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Everything posted by Gregkar

  1. i have this update: 2024-02 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 22H2 should i do it?
  2. Link is dead, do you know if i can find it anywhere else? did the mistake to uninstall my working version and update to the latest one and then i got the OpenXR issue described above
  3. oh, ok... interesting, i always thought that 2x external tanks are instant CATIII...
  4. So, if i understand correctly, the stores config behaviour in DCS is correct. IRL aircraft gives a stores config warning light under the same circumstances as in DCS and the pilots are just ingoring them. And basically it goes like this: Centerline tank & no A/G weapons BUT with any A/A weapons loaded = CAT I TGP or/and HTS = CAT III no matter what else is loaded ECM on centerline= CAT I unless A/G weapons or TGP/HTS loaded, then-> CAT III 2x 370gal drop tanks= CAT III no matter what else is loaded ANY A/G weapon= CAT III no matter what else is loaded
  5. @SpecterDC13 do you know an F-16 with only CFT's and an F-16 with CFT's plus centerline what CAT is it?
  6. I will stick to what i know which is basically what @SpecterDC13 describes and will just ignore the stores config warning light.
  7. yeah, strange isn't it? can't someone from ED answer this? what was their source for the stores config?
  8. so even a clean F-16 with no tanks whatsoever, but with ANY of these: TGP, HTS, ECM pods is CAT 3?
  9. I noticed that when i am selecting just 2 drop tanks and nothing else, or 2 a/a missiles + 2 drop tanks, or 4 a/a missiles + 2 drop tanks or even 2 amraams+ 4 sidewinders + 2 drop tanks the jet requires CAT I stores config otherwise if CAT 3 is selected i get a stores config error. The only Α/Α loadout that allows CAT3 is 4x amraams plus 2 heaters plus 2 drop tanks or 6x amraams plus 2 drop tanks Now correct me if i am wrong (obviously i am) but according to what i know plus various sources online plus DCS F-16C manual, even a clean F-16 with just 2x 370gal. tanks should require CAT 3 STORES CONFIG Switch. Sets the FLCS mode of operation based on external wing stores. When set to CAT III the FLCS limits the angle of attack and onset rates in order to increase departure resistance. This switch has no effect when the FLCS gains are set to takeoff/landing configuration (landing gear deployed or air refueling door open). • CAT I. Used for air-to-air loadouts without external wing tanks. • CAT III. Used for air-to-ground loadouts or when equipped with external wing tanks.
  10. Anyone knows where i can find a realistic F-16CM Bl.50 startup checklist? Everybody seems to care only for a fast startup, i am looking for the most realistic possible, I found this video by Bogey Dope which looks closer to what i am looking for, but is there a checklist too?
  11. Does anyone else have an issue with carriers? they just don't work for me, both Russian and Supercarriers, i put them on the ME, load the mission and the map is completely empty, like i never placed a unit. Also instant action missions that includes carriers don't work either (excpet i think those who use the simple free US carrier)
  12. Yeah, now i can join, but yesterday it kicked me out of a server and then i had this yellow marker so i assumed that was the fault. Thanks
  13. Since yesterday i have this issue in many servers. Anyone knows why and how to fix it?
  14. @BitMasterJust to clarify, i wasn't expecting to see any big difference and i didn't upgrade my CPU to run DCS better, i upgraded it to keep up with technology. I just expressed my conclusion after the upgrade. And yes DCS now runs a bit smoother.
  15. I have the same issue, where is that VR mouse setting?
  16. I have the same issue, only in my case the HID device is 403 and it is missing from the registry. I can only find 401 and 402. I tried everything including reinstalling TARGET without any other target device connected and it simply doesn't work. It is a fresh windows installation prior my format it was working perfectly fine. Can someone help? Thrustmaster support is dead.
  17. I just went from an i7-8700k to an i7-12700k keeping same DDR4 and sam GPU and i saw almost 0 difference in DCS in VR.
  18. I upgraded my pc and had to do a fresh win10 install and now i have two issues with shimshaker sound module. Because i had installed it in a secondary drive i could run it without needing install it again so i tried to activate the licence with my key but the key wasn't working, so i decided to delete it and properly install it again but now i am getting this error message: The cabinet file '_101AFCE34691CCEFDB8F61EBCF9C5AF' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used... any help?
  19. Thanx a lot! I will try it!
  20. Simshaker is not working with F-16 Sufa mod, the only way to make it work is to get in an F-16C (then simshamer works fine), and then switch planes to the Sufa. Is there anyway i can fix that?
  21. After the last update i have no comms with any AI, i can see the a/c is transmitting, the request is being executed (f.x. the ground crew successfully places the wheel chocks) but i can't hear my pilot's voice, or the reply by the AI and i also don't get the subtitles on the upper left corner. Is this happening only to me?
  22. i am about to do exactly the same thing, going from an 8700k 5.0ghz to 12600k and keep the rest. I also fly in VR so i was a bit worried if it is going to worth it, i think you convinced me.
  23. I also bought last week a Hornet stick from Amazon.de, 4 buttons were sticky as well and the box unsealed. Then i read this thread and i was sure i was a victim of amazon, i sent an email to Thrustmaster asking if the box should be sealed and they confirmed that if the box is unsealed then the product is considered to be used. I contacted Amazon and i was super mad as i believe this is a serious fraud, if any other small store did that it would face huge consequences but when a billionaire does it everything is ok. They sent a new sealed one (hopefully) which is to be delivered today and they said i can return the old one later.
  24. Will this make things better for us users? https://www.ultraleap.com/company/news/blog/unreal-unity-vr-plugins/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=spatial&utm_content=game-engine
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