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About Admiral189

  • Birthday 12/08/1967

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, Farming Simulator 2019 and Call Of Duty Wildlands.
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  • Interests
    Gaming, 3D Modeling and Animation
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  1. Hello Everyone, thanks for everything. I'm paying more attention to my health now. I can't afford to get sick over the next few weeks. The ball has started rolling towards my back surgery. I had my Surgery pre-admission call today. I've had Surgery before but not like this. There's a lot of preparation prior to my procedure. It's kind of scary but i need to stay positive. I'm looking for to the end result. Pain Relief. I have been working in the background on The Horizon Class Frigates and Destroyers. It's weird because the Andrea Doria is considered a Destroyer but the Forbin is considered a Frigate but both ships have the same hull types. Andrea Doria has a livery but i created two separate models for the Forbin and the Chevalier Paul because their Miniguns are different. Thanks to Beldin for working on the weapons for each vessel. The 76 mm guns on the Horizon Classes are blazing. -- I put the Andrea Doria, Forbin and Chevalier up against the Admiral Gorskov and two Admiral Uskakov and they managed to take out all three ships. It was at close range so i think that played a big part of the defeat. We're ironing out some small issues but they will done soon. Sorry it has taken so long but i think all of you can understand why. Thanks for your patience. It's coming along. One AI Mod Ship at a time. Stay Tuned.
  2. Hello everyone. I hope you all are doing well. Life got in the way modeling so it has been slow. That's just the way life is sometimes. We all have good days and bad days. Anyway, I picked back up the other day on the Horizon Class. I will start working on the Forbin Class now. Andrea Doria is about 95% complete. It should be an easy transition over to the Forbin Clas. As mentioned both have the same weapons with the exception of the Aft 76 mm on the Forbin and her Miniguns are different. I think it's already been mentioned that someone is working on the Type 21. I also thought about adding a County Class Destroyer to the mix, but we'll see. I don't want to put too much on my plate at once. Yann59, the Virginia Class is already in DCS but it needs work. I have a model of the Longbeach as well they will be released hopefully sometime this year. For those of you who are new to the Forum. Thanks for stopping by. I'm a one-man shipyard who creates AI Ship mods for DCS. Because of that, it takes a lot of time to create the AI Ship models for DCS. The challenge is to create a model that doesn't get broken by ED updates but the biggest challenge is my health. Most of you know what that is. My current Plan for AI ship mods is to finish the Horizon Class and Paolo Thaon Di Revel Italian and French ships. Afterward, I will work on all the Amphibious ships, including the US, UK, and Royal Netherlands. That will also include the small landing craft. US Navy's LCU and LCM. Not sure what will follow after the Amphibs. Just note that it's a good amount of ships included in the ARGs. It will take some time to complete. My thoughts are working on the Older WWII ships after the ARGs but we'll see. Thank you all for your patience. Stay Tuned.
  3. Well, folks I watched DCS Worlds 2025 and Beyond video and I didn't see any ship mods for us Mariners as always. I guess we will have to make our own 2025 Beyond models. Stay tuned!
  4. Good Morning Everyone! You're welcome Buur, it was a simple fix. You all should see better FPS results when landing on the Allure of the Seas Cruise Ship. Hey Beldin the Cavour has a full load. Nice photos. Is that a Corvette on deck? Maybe that's the Captain's car. Thanks McFly29 for the SeaCeptor update. I think Beldin may have found the reason why the missiles dance like that. Credit goes to you McFly for fixing the missile issue. Thanks again. As promised i've released the updated Allure of the Seas Cruise ship. FPS lag and bow wake has been corrected. Enjoy
  5. Hi Guys, the Allure of the Seas FPS issue has been resolved. I will release an update tomorrow. Monday, Jan 13th. I also centered it so the bow wake has been corrected as well. On that note I have some Civil vessels I'm working on in the background. One of them is shown below. Small Trawler.
  6. Happy Sunday everyone. Sorry, i haven't been monitoring the Forum. I've been working on the Horizon Class. I have been cleared for back surgery. Just waiting for it to be scheduled. --Until then I will try to catch up on some old mod fixes. Western JPN, thanks for the error update. I will add it to my work list. I wasn't aware of that issue. Hey Buur, that is a collision model issue. I will alter it so you don’t have to deal with that lag. Thanks for letting me know. Thanks, Roobarbjapan, Thanks, it’s never too late. Wishing you a wonderful New Year as well. Great photos Beldin you will have a couple more Warships to add to the Italian and French Fleet soon. Hey Triton08, I will be working on all the Amphib ships after I finish the Horizon Class Destroyers which includes the USS America. Also, I have 2-3 more big decks to create so I’m hoping by summer you will have plenty of ships to spawn on. Hey McFly29 please share the fix if you have it. I can upload an update as well on my site. Honestly, this is the first I’ve heard of it. – Thanks McFly29, yes I rest when I can. Sometimes I’m forced to rest because of my P81n but I’m careful not to push myself too much. Horizon class update. The Andrea Doria is 80% complete. I need to completely redo the textures but that’s easy. All the weapons work as they should at the moment although they still need to be tweaked. Once I finish the ITS Andrea Doria D553. I will import/merge all her weapons onto the Forbin Class. Below is a snapshot. Lots more work to do. I was going to hold off on showing her until I finish but at least you can see she is operational somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Stay tuned everyone and thanks for your interest in my DCS AI Ship mods.
  7. Good Afternoon everyone and Happy New Year to you all once again. I hope you're doing well. Thanks, Guys, for the well wishes. I will just call it and say my health will improve this year. Keeping a positive attitude towards life is very important when dealing with health issues and having a loving family makes it all worthwhile. That's a great photo Ggrewe! It fits perfectly with the background. Hey Yann59. if you can find a good detailed 3d model of the Kiev carrier I can look at adding it to my work list but I have to mention it may be some time before I can get to any new additions. Unfortunately, I don't have the talent to create Fighter Jets. I can but it's a lot of work. I do have a Military helicopter I will be working on though. Thanks. I have started the New Year off working on the Horizon Frigates. As you can see below I've already started arming the Andrea Doria. Forbin weapons are slightly different. It has one less 76mm Main gun. I didn't realize but these guys have a lot of weapons. 48 Missile cells holding Aster 15 & 39 Surface to Air Missiles. I have to animate the missile hatches with the low brown texture. Stay Tuned. More AI Ship mods coming.
  8. Happy New Year to those of you who have observed the New Year. 2025. It's 1700 Eastern time here in the US. We still have 7 more hours. Wishing you all a prosperous and healthy New Year. Thanks, Tromp, I'm hanging on the best I can. I received some back pain relief yesterday from an Injection. I'm very happy it worked this time. It's still too early to know how much relief I received but I'm feeling ok so far. Thanks, Ieantom, I try my best to bring you all AI Ship mods you can play with in DCS. I'm not perfect at creating mods but I try. Trying is half the batter. DJ0GOO77, I just updated to DCS Version and I tested the Cavour, and FREEM frigates to see if the Aster Missiles were affected but as you can see below the missiles are launching at the targets as they should. I survived another ED update with no issues. There are still more mods to test though.
  9. Everyone I've updated Project 956 Admiral Ushakov 1.0.2 SA-N-7A.Lua missile specs. Note, that all 3d missiles for the Project 956 Admiral Ushakov destroyer are ED's 3D missiles. Thanks, Patpatpowercat.
  10. Pat, I just did some quick research on the SA-N-7 Gadfly missile. It's a naval version of the SA-11 Gadfly (Buk-1m) land-based surface-to-air missile system. --Max Range 55.6. It's designated as 9M38i which is what I used from EDs Inventory. Also, the missiles are the same. I don't see any difference between ED's missile below and the original. I will continue using ED's missile but I will update the missile specs. Update coming.
  11. You all are welcome. Thanks. Pat, I don't have a 3d model of the SA-N-7 Gadfly missile. So I used what I could find which is EDs missile the SA-11. If you can find a 3d model of the SA-N-7 3d model I would gladly add it to the model but I will adjust the missile range. I'm not sure where I found those parameters. Thanks.
  12. Hello Spikerf22, I've created new 3d models of the USS Bowen, Kidd, and also the Spruance Class. They will be released hopefully early next year. So please standby for them. Thanks, Toan, nice fleet you have there. It's good to see you all enjoying the mods. It shows me most of you are still interested in them. Patpatpowercat, yes, after I finish the Horizon Class mods I will be backtracking to all the Amphib mods to include the USS Oak Hill, San Antonio, USS America, and Landing craft to go along with them. The LCU, LCM-8, and the LCAC. Everyone I have released the updated version of the ITS Cavour Carrier version 1.0.1 -I re-added the Aft Missile Launcher Missile Cell Hatch. It was there but it was folded downward. -I repainted the ITS Cavour Hull name letters. -I also added a little eye candy on the Flighdeck of the ITS Cavour. Fire Hoses, Hose Reels, and Fire Extinguishers. *** I'm still working on the Thaon Di revel Class Frigate. I will go through and remove all the mods I plan to update. Thanks, everyone for your patience.
  13. Thanks, guys, those a beautiful photos. Rusty Gunner, you answered my question. I was wondering if the lighting was enough or not. I wanted to create more spotlights but they tend to leave a big glare on the water in DCS. I did however notice the Tarawa deck lights are pretty bright and leave a big glare as well on the water. I think it's something we can't avoid. Toan and Beldin have the weight parameters figured out. I do see the F-35 Take off vertically when she doesn't have weapons and take off using the ramp when she is fully loaded. I hope you all had a wonderful X-Mas and enjoyed some great food. I wish you all great health going into the New Year. Thanks, Rusty, I'm looking forward to getting some pain relief in the New Year. I'm taking it one day at a time.
  14. Great looking model SirFlounder, as Beldin mentioned I have a copy of the Nansen Class, the De Zeven Provincen class as well as the HNLMS Rotterdam L800. I will review what you created and send you my thoughts via private message. You are the only one I know who has created a 3d model from the ground up. Great job SirFlounder.
  15. Thanks, HighMaintenance, you have great eyes. I didn't notice it. Done, I replaced the ghost cell. The Cavour name is an Object. I will remove it and apply a separate texture to it. Noted. Thanks for the feedback. Same to you buddy. Update coming everyone.
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