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  1. ... oh. my boo.. Plans for the F-16

  2. Hi Stang. I would be interested in buying a set of your plans. Still possible?



  3. Stang. Are you still able to produce a Hornet cockpit? I would like to purchase one. I just don't have the capacity to do it myself from plans. 

  4. The owner tells me he sent you a reply through email so you can get into the site. Stang
  5. Hi Darkfury, I reached out to the Site Owner and let him know you're having issues. He should follow up with you shortly. Stang out
  6. Thanks Dragons2rg! I appreciate the nice words. Stang out
  7. Hi Guys If you have been thinking about getting the Cockpit CAD Plans for the P-51D, F-16C or the F/A-18C, or ordering a Cockpit Kit with everything cut out and ready to screw together, this is the week. Their Cockpit CAD Plans price is 155.50 however, during the Summer Sale Event, its 105.00. You can get all 3 sets of plans for 200.00. That's a huge savings. This is a once a year event. If you haven't seen my group on Facebook, I urge you to check it out. There are many people building my cockpits and sharing tips and secrets and tons of pictures and videos. The Facebook Group name is "The Cockpit Shop" I also have a new website that is a WIP. Check it out - HERE Here is the info from the Sale SUMMER SALE STARTS NOW - 1 WEEK ONLY The Cockpit CAD Plans are 105.00 each. Buy all 3 for 200.00 The F/A-18C Aux Panels (10 in Stock) are 250.00 (Reg 350) plus shipping. (switch panels not included) (Both left and Right Aux Panel included in price) The Aces II Ejection Seat is 395.00 (Reg 495.00) plus Crate and Shipping The F-16 VR kit is 395.00 (Reg 595.00) The F/A-18C SJU-17 Ejection Seat is 495.00 (Reg 695.00) plus crate and shipping. The F-16C Aux Panels are 450.00, (Reg 650.00) This is first come. first serve. When the stock I have is sold, the sale price returns to original. P-51D CAD Plan examples HERE F-16C CAD Plan examples HERE F/A-18C CAD Plan examples HERE F/A-18C Aux Panels (does not include the shown switch panels) If you would like to place an order, just PM me your email address, and I will send you the ordering information. The Sale ends on Wed next week (June 2, 2021) Don't miss out! Thanks Stang out
  8. Great work on your cockpit. It look FANTASTIC!! Stang out
  9. He is a simple mod from one of my Aces II Seat Kits. The Aces II Seat kit is 495.00 plus a crate and shipping, unless you pick it up from Mid Florida.. Let me know if I can help. Stang out
  10. Really great work BulkaCv !! Looking forward to building one of these. Stang out
  11. Hello Stang,

    I would like to purchase the F/A 18C and the F-16 cockpit plans.

    I was sent to you a PM with my e-mail.

    Nice job.

    1. Stang


      I sent you an email with all the information in it.





  12. Hi Stang, great project.

    I´m interesting at F18C and F16 CAD plans.

    I would like to know how to buy this.


    Greats from Brazil.

    1. Stang


      Send me your email address and I'll send you the info

  13. Thanks Vixen! I am looking forward to seeing your Cockpit come to life. Let me know if I can help in any way. Stang out
  14. Let me know if I can help. You can see pics of the F-16C Cockpit Plans and the build pics at the two links below. F-16C Cockpit Plans HERE F-16C Build Pics HERE My Facebook Group, called "The Cockpit Shop" where people are building my plans and kits is HERE Thanks Stang out
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