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  1. Just wanted to make an attempt to clear up a few things. 1. The Dash Acronym is Differential Airspeed Hold. 2. With a functioning DASH, airspeed is mostly a function of longitudinal stick position. The aircraft is rigged to fly at a steady 100 knots when the stick is at 1" forward. There is no forward/aft balancing act required to hold airspeed. Increasing forward stick always results in increasing forward airspeed, also known as positive stick gradient. 3. WITHOUT the dash, one of the things lost is that positive stick gradient. Now when you've accelerated to your desired airspeed, you have to move the cyclic aft to some position to maintain that airspeed, generally farther aft than the hovering stick position. 4. DAFCS is an entire system replacement for the older, analog AFCS. AFCS was not installed on any F model.
  2. No. Lct's in auto at a hover (fully retracted) is about 5 degrees nose high. The further the lct's are manually programmed forward the more the nose must be raised to maintain a hover.
  3. Are you sure he wasnt talking about retreating blade stall? Vrs in twin rotor helicopters happens at the same time and escape is primarily to the left or right, since forward and aft movements affect collective pitch in the rotors.
  4. Theres two cargo hook release bindings. Use the one that is already bound to some keyboard command by default.
  5. The direction of slip on the vsd is backwards.
  6. Thats the LCT. DASH should make it so you don't have to hold aft cyclic to maintain high speed flight.
  7. Well, I think op got his challenging flight dynamics. I knew we weren't getting any of the hold modes but I didn't expect the vast majority of the flight characteristics to be so poorly implemented.
  8. If you want a challenge, fly with the afcs off. The ch has no inherent stability without the computers. Imo the challenge should be in employment, not basic flight maneuvers.
  9. Fun aside. They used a checklist for runup. Limits and emergency procedures were memorized out of the operators manual. I think we're gonna have to wait a few more days until something is released. It's a cargo helicopter though, the runup will be super easier compared to something like the Apache.
  10. Frc dont exist for the old ch47f. They came later.
  11. Mag brake releases the spring tension and lets you set the detent of the controls. Trim moves the cyclic forward and aft but only affects the dafcs components in roll. So it doesn't move the cyclic in roll. The trim also has different functions in the dafcs hover modes. CH flies differently than any of the other aircraft that we have now, including bank angle hold and airspeed hold that is active all the time in forward flight. I really hope these things are included and doesn't come out as a generic flight model.
  12. I use it to determine release point for KMGU from altitudes 2000m and up. Selecting datalinked targets and nav to will give you an eta for an overflight.
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