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  1. @nibbylot - i'd be interested in working only external 3D model for this one but only if i had good blueprints, including cross-sections, else it would last longer and i'm limited in free time... If you need accurate blueprint for the side panels let me know, i found some on the internet.
  2. do you have any scale plans for the external model?
  3. Question Is animation based on Bones IK chain or IK Solvers (like HI Solver) supported by DCS?
  4. LanceR C camo
  5. I am considering getting it flyable. The cockpit, as it looks in the render above, is the one used for the external model. Making a flyable mod would mean a more detailed, 3D cockpit with high resolution textures. This one is generally based on textures with bump maps.
  6. just, what if...?
  7. Automan - sorry, no donation :) if anybody wants it i'm open to an offer... but no donation.
  8. not very obvious but many details finished already! the MF version
  9. MF too, at least the external model..
  10. texturing...
  11. FC3 level flyable, but for this i have to detail the cockpit.
  12. At the moment i'm focused on the LanceR. After i finish it i'm going to return at the F-16. After the F-16 i have some options between Mig-21 family or F-16 family or Orao. That's my wish list but the time i have to work on them is very restricted.
  13. Mig-21 LanceR, pics here: https://forums.eagle.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=164832&d=1498256615 https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=142426&page=4
  14. A step closer to the Mig-21 LanceR.
  15. There is a little confusion here about the modern versions of the Mig-21 and i want to clarify it... There were several modernisation packages made by different producers, all of them having nothing in common to each other. More exactly 3 different versions, 2 of them made by israelis and 1 by the russians. The israelis had the Lancers(derived from MFs and made by Elbit, implemented on romanian migs only) and the Mig-21 2000(derived from the Bis, made by IAI and not adopted by any air force in the world). The russians had the Mig-21-93, derived by the Bis and implemented on the indian migs under the name of Bison. Now, i'm not very sure if the Bison doesn't have some israeli pods too, from the IAI's mig-21 2000, but in proportion of 95% it is definitely russian's mig-21-93.
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