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    DCS A10C
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  1. getting same issue logging into MT server and the slot interface hangs with blue circle completely unresponsive or usable removed super carrier module it is now working
  2. mission 1 way points dont match the f10 flight path?
  3. same bug add lat long and pressing entre jest says missing some numbers then the ui wont close if you press esc key the jester window does disappear but selecting resume it still stays open
  4. HI Please see attached log it happen when in CPG and using the TADS etc the apache always crashes... keen for some help dcs.log
  5. i have this issue CPG TADS selected set ACQ to GHS. look around and select slave crash mostly every time
  6. yes that's correct regarding the aircraft oscillates left and right. When in CPG and in FCR mode again i selected HMD and the game crashed. If it is not allowed fine but to cause the game to crash is not the best outcome. As for RF missiles loaded. when in CPG i cant go from SAL to RF. i need to go to pilot seat select RF via George then go back to CPG. cant you select RF when in CPG seat.?
  7. when selecting any of the tutorials the game is stuck on loading and freezes
  8. Hi Bignewy bug 1 see attached again in cpg seat fcr on missile selected CPG FCR control. scan single or continuous select HMD crash.. track file attached. Bug 2 Also another bug when in CPG and hover the bird is moving yawing left and right, move forward all ok only in hover. Bug 3 Auto elevation, is strange cant seem to have the option to go back to auto. Bug 4 Cant select RF missile when in cpg seat. stays on SAL need to go to pilot, select RF via helper, then go back to CPG and select RF.... Feature help? Is there a feature when in pilot seat get George to FCR scan focus on an area???? Also George keeps going on about laser armed, i think this is normal ??? -- DCSNZA TTI - Caucasus v2.4.9a.6 ---20231224-180143.rar
  9. when in CPG select FCR scan msl selected RF mode sight select HMD game will crash
  10. flying at 60km at 50m moved to cpg seat control wheel set to zero apache lost control fall to ground bug still there
  12. Cant select M to change and custom the Right MFD when in air Stuck on AA radar seems to only happen if you load AA weapons. stops you using agr
  13. same issue for mav screen tpg in f16 a10 fa18
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