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Everything posted by barra733

  1. http://defense-update.com/wp/20110318_lvl_brownout.html
  2. I'm in the armed forces and am delpoying for a few months soon. I'm taking my laptop and was looking for advice on a good sim that can be played on a decent laptop (but with limited graphics card) and with a mouse only. Stratergy games bore me a bit and I'm leaning towards something like SteelBeasts (original) or T72. Any thoughts..?
  3. Not Yet.... AFAIK no-one has solved this yet. Theoretically I think that having your second monitor 'below' the primary screen should work but I've not tried this yet and it would also mean a lot of messing with the lua files to reposition the Shkval and Abris. I can live for a while with the stretched screen though - I'll just stick to day missions:thumbup:...
  4. Try opening your Windows control panel/game controllers/Saitek X52/properties and keep the window open. Open DCS BS and go to options , this will allow you to assign commands to a lot more of the X52's buttons - I'm not sure about the mode switch though. If this works you have to open the controller panel/properties etc everytime you open DCS BS though. This works for my X52 and gives me a lot more buttons to play with.
  5. Is there any way to either start a mission 'mid-mission', - say after waypoint X? Or is there a way to save your progress in a mission, then restart at that point again later on? I'm doing a mission with an hour of night flying before anything actually happens. Would love to be able to save just prior to the action, then when I inevitably die, start at that point again...:smilewink:
  6. A few months ago I messed about with the options lua's and the multi monitor set up to get BS running with a 10" touchscreen and a variant of TouchBuddy - TouchPal. It works but I get the message below everytime I load up BS. I'm running Vista 32 bit, BS 1.0.2. I click on ok and it goes away and the game runs fine but I would like to get rid of it. Any ideas what's causing this and if there's a soloution? Error: .\blackshark\modules\me_traceback.lua:110: bad argument #1 to 'member' (string expected, got no value) Stack traceback: ->stack: .\blackshark\modules\i18n.lua in line 213 in func: _ ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 194 in func: getMonitorProfiles ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 268 in func: ->stack: .\BlackShark\BlackShark.lua in line 234 in func: the following lines are from the lua's mentioned above: 213: local msg = gettext.translate(key) 194 dispName = _(env.name), 268: defaults.graphics.multiMonitorSetup.values = getMonitorProfiles(); 234: panel_options.loadOptions() The following is the whole of the me_traceback.lua: local base = _G module('me_traceback') --local winman = base.require('winman') local Modules = {} local Modules_By_Name = {}; interceptNames = {}; old_require = base.require; old_pairs = base.pairs; function stack() local t = ''; counter = 2; info = base.debug.getinfo(counter) while info do if (info.currentline ~= -1) and (not base.string.find(info.short_src, 'me_traceback')) then local fun = info.name or ''; local str = ' ->stack: ' .. info.short_src .. ' in line ' .. info.currentline .. ' in func: ' .. fun; base.print(str); t = t .. '\n' .. str; end; counter = counter + 1; info = base.debug.getinfo(counter) end; return t; end; function new_require(moduleName) if Modules_By_Name[moduleName] then -- ÷òî-òî óæå çàïèñàíî local empty = Modules_By_Name[moduleName]; --base.print('empty',empty); local module = base.rawget(empty, '__MODULE__') if not module then --base.U.stack(); module = base.package.loaded[moduleName]; --base.print('\t###cycling creating ', moduleName, module, empty); if base.type(module) == 'table' then base.rawset(empty, '__MODULE__', module); base.rawset(empty, '_NAME', module._NAME); base.rawset(empty, '_M', module._M); base.rawset(empty, '_PACKAGE', module._PACKAGE); base[moduleName] = empty; base.package.loaded[moduleName] = empty; Modules[empty] = module; else return module; end; end; --base.print('returning existing ', moduleName, 'real', module, 'empty', empty); return empty end; --base.print('new_require', moduleName); local empty = { __BLACKSHARK__ = true, __LOADED__ = false, }; local mtab = { __index = index, __newindex = newindex, }; base.setmetatable(empty, mtab); Modules_By_Name[moduleName] = empty; local module = old_require(moduleName); if 'table' == base.type(module) then if base.rawget(module,'__BLACKSHARK__') then return module; end; else return module; end; if not base.rawget(Modules_By_Name[moduleName], '__MODULE__') then --base.print('\tordinary creating ', moduleName); base.rawset(empty, '__MODULE__', module); base.rawset(empty, '_NAME', module._NAME); base.rawset(empty, '_M', module._M); base.rawset(empty, '_PACKAGE', module._PACKAGE); base[moduleName] = empty; base.package.loaded[moduleName] = empty; Modules[empty] = module; end; --base.print('<-new require: ' .. moduleName .. ' real:', module, 'empty:', empty ) return empty; end; function index(tbl, key) local h; --base.print('INDEX ', key); local module = Modules[tbl]; --local member = base.rawget(module, key); local member = module[key]; local safeCall = function (...) local arguments = {...