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Everything posted by TheSauvaaage

  1. Ich gehe davon aus, dass du den Marker/Diamant nicht mehr auf dem Bodenziel haben möchtest? Dann "undesignate (air)/NWS Hi Lo"
  2. Ich denke er redet von Chaff und Flares :) @ Viking Ich kann mich auch nie richtig entscheiden... Die 18 fliegt sich deutlich leichter, kurioserweise kann ich die 14 viel leichter landen :doh: Meistens läuft es so: - für Bodenziele die Hornet - für CAP, Intercept, Escort u.Ä. die Tomcat
  3. Die stören nur beim Tippen. Für Keyboard commands in DCS stellen sie kein Problem da ;) Der Vorteil beim Klett ist, dass ich alles in wenigen Sekunden auseinandernehmen und verstauen kann. Das war die Idee ;) Und wer das ganze an einem Schreibtisch montiert, kann sich sogar das Kürzen der Rohre sparen. Der Preis von Monstertech war mir persönlich zu hoch, auch wenn er qualitativ sicher gerechtfertigt ist. Andererseits ist bei mir bisher noch nichts abgestürzt :)
  4. Sehr schade, dass sich im Bereich VR Optimierung so wenig tut. Ich werde den Schritt "zurück" zur Rift gehen.
  5. Ist das nicht der Hotas Thread? Dazu gehört auch die entsprechende Montage, wenn man nicht völlig lahm links und rechts vom Keyboard steuern will.
  6. Ich hab den Kauf des Warthog nur empfehlen. Hab ihn gebraucht gekauft und es noch keinen Tag bereut. Würde ihn sofort wieder kaufen. Dazu habe ich bei Amazon zwei "Haftek HF27DB" Tischhalterungen für Monitore gekauft, das lange Rohr auf entsprechende Länge gesägt, und das HOTAS mit starkem doppelseitigem Klett an vier Punkten befestigt. Kosten für die HOTAS Montage keine 60 Euro, hält bombenfest und ist auch noch flexibel. Hier noch Fotos: (sorry, zwischenzeitlich Pune richtigen Schreibtisch. Klappt trotzdem :D )
  7. Habe heute einen Tag lang die Odyssey+ genutzt und war mehr mit setup und tweaks beschäftigt als mit Fliegen. Ich bekomme keine ordentliche performance im Vergleich zur Rift. Egal was ich einstelle, sobald ich das Flugzeug rolle, hab ich böses ghosting und fps Einbrüche. System: Ryzen 2600 Gtx 1080 32gb RAM SSD Kein Highend, aber es sollte schon besser laufen. Davon abgesehen ist Unterschied beim Instrumente ablesen kaum besser. Deutlich besser ist um es andere Flugzeuge oder Bodenziele zu spotten. Ich überlege sie wieder zu verkaufen, den ganz ehrlich, ich denke wir werden nie ein VR optimiertes DCS bekommen. Die Umstellung auf Vulkan hören wir doch schon ewig...
  8. How do I know when the target is lased? And once it is, I still have to visually designate it via HUD? I dont get the point here... That is cool! I have to set it in ME I guess? From RIO seat only?
  9. As a ST point for steering, yes. But you can basically do that yourself by gathering the coordinates from the mission planner. If JTAC is mentioned, I assume I can enter the designation code into the consol and receive a specific point in the HUD. Just like in the F-18 or Harrier. BUT if the F-14 is generally not capable of such operations, fine for me. :) I was just wondering what advantage I basically get from JTAC. It seems there is none or at least I can't think of any.
  10. okay so basically, the F-14 does not have JTAC capabilities? Because if I have to visually designate the target through the HUD, I dont't need JTAC at all...
  11. Okay, super noob question: If you have JTAC lasing a target, how do you get the target point on your HUD from the pilot seat and/or where is the Jester command to enter the code?
