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  1. Well, I guess I could go start learning the Strike Eagle...
  2. When I paid closer attention to how I actually use the Hind trim, I see that I hold in the trim for coarse attitude changes, but in hover, I see I also tend to quick-click, after tiny corrections. I also don't hesitate to use the "other" trim, on the directional hat, to tune it as necessary. At some point, its just whatever works to get the precision you need.
  3. When its flown like it is supposed to be flown, the Ka-50 trim works just like the Hind: The trim button will reset the autopilot, and you need to hold the trim button down while establishing a new attitude. The Shark will jolt and jump just like the Hind, if the pilot doesn't hold in the trim. However, he is referring to "Flight Director Mode", which is more just a three axis damping system to the pilot inputs, not full on autopilot. When in this particular mode, the trim button will act exactly like it does on a Huey, or the Mi-8, so you can just click it once, and it will lock the stick. In a game, we can fly it however we want, but I've read that in real life, that isn't a standard operating mode. As for me, I've just gotten used to holding the trim button down on both the Shark and the Hind, but it will mess me up a little bit after flying the Mi-8 or Huey, most especially when going into a hover.
  4. The only slider I see on the Options page is labelled "External Field of View". I can't find any others (although I might be blind). Its been a long time since I manipulated my views, like years, so whenever that was added I didn't notice. I had played around with it earlier today, and it seemed only to influence the F2, externals, so if there is more to it, that is good to know. I'll have to mess around with it. If that slider works to set a particular value in the Snapview.lua, that will be good for future aircraft. I guess, for existing aircraft with existing custom views, one would still have to load up every aircraft, and Save the view again, but at any rate, it looks like I've got it all sorted out, after lots of cutting and pasting, lol. Thanks, SharpeXB.
  5. The problem has been explained over and over again, and I really don't know how to explain it further. The new 'viewAngleVertical' parameter screwed up the existing Snapviews, and apparently the only way to restore the custom default views, are to do them over again, completely from scratch. That's a lot of time. I just want my existing default cockpit view back. And Yes, that new parameter should have populated automatically, based on the existing value for horizontal field of view. I assume that value should be proportional to screen aspect ratio. So I either need to go in and populate them manually in the Snapview.lua, or I have to load up every single aircraft and try to recreate what I had, and hit Alt Num0. I didn't even know there was a "FOV slider" now in the settings....How long has that been there? hmm. In fact I don't even know what your talking about. edit: Duh, I call those "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out", and didn't know what you meant when you said "FOV slider", disregard. [13] = {--default view viewAngle = 110.200706,--FOV viewAngleVertical= 61.932899,--VFOV hAngle = 0.000000, vAngle = -9.500000, x_trans = 0.113927, y_trans = -0.004946, z_trans = 0.000000, rollAngle = 0.000000, cockpit_version = 0, So, here are my results doing the same... Like I said, I have a 21:9 aspect ratio. So 110 degrees across, and 62 degrees high? Funny that it gives me degree proportions for a 16:9 monitor. Guess I'll just have to stick in the correct value for all planes, like 47 deg because that would be the correct proportions for 21:9. But honestly, I'm not even sure the parameter is being used. I'll have to just look and see if it even matters. UPDATE: Changing that viewAngleVertical to reflect a 21:9 aspect ratio didn't give me the results I expected. Therefore, I'm just going to let the calculated value of 61.9 deg stand as is. Those dimensions don't quite make sense, but nothing ends up being visually squished, and I am able to recreate my old default cockpit views more or less, so those dimensions are the ones I'm going to use. Pasting it in to every section [13] for every airplane is a pain, but not even close to as time consuming as it would be to load up all the planes and redoing all the angles and zooms from scratch with the view controls and Alt Num0! It would have been a lot more convenient if the existing Snapview.lua had been updated automatically to reflect the new parameter, without requiring any action on the customer part to retain their existing custom view angles and zoom.
  6. Thats a really good question, and it just made me rethink my method. In the game, with that one plane, I zoomed in until I had about a 110 deg horizontal angle. The resultant VFOV in Snapview.lua was about 62 degrees. What is 110/62? That is a ~16:9 ratio. So if you are doing it the way I did it, letting the game calculate it, that seems to work out as expected. In my case though, I have a 21:9 monitor, but it calculated 62 deg, (not ~47), so now that you mention it, my VFOV numbers must be wrong. Its simple math, but, if I'm making a dumb error, I hope somebody corrects me. I never actually flew today, and it makes me wonder if when I do, objects will appear squashed on my screen. The cockpits looked just fine. Is the new VFOV even being used? This needs to be addressed, like soon.......Customers shouldn't have to be d*cking around with this kind of nonsense, just to get their sim back to where it was a few weeks ago. Why in the world the view system couldn't have just remained the way it worked for the last decade, who knows..... I think for New Year's Eve, I'll just play something else...
  7. As was noted in another, much older thread, the problem has everything to do with the new 'viewAngleVertical' parameter that got added at some point. It defaults to 0 for every aircraft, and this apparently causes the game to basically ignore all the custom view settings. It was broken before, but there was previously a workaround which apparently stopped working. To fix this problem, I had to first recreate my default view/horizontal FOV in one plane with the ingame controls and Alt Num0, using an old screenshot as reference. Once I got that set in the Snapview file for one aircraft, I just took the Horizontal Field of View (close, but not exact to what I had before), and the new Vertical Field of View (the game calculated it, I guess based on my screen aspect ratio and in-game zoom?), I just manually pasted that into section [13] for every single airplane. Fortunately, I prefer the same default FOV for almost every airplane, so that method was viable. None of the angles were changed, so I've basically restored all my custom view settings, with the FOVs within a degree of where they were before. It would have been hell if I had literally had to load every airplane up and recreate all of my cockpit views again by eye. I realize that this is an "open beta", but how something so fundamental to the viewing system can actually slip through and get published baffles me. I was going to fly today, after an extended break, but instead I spent the afternoon looking for a solution, and fooling around with text files..... edit--The good news is that once you get that sorted out, everything works as it apparently should. No "Right Control + Num0" workaround required.
  8. Well, yes...I think most people would agree that they should fix bugs.
  9. Just got bitten by this bug, for the first time tonight, after not playing DCS for a few weeks. Sucked when I realized that the "Zoom Normal" control, to take me back to my default zoom didn't work, and I really do like my custom zoom level. I noticed in multicrew aircraft that switching to the "second seat" and resetting to default zoom worked, and then it would work when you switched back to the main cockpit. In single pilot aircraft, there is nothing to switch to, and the Zoom Normal control just doesn't work.
  10. This isn't a question about aerodynamic traits. This is a systems question about how the cyclic trim interacts with the Autopilot. Either the cyclic trim is supposed to work as a single click at the desired attitude, like the Mi-8, or else, you're supposed to hold the trim in while you are changing from your present attitude to your desired one like the in the Shark. Right now, a quick click on/click off of trim, as you would do in the Mi-8, interacts with the autopilot enough to cause an annoying oscillation. This is a fact. The only way to properly trim the Hind at present is to operate the trim exactly like you would in the Shark, which is surprising to a lot of us, because in the absence of any other information, one would naturally assume that it would behave more like the Mi-8. That assumption could be wrong, and obviously if that's how it operates in real life, then so it shall be, but I haven't read anything thus far that provides an answer to how it is supposed to work.
  11. Same here. By comparison, clicking the trim button in the Mi-8 doesn't temporarily disable the yaw and pitch channels, so you click it once, the virtual stick gets centered in the new position, and it stays there, just as if you were holding it manually. No attitude changes after button release. From what I can tell, in the Mi-8 there is no interaction between the trim and the autopilot at all, and if you want to change what the ap is biased for, you have to turn the knobs. In the Mi-24, its temporarily disabling the ap channels, even if just for a split second, and as soon as they come back on, they screw up the trim you just thought you had set. Different behavior than what we see in Mi-8. Maybe the real life helicopters are just different in that regard, but If they are supposed to trim the same, then one of them is definitely modelled wrong. I really wish somebody that actually knew could give an answer to this question: Do you need to depress and hold the trim button in the real Hind, or not? Seems like a simple question with a simple answer!
  12. Ok, so I've done like everyone else and started disconnecting and re-plugging controllers. Succesful load! What I'm seeing here is that there appears to now be a hard limit on the number of controller devices. More than 6 devices appears to be the problem. On my end, it doesn't matter which controllers are connected, even the virtual device, just that 7 or more will cause it to hang at the loading screen. Great job, Flappie, and everyone else zeroing in on things like this! Should we just wait for a hotfix now?
  13. CCP stands for Custom Control Panel, and it is an Ipad App that creates a virtual touchscreen controller for the PC. In the meantime, I'll see what happens when I start disconnecting things.
  14. Here are the relavent lines. I think we have exactly the same file. I deleted the file, cleaned and repaired to rebuild the file. Same file as before, same log, still hanging on load.
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