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  1. I'm also having luck with the Stennis' datalink on 302.1. And that's how I got my information; it's possible (probable even) that it's varying by server.
  2. In stock Mission Editor where you just plop an E-2 down, it's 315.3; your mileage may vary. Godspeed, I died many times to bring you this information.
  3. Woodford

    HARM 88

    Wags specifically said that GBUs would require off-board designation initially. Similar to the AGM-65-E's. But the munition itself is functioning properly.
  4. A brief Internetting story... Me, about to post this question: "Is there a way to split which radio goes in which ear?" Me, hesitating: I should check settings in SRS. Me, having checked settings in SRS: "Holy shit guys, you can designate channels to different ears."
  5. If both engines are up and running correctly, the APU should have shut off long before you get airborne. On a hot start, for example, the APU is off on initial load. If it's happening *extremely* quickly (say, before you can even get the right engine spooled up), you're out of fuel. Some servers start aircraft at bone dry.
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