ED Team Wags Posted April 30, 2019 Author ED Team Posted April 30, 2019 Hey everyone! Apologies for the lack of Hornet news of late. I’ve been a bit unwell lately and the team has been focused on more difficult tasks, so progress has been slower. The big items (in no particular order) that we are working on for the Hornet include: Cleaning up the JDAM and adding new features to the JDAM Adding the JSOW (already in internal test) Add full simulation of GPS and INS alignment and navigation systems PRECISE waypoint input mode Correcting HARM guidance MIDS for LTWS and TWS Litening II targeting pod Regarding PB mode for HARM, we decided to push this back for two reasons: 1- based on client feedback, the targeting pod is much more in demand, and 2- we first want to complete the new waypoint database system that will allow creating of PB points. The next Hornet update is planned for May 8th. Thanks, Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted May 7, 2019 Author ED Team Posted May 7, 2019 This week we plan an OPEN BETA update that will add some features and address some bugs. This video highlights these changes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8uldUWd5mg - Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted May 14, 2019 Author ED Team Posted May 14, 2019 (edited) Hey everyone, A little update on the Hornet… as mentioned before, much of the Hornet team’s time is focused on the targeting pod, JSOW, MSI for LTWS, tuning of JDAM and JSOW flight profile and autopilots, and a deep dive on the INS and GPS navigation systems. We are also working on the HARM guidance system in cases where the seeker loses track (it is currently re-targeting to a different emitter, whereas it should continue along the bearing to the assigned target). All these tasks are rather involved and not low-hanging fruit that can be coded quickly. Earlier, we focused on tasks with faster turnarounds, but these current tasks are taking longer. Development of the Hornet has certainly NOT slowed down, rather, it’s simply shifted to tasks with longer development periods. We expect to have the JSOW, BRU-55A/A, and MSI for LTWS available later this month, and the targeting pod will start internal testing later this month, with a planned release in June. - Wags Edited May 14, 2019 by Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted May 18, 2019 Author ED Team Posted May 18, 2019 Related to the Hornet: This is a work-in-progress test of the new carrier radio communications in regards to CASE I recovery in non-carrier qualification (CQ) conditions. Three approaches are made with differnet number of aircraft in flight and weather conditions. Not-OK approaches where made to test different LSO responses. Although this is demonstrated for the Hornet, voice-over lines have been recorded to account for all US carrier aircraft types. Implementation of Case II and Case III is also in progress. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted May 24, 2019 Author ED Team Posted May 24, 2019 Hey everyone, Related to the Hornet: We have been listening to all the carrier module feedback, and we have decided on a solution that will allow clients that don’t own the carrier module to join servers that include it. I’ll provide more details at the time of the CASE III nighttime recovery video coming later. Also, as mentioned earlier, those that own the Hornet will get a great discount on the carrier module. Thanks Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted May 30, 2019 Author ED Team Posted May 30, 2019 (edited) Hey everyone, A little update is in order. As most of you know by now, we had to push back OB 2.5.5 to next week in order to give a 3rd party more time to update their code to the new branch (no need to name names). As such, 2.5.5 is slated for 5 June and will include AGM-154A and C (along with the BRU-55A/A rack). I plan an introduction video this weekend to get you up to speed. As noted earlier, the Litening targeting pod went into internal test at the of this month and we are currently on track to release it to you in June. We still first release on station 5, but later add option for the cheek station. The team has also been busy improving the D/L, working on MSI for LTWS, working on Harpoon integration, fixed the HARM seeker when lock is lost, waypoint PRECISE mode, returning to work on the EW page, and implementing the MIDS page. The Hornet guys have been quite busy. Thanks Edited May 30, 2019 by Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 3, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 3, 2019 This is an introduction video regarding use of the AGM-154C JSOW for DCS: F/A-18C Hornet. The AGM-154C is planned to be included in the a later Open Beta release. The AGM-154C is an INS/GPS-guided air-to-surface glide bomb with a BROACH penetrator warhead. It allows excellent standoff range with a powerful and accurately delivered warhead designed to defeat hardened targets. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 3, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 3, 2019 Hey everyone, Because our test team has been focused on the Fw 190 A-8 release, we've been unable to allocate proper testing on the JSOW before an OB release. As such, we'll need to postpone to the 12 June OB. This will also allow us time to complete integration of the JSOW A version (still working on HT fuze settings). Thanks Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 12, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 12, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Upcoming AGM-154A JSOW, MSI for LTWS, and PRECISE Mode THIS IS REGARDING THE NEXT OPEN BETA that will feature the AGM-154A JSOW, Multi-Sensor Integration (MSI) for Latent Track While Scan (LTWS) mode, and an explanation of HSI PRECISE coordinate entry that is currently available. Other Hornet items in work include the Litening targeting pod, Harpoon anti-ship mode, INS and GPS full simulation and alignment, dynamic launch zones for JDAM and JSOW, and initial work on the air-to-ground radar. Thanks Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 14, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 14, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Multi-Target Mission Attacks (JDAM / JSOW) In the open beta this week we changed/improved the functionality to conduct multiple attacks using the JDAM and JSOW. You can now set targeting for each weapon and assign the weapons to a single mission (MSN) if you wish. This allows you to attack multiple targets without having to change Pre-Planned missions. This video is a quick instruction of how to do this. Thanks, Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 15, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 15, 2019 Hey everyone, First, we’d like to apologize about the confusion regarding MSI inclusion for this last Open Beta update. We had a mild case of left hand not talking to right hand given the time zone differences, language, and needed internal checks. These have since been rectified. The team is working over the weekend to get MSI into a potential hot fix early next week. The silver lining is that it gave us time to complete MSI with correct symbology for only-ownship detection (just brick) vs. donor contact (HAFU)… please see attached. Thanks, Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 16, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 16, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Case III Radio Communications First Look (WIP) This is a first-look, work-in-progress video at the Case III radio communications that will be part of the DCS: Nimitz-class Aircraft carrier module. There are a few items we are still improving and adjusting, but this provides an understanding of the level of detail planned for these communications. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 17, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 17, 2019 (edited) While not a huge or a rather sexy item, the team has implemented the declutter options for the SA page. It's based on the following declutter levels from pushbutton 7 that in turn displays the following options: OFF. All symbols are displayed REJ1. The following items are hidden: compass rose, lubber line, and SAM rings. REJ2: The following items are hidden: REJ1 items and Waypoint/OAP/TGT data, and TACAN data. MREJ1: Hide air defense symbols (SAM and AAA) and rings. MREJ2: Hide surface unit symbols (coming later). This is planned for one of the next Open Beta updates. PLID is the next planned SA feature. This will allow you to manually set the contact to friend, hostile, or unknown. Thanks Edited June 17, 2019 by Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 24, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 24, 2019 In an upcoming Open Beta we will add (Pilot ID) PLID to the Situational Awareness (SA) page. When pushbutton 2 (PLID) is pressed on the top-level SA page and a track is under the TDC, selecting PLID displays the Pilot ID sub-level that allows you to assign the trackfile HAFU. With no target under the TDC, the PLID option is removed and may not be selected. This can be useful when you have a donor designating a contact as hostile, but you have not used ownship senors to confirm. You can use PLID to set the HAFU as hostile. Next SA page tasks are Expand and Step. Thanks, Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 29, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 29, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - SA Page, Pilot Identification (PLID) In an upcoming Open Beta we will be adding the Pilot Identification (PLID) function to the Situational Awareness (SA) page. PLID allows you to manually set the top half of a HAFU (your identification) for a non-PPLI contact on the SA page. The top half of the HAFU can be manually set to friendly, hostile, or unknown. This video talks about how to use this why you would. - Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted June 30, 2019 Author ED Team Posted June 30, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - High and Low Angle Strafe This is a short video on the basics of low- and high-angle staffing in the Hornet. A low angle strafe is generally done at a 15-degrees nose down angle, while a high angle strafe is generally 30-degrees. The higher the angle, the greater the concentration of fire on the aim point. You could go greater than 30-degrees, but controlled flight into terrain (CFT) becomes more likely. When done properly, a quick burst of less than 50 round should be enough to destroy unarmored targets. Here is a great real-world example: Thanks, Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted July 1, 2019 Author ED Team Posted July 1, 2019 (edited) Hey everyone, I want to give you a little Hornet update on the targeting pod and other items coming to the F/A-18C. After talking with the team today, the Litening targeting pod will need a bit more time in the oven before we can release it. Given how integral this feature will be for the product, we want to further flesh it out before releasing into an open beta. We do apologize for this delay. Please note that all dates and time projections are best estimates at the time and can change. I mention this a bit here: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=244404 In parallel though, other tasks are steaming ahead like new features for the SA page including STEP, EXP, TXDSG, and other elements to complete this system. We are also making great progress on the Harpoon and it went into internal testing today. As noted, before, initial implementation of the air-to-ground radar rendering technology is now being used to create the Real Beam (RB) mode for the radar. Once RB mode is done, we can then use that as the foundation for other modes like SEA, EXP, GMTI, etc. On the GPS-weapon front, work continues on dynamic launch zones for JDAM and JSOW, Track While Scan (TWS) radar mode is underway, and other items and bug fixes. Thanks, Wags Edited July 1, 2019 by Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted July 9, 2019 Author ED Team Posted July 9, 2019 In addition to PLID, the STEP function is also coming soon to the Hornet SA page. By successive presses of the STEP option at pushbutton 14, you can cycle through the contacts on the SA page. When a contact is selected using STEP, a rectangle is drawn around it, along with its Mach and altitude to either side. Being selected, its data is also displayed in the bottom, right corner of the SA page. Following STEP, we will add the EXP (expand) option that will allow you to zoom and center the SA page on a contact. This will be useful when several contacts are close together. Thanks, Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted July 24, 2019 Author ED Team Posted July 24, 2019 (edited) Hey everyone, Probably the the most anticipated new feature of the Hornet is the targeting pod. As mentioned earlier, we will start with the Litening pod due to it being used by the USMC and similar to what we already created for the A-10C (hardly a cut-and-paste though). Attached is an image of it in action. It is important to understand that this is neither an ATFLIR or Litening pod ala A-10C. It is a Litening pod that uses standardized Hornet Mission Computer (MC) data export. Most of the core AG functions are in the game and working, with the big ones still being worked on being the setting a Target Point via the TGP (critical for AUTO and TOO mode attacks) and, AREA vs POINT tracking . After the initial release, we will continue to flesh out the pod to include AA mode, control pages, and additional functions/symbols. Our engineer assigned to the pod is working very, very hard on this and we are pushing to release it as soon as possible. Thanks, Wags Edited July 24, 2019 by Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted July 31, 2019 Author ED Team Posted July 31, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Litening Targeting Pod Intro and GPS Weapon Use This is a first look at the Litening pod for the Hornet! It’s still early days, and this is very much work-in-progress. As an introduction video, this is provided to help you understand some of the basics and how to use it to set TOO targets for INS/GPS-guided weapons. In videos coming soon, I will delve into using the pod with laser-guided bombs, laser Mavericks, Laser Spot Search (LSS) mode, and setting target points for AUTO unguided bomb attacks. Other elements will be coming to the pod like HUD symbology, INR and snow plow modes, additional reticles, AA mode, and more. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted July 31, 2019 Author ED Team Posted July 31, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Litening Pod for Laser-Guided Bombs, Laser Maverick, and LSS Mode In the previous video we looked at the basic features of the Litening targeting pod on the Hornet and how to use it to designate targets for GPS-guided weapons. In this video we’ll look at how to use the pod to direct laser-guided bombs, laser Mavericks, and how to use the Laser Spot Search (LSS) mode to locate an off-board laser designation (single player and multiplayer). Other elements will be coming to the pod like HUD symbology, INR and snowplow modes, slaving options, additional reticles, AA mode, and more. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted August 6, 2019 Author ED Team Posted August 6, 2019 (edited) Hey everyone, Despite some good videos on using the Litening targeting pod with laser-guided bombs, there still seems to be some confusion. Here is a simple checklist: 1- Master Arm to ARM. 2- Master Mode to AG. 3- Select an LGB (LG82, LG83, or LG84) from the SMS page. 4- Set LGB MODE to AUTO (PB 5). Will show as CCIP until Target Point is set. 5- Set LGB MFUZ to OFF (PB 4). 6- Set LGB EFUZ to INST (PB 3). 7- Set LGB CODE to 1688 (or any valid code that matches the pod code) (PB 1 and then UFC) 8- FLIR switch on SNSR panel to ON. 9- LTD/R switch on SNSR panel to ARM. 10- Display FLIR on DDI/MPCD (FLIR at PB 6 on TAC page). 11- Sensor Control Switch (SCS) in direction of the display with FLIR. For example: if FLIR is on the right DDI, press SCS right. TDC assignment indicated by diamond in top/right corner. 12- Slew FLIR crosshair over target using TDC slew [, . / ;]. 13- Designate FLIR pointing location as Target Point by pressing [ENTER] or depress TDC switch. Attack mode switches from CCIP to AUTO with ASL and Target Point on HUD. 14- Enable (box) TRIG (PB 11) on FLIR page. 15- Ensure FLIR UFC CODE matches LGB CODE. 16- Conduct standard LGB AUTO attack. Line up velocity vector with ASL and hold down weapon release button [RALT + Spacebar] shortly before bomb fall line passes through the velocity vector. 17- At 15 seconds before Time To Impact (TTI), press and hold trigger button [spacebar] to fire the laser. In general, conduct attack between 20-25k at no less than 350kts. Thanks Edited August 6, 2019 by Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted August 14, 2019 Author ED Team Posted August 14, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet – AGM-84D Harpoon Basics We will soon be releasing the AGM-84D Harpoon anti-ship cruise missile into the DCS World Open Beta. This will be very much a work-in-progress but will still provide most of the fundamentals of using this weapon system. Later in early access we will add R/BL mode (once the SEA mode of the A/G radar is included) and the pop-up (POP) terminal attack mode. You can read about the Harpoon in much greater detail in the DCS World Open Beta Hornet Guide that can be found in: C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\FA-18C\Doc There are known issues regarding the damage level the Harpoon can inflict and guidance of multiple Harpoons without re-setting launch parameters. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted September 21, 2019 Author ED Team Posted September 21, 2019 (edited) In order to hit our Viper release window, we have very recently had to temporarily move a couple of the systems programmers from the Hornet onto the Viper for a short period. Once the Viper is released, they will be back to work on the Hornet with a strong push on TWS radar mode, air-to-surface radar, further targeting pod features, and more. Much of this work is directly applicable to the Viper. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your patience. Thanks. Wags Edited September 21, 2019 by Wags Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
ED Team Wags Posted October 17, 2019 Author ED Team Posted October 17, 2019 DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - AGM-62 ER/DL Walleye II We will soon be introducing the AGM-62 ER/DL Walleye glide bomb for the Hornet. This large bomb that has a TV seeker in the nose that can be used to lock onto and guide on a target. The Walleye is generally used for large, stationary targets like buildings, bridges, etc. With the AWW-13 data link pod, video from the TV seeker can be transmitted to the cockpit and allow the pilot to view the video and steer the bomb. A few notes: When using the data link pod, the Walleye and the AWW-13 data link pod must be on the same channel. Walleyes will be on the channel that corresponds to the station they are carried on (either 2 or 8). So, you will need to make sure that you set the data link pod to the corrected weapon/station using the UFC function. There is no in-range indication, but the higher and faster you fly, the greater the range. Optimal attack range is 30,000 feet. A valid seeker lock is indicated by the WE indication on the HUD not having an X through it. The Walleye is a very heavy weapon, so expect the need for a lot of roll trim after weapon release. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt Twitch: wagmatt System: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3729544#post3729544
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