  12. Thank you! But dang, I should have mentioned I am using a Warthog HOTAS :)
  13. Do some of you fly the F-15 in VR and managed to adjust the controls so that you rarely have to use your keyboard?
  14. Yeah I would never hide the stick due to immersion and I am eagerly waiting for the pilot body to be implemented (or is it already?) But if you have no VR/TIR I can see it being really difficult to use the displays properly. On the other hand I can't imagine how people still don't have VR or TrackIR. I played DCS 1 hour before deciding that 2d is out and VR is a must. Nowadays I only open DCS without VR to set key bindings/controls on a new plane :)
  15. Hi there! I just watched GR's video on countermeasures: So I just wanted to ask, what are your "go to" settings for CM programming? What do you set to Auto/Man, what C/F intervall settings etc. Can you/do you let Jester handle all the CMs himself or not? What about Jammer/XMIT settings? I am a bit confused about the settings and which provide the best "general setting". Thank you!
  16. I can only speak from a VR point of view, but I never had issues with it Especially since you have a RIO/Jester to find you targets :) Still a nice update for monitor users :thumbup:
  17. Wow, that sounds nice! But does the DCE provide more or less "fly ready" mission? As he writes in his thread, it is a "ground work", so let's say a CAP or strike mission pops up next, do I have to create waypoints myself etc.? Further, as flyable airplanes get subtracted once they are destroyed, what happens once I have wasted all my F-14s/F-18s? Is there some kind of "reset"? Sorry for all the noob questions, I didn't tap into ME land and/or dynamic campaigns so far...
  18. Hi folks! Is there a CAP mission in the user file section with already designated/or maybe changeable waypoints? My thoughts are that you are on duty, flying one or two CAP missions per day (same or different route each time) with randomly spawning (or even not spawning) enemy aircrafts. I would like to have that for the F-14 and F-18... maybe I would just need to change the type in editor? But if there soemthing like as MP mission or happening on an MP server that would be fine, too. Bascially I want CAPs with random events :) Thank you!
  19. I can't help with your issues, but thanks for giving me great and painful memories about Ninja Gaiden :D:thumbup:
  20. Aaaaaah very nice! Thanks a lot! Makes my life much easier now :)
  21. So, these are are representation of RWR contacts with their respective bearings? It seem slike they are always yellow... Shouldn't they turn red if ID'ed as hostile?
  22. Hey ho! I am still a bit overwhelmed by the SA page. What are the yellow triangles? Or is there an overview for the SA symbology? Thx!
  23. Totally! I'd say that is what it basically makes the Tomcat "more difficult". When I first jumped into the Hornet, it was way easier to throw around and get decent results. The Cat requires much more attention to achieve the same. Agree. But I am not always able to keep it as the Cat, as far as I can control it at the moment, loses energy quickly when you are forced to tight turns. Learning learning learning... No worries, my flying abilities are godlike.... until I wake up :joystick: lol Uff, where to start? That's a long thread :D I didn't say the Tomcat is not agile. From what I have read and heard, it's primary purpose was to intercept at long range, thus the large tanks, powerful engines and Phoenix's. Makes sense to me. I never expected it to be a superior dogfighting module. As stated above, it just costs more energy and attention than a FBW jet like the Hornet to keep up with other planes like the 27 or F-15. My experience (so far!) is on par with OP, that is waaaaaaaaaay to hard to keep up in dogfight/close proximity UNLESS you master the Cat's behaviour, while the Hornet is way more forgiving on the Stick. Would anybody here say that the F-14 is SUPERIOR in dogfighting than the F-18, SU-27 and F-15?
  24. That's my point. Absolutely Yeah, I did. F-15, SU-27, Harrier, F-18, F-14 in that order. Master of none. Why should your sentence be offensive? It is totally okay to not have flown all models if they don't interest you. I couldn't care less about the F-5, but I am still willing to learn the F-14. You adapt, isn't it? I am doing this for fun, not to pay the rent :)
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