} local err = function (errObj) local str = 'Error:\n' .. base.tostring(errObj) .. '\nStack traceback:\n'; base.print(str); local t = stack(); base.Gui.MessageBox(str .. t, 'Error'); return errObj; end; local fun = function () --base.print('fun---------------', key) return member(base.unpack(arguments)) end; local result = {base.xpcall(fun,err)}; if result[1] then base.table.remove(result, 1); --base.print('safeCall', base.unpack(result)); return base.unpack(result); end; return nil, result[2] end; local res; if 'function' == base.type(member) then res = safeCall; else res = member; end; processInterceptors(key, res); return res; end; function newindex(tbl, key, value) --base.print('NEWINDEX ' .. key); processInterceptors(key, value) local module = Modules[tbl]; return base.rawset(module, key, value); end; function new_pairs(t) if t and t.__BLACKSHARK__ then --base.print('blackshark pairs') return old_pairs(Modules[t]); else --base.print('old pairs pairs') --base.debug.debug() return old_pairs(t); end; end; function pushInterceptor(fieldName) interceptNames[fieldName] = true; end; function popInterceptor(fieldName) interceptNames[fieldName] = nil; end; function processInterceptors(fieldName, val) for field, tmp in old_pairs(interceptNames) do if field == fieldName then base.print('intercepted call to',fieldName, val); base.U.stack(); end; end; end; base.require = new_require; base.pairs = new_pairs; Help is very gratefully accepted, thanks.
  7. Hell Frog - I noticed that the script in the options LUA 'dd-multimonitor-2mon' did not match the name of the actual program that I was using 'DD-Multimonitor-2Mon'. I changed this and can now access the options folder. I'm still having the problems on launch though but just click OK and the game carries on!
  8. Try opening your Windows control panel/game controllers/Thrustmaster ???/properties and keep the window open. Open DCS BS and go to options and try again. If this works you have to open the controller panel/properties etc everytime you open DCS BS though. This works for my X52 and gives me a lot more buttons to play with.
  9. I am having the same problems with my NVG view stretched across both screens (as well as the map (F10) view). A fix would be great. PS - I also get the 'in mission messages' (not the wingman messages) on the right of the main monitor, which means that half the message is pushed onto my second monitor. Any ideas how to stop this happening?
  10. El Roto; I think this is a similar problem to the NVG view in Black Shark (and A10?). The NVG view is spread accross both monitors when you turn the NVG's on. I think this has had a few posts,lots of people having the same problem, but no soloution...
  11. I'm looking to purchase a wireless mouse, no more than £40/$50, but after trawling through 103 pages on e-bay I'm no wiser as to what I'm after. I want one with a 'dock' for recharging (I'm sick of changing batteries in my notebook one) but don't require a 'gaming' mouse. Anyone out there with a good quality mouse that fits the bill willing to reccommend it?
  12. Thanks Zoomboy - found this elsewhere a minute ago: (1)Prep: Master arm on, Weapons system in manual, laser on, short burst mode selected (even if you want to fire both missiles at once). 2)Find a target, lock it up with the Skvhal, and get a laser range. For an enemy ship, you want to close to within 9km but greater than 5km so your missile travels quickly though enemy CWIS range. Because the Kh-25 flies pure pursuit and has a poor turning radius, if you are targeting a fast moving ship it is advisable to aim near the bow. 3)Sel ect your outer weapon stations, the Kh-25. A circular reticule should appear on the HUD. 4)Switch the laser from Norm mode to Stndby mode by flicking the switch under the HSI to the left. This is a possibly a mistranslation, Standby mode is in fact the laser designator mode. 5)Put your nose at least 2-3 degrees above level, preferably near or at the +5 degree setting that makes the helicopter naturally come to a hover. 6)MAKING SURE NO ONE ELSE NEARBY IS GUIDING A MISSILE, press the designate button (enter) to start the laser firing. The laser will fire for about 20-25 seconds. You should see the circular missile reticule jump onto the target. When you do, IMMEDIATELY fire either one or both of your missiles. To fire both missiles, press the pickle button twice, with 0.5-1 second between each press. You do NOT want to fire this weapon in pairs as it has a tendency to prematurely detonate and blow up both missiles when fired in pairs. 7)Keep the Skhval fixed on the target until impact. If you want to fire another missile afterwards, you need to wait till the countdown timer on the HUD expires before your laser can be fired again.
  13. Hi all. I'm doing the Georian Havoc campaign and struggling with the 'Secret Mission' where you have to launch a KH25ML from below 20 metres. I've been told to put the Laser into designate mode; is this the Laser switch to the left ('standby' in English cockpit)? I take it that as the 'designate' mode only designate for 20 seconds before resetting that you have to get a good lock then launch quickly? (Can you rangefind in 'normal' mode, then switch to 'designate' before launching?) I've also been told that this weapon can be launched from 25KM away. Despite not being able to see the ships from below 20M is this really possible? Any help really appreciated...
  14. Seems I'm stuck...... ...with it! I can reload the original 'option.LUA' - then I can change my options if required. I the re-load the amended 'options.LUA' to be able to use the touchpal. @Hellfrog - I'm a bit unsure what you mean. I don't know if something got lost in translation..? I have tried using the amended 'options.LUA' as a 'read only' but with the same results.
  15. Thanks Ricardo... ...This is obviously a labour of love and the quality shows through. Starting to think twice about getting DCS A10.
  16. Still Having Problems... ... Colin, JuJu, Still not sure if this works properly :(. My radio text is top left but the 'in mission messages' from other sources (ships, ground troops) is still top right, and spread accross both screens. I don't know where these messages details are located. I'll keep trying - let me know how you get on.
  17. Think I've got it... ... go into Root/Ka 50/FUI/Resources/rc-MessageBox.res \dialog \begin \tag{-1} \upright \coord{-500, 5, -10, 35} \musthavecursor{0} \layer{100} \end \static \begin \tag{2} \font{2} \fontcolor{255, 0, 0, 127} \coord{0, 0, 490, 30} \alignmentleft -- CHANGE FROM RIGHT TO LEFT USING NOTEPAD++ \end Then: ... go into Root/Ka 50/FUI/resourcesbs/rc-messagebox.res dialog \begin \tag{-1} \upright \coord{-500, 5, -10, 35} \musthavecursor{0} \layer{100} \end \static \begin \tag{2} \font{2} \fontcolor{255, 0, 0, 127} \coord{0, 0, 490, 30} \alignmentleft -- CHANGE FROM RIGHT TO LEFT USING NOTEPAD++ \end I don't actually know if both need changing but it works for me! I did have to save to my desktop before moving back into the original folders and replacing. I am also going to try 'aligncentre' and see if this works...
  18. barra733


    Used to play it on my Amiga along with one of the fathers of flight sims - F18 Interceptor.
  19. Ok, first off - thanks to all who have had anything to do with setting this great program up and getting it to work. It really is 'white mans magic' to me and has been a steep learning curve. It works, in a fashion! I have a main monitor at 1680X1050 and a 10" touch screen to its top right at 1024X768. I'm running BS in 'not full screen' mode and am using Windows Vista 32 bit. I have a NVidia 8800GT which seems to handle everything just fine. I can run BS with touchpal and everything works fine; The abris and Shkal are where they should be and all the buttons work a treat. I have to start TouchPal after I'm in the cockpit though otherwise my joystick profile doesn't seem to load. This isn't a major problem though. There are hovever a few problems which still exist: 1. When I launch BS from the desktop shortcut I immediately get the following message box (made bold by me): Error: .\blackshark\modules\me_traceback.lua:110: bad argument #1 to 'member' (string expected, got no value) Stack traceback: ->stack: .\blackshark\modules\i18n.lua in line 213 in func: _ ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 194 in func: getMonitorProfiles ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 268 in func: ->stack: .\BlackShark\BlackShark.lua in line 234 in func: I click 'OK' and the game starts up fine! It does this if I open normally or if I open with Admin rights, and if Touchpal is opened or closed. 2. As I said, the game then starts up fine but if I then click on the 'Options' button in the GUI I get the following message (made bold by me): Error: ..\luagui5\dialog_loader.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil) Stack traceback: ->stack: ..\luagui5\dialog_loader.lua in line 27 in func: setText ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 2029 in func: bindControl ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 238 in func: bindControls ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 424 in func: doCreate ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 1113 in func: ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\MainMenu.lua in line 139 in func: func ->stack: ..\luagui5\Widget.lua in line 266 in func: ->stack: .\BlackShark\BlackShark.lua in line 751 in func: The loading screen locks up and I have to 'Alt Tab' out to click 'OK' in the error box. I'm then dumped back to the GUI. I canot access the options menu at all! The application works fine, but I was hoping that someone would be able to tell me what's going on here and how I can get access to the options menu again? I followed all of the instructions to the letter, done some maths and most of it seems to work... Secondly, To get it to run with BS I have to load BS first, then Alt Tab back to desktop to load up TouchPal. If I don't do this then my joystick doesn't work in the game. Is this a 'Vista-ism'? Any way around this?
  20. Does anyone know how to move the radio message text to the left or centre of the screen? I've got two monitors plugged in and I'm losing half the text!
  21. Found this over on Lock-On Files... http://www.lockonfiles.com/index.php/topic/34250-aim-9x-air-to-air-missile-for-dcs-black-shark/ ... I haven't used it or investigated further. Let me know how you get on... Thought it was a shame the earlier thread was closed - it was better than watching the TV!
  22. Is there a way to change the default (starting) position for the pilots head, ie what you first see when the mission starts? I'd like mine to be more 'up' and forward.
  23. Mine sometimes does something similar. I unplug the stick and hold it upside down and shake it (honestly). I then plug it back in and it seems to work fine again for a few weeks. On my stick it's the two buttons top right of the china hat which start to flicker a lot and show some strange presses in the config. I think there must be a loose connection somewhere.
  24. It's Aliiiive! Ok, first off - thanks to all who have had anything to do with setting this great program up and getting it to work. It really is 'white mans magic' to me and has been a steep learning curve. It works, in a fashion! I have a main monitor at 1680X1050 and a 10" touch screen to its top right at 1024X768. I'm running BS in 'not full screen' mode and am using Windows Vista 32 bit. I have a NVidia 8800GT which seems to handle everything just fine. I can run BS with touchpal and everything works fine; The abris and Shkal are where they should be and all the buttons work a treat. I have to start TouchPal after I'm in the cockpit though otherwise my joystick profile doesn't seem to load. This isn't a major problem though. There are hovever a few problems which still exist: 1. When I launch BS from the desktop shortcut I immediately get the following message box (made bold by me): Error: .\blackshark\modules\me_traceback.lua:110: bad argument #1 to 'member' (string expected, got no value) Stack traceback: ->stack: .\blackshark\modules\i18n.lua in line 213 in func: _ ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 194 in func: getMonitorProfiles ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 268 in func: ->stack: .\BlackShark\BlackShark.lua in line 234 in func: I click 'OK' and the game starts up fine! It does this if I open normally or if I open with Admin rights, and if Touchpal is opened or closed. 2. As I said, the game then starts up fine but if I then click on the 'Options' button in the GUI I get the following message (made bold by me): Error: ..\luagui5\dialog_loader.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil) Stack traceback: ->stack: ..\luagui5\dialog_loader.lua in line 27 in func: setText ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 2029 in func: bindControl ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 238 in func: bindControls ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 424 in func: doCreate ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua in line 1113 in func: ->stack: ..\blackshark\modules\MainMenu.lua in line 139 in func: func ->stack: ..\luagui5\Widget.lua in line 266 in func: ->stack: .\BlackShark\BlackShark.lua in line 751 in func: The loading screen locks up and I have to 'Alt Tab' out to click 'OK' in the error box. I'm then dumped back to the GUI. I canot access the options menu at all! The application works fine, but I was hoping that someone would be able to tell me what's going on here and how I can get access to the options menu again? I followed all of the instructions to the letter, done some maths and most of it seems to work...
  25. Saitek Cyborg X Stick I used a Cyborg X-Stick for quite a while (It's for sale, £15+P&P, PM me!) with no problems at all. I'd still be using it if I hadn't got an X52. It's comfortable, good looking and has a double (split throttle) which can be locked to form a single throttle. The handle unscrews and the legs fold away for stowage. I also bought a cheap cyborg 3D which I 'modified' so that it would only move backwards and forwards. I then used this as a throttle. In games like Blackshark and Lock-On this is very easy to set up with the game profiler so you can use all the buttons on both sticks. A good review of the stick: http://forums.hexus.net/hexus-wargames/178071-saitek-cyborg-x-joystick-pc-review.html Hope this helps...
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