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Hey, quick question, I have begun to upload some of the missions, training and squadron missions, onto the user files section of DCS. The first mission was an Air Policing Mission to intercept and shootdