course it is 'less' stable lock. So no 'insta-death' but 'you better fix this fast' thing. 3. This is incorrect, since multiple manuals instruct the pilot to require the target if lock is lost, or even point the jet toward the target in Search mode at close range since CW is emitted for 60 sec regardless of the status of track. (Sorry if I lost something in the translation)
  14. Fighting anything without Aim-9X and JHMCS with R-73's on the 80's servers is easy mode in Fulcrum
  15. Yes, which leads that if they changed all that, why keep the launch procedure exactly the same? And lets assume they did... it would mean they are not able to send DL to the missile flying to the 2nd target which we know S is capable of doing, due to the specifics of the R-27R datalink and STT. That would in turn mean they are using other ways of sending the datalink to the 2nd target missile, then again why turn-on the R-27R CW since we know it is not turned on launch of any other missile, so it is not a must. All in all, if the same procedure was used as for R-27R, two target firing wouldn't be possible. I know that due to current DCS module composition R-77 isn't a priority missile or in any focus, but please reconsider this since it feels like a needless carry over from the past.
  16. As well what Blackpixxel said, the R-27R waveform is known as has its limitations, if used for R-77 it would mean that you can just slap on R-77 on any 9.12 and it would function, which we know it is not the case.
  17. This happens exclusive only on R-27R launch, not on other missiles. Are we sure that it would be forced ON on R-77 launch?
  18. Fox Mig-29
  19. For the documents, there are books that give information per example: https://www.amazon.com/MIG-29-Flight-Schiffer-Military-History/dp/0764313894 and others... ISBN number and Library of Congress number and all... so you make MiG-29ED according to that book, and not any document. I don't think virtual pilots would be disappointed
  20. What is lacking and needs improvement in DCS, isn't that you can destroy the plane by over G, Its that plane should give way more feedback both visual, tactile and audio that you are doing that.
  21. Have ALL F-15 or large amount done 12.5g and survived? No, because Good pilots Don't do that because people who actually DESIGNED the plane told them not to do that since it will DAMAGE the plane! And there are plenty exemples of planes being damaged from over G. Pushing any aircraft beyond its design limits that far no matter the reason, is BAD airmanship and having surived is just as much luck as anything else. As such represent a very small set of case that can't be used as rule. All in all in DCS you CAN do 12G, under almost all circumstances. You literally have to full Drop tanks and go very fast, and pull 10-11+ G to brake your wings in Eagle C, and sorry but that is on 100% on the pilot.
  22. I can clear mind say people die in car crashes, and it is exactly and equally correct as statement people survive car crashes until later you factor in all other factors and conditions, and that was exact point. Eagle C in DCS can do 12.5G all day if you don't try it with stupid weights. Weights like of 100% fuel and 4 120 4 aim7 have no issue at 13g in DCS. Also you can't make a DM model based on one time events with lot of pulp and apply it to ALL scenarios. But you can guesstimate based on the aircraft manual and limitations... and DCS F-15c can do 12.5g on any weight it is rated at 9g in the manual. On higher weights were its rated, lower, per exemple 7.5g or so, it can't and I find that quite fair.
  23. Its like saying you can survive a car crash cause a people survived it ... yes, you can, but there are way more other determining factors that don't allow for making such a blanket statement.
  24. Time stamped... you are welcome!
  25. If I am not mistaking burn times seam to correspond to the ones, we are having in DCS currently, not sure about the impulse and weight. @Маэстрo or @Chizh,maybe can give input.
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