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copy\paste coordinates


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How awesome it would be if we could copy coordinates from the F10 map (top left) and paste them directly to the UFC position display ? This can become a huge time saver.


ED let us know your opinion on this.



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I wonder if it should be like that. I understand that we should be able to program targets faster and easier before the flight. Hopefully the cartridge project will provide that.



But being airborne it should work like IRL. So there shouldn't be something that replaces what is done in reality. Means typing in coordinates.



Ok the F10 target designation is unrealistic anyway. So if you want/are allowed to use it I have a suggestion:



ED could give us a tool where we can take over the coordinates and altitude of a highlighted target or point on the F10 map to a line of text shown in F1 view like a radio call.



Pilot still has to type that info to the plane. But hey, that's why we simulate being pilots.

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Should be possible to copy them over to the kneeboard instead so we can do it the real way. Having to switch back and forth all the time isn't that realistic anyway. And yes, I used to write those just down. Until I got my CV1...



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Best thing would be to be able to designate positions on the map as mission targets (using a new marker), in the Mission Editor and have that info on the Kneeboard. The F-18 kneeboard is extremely bare bones right now.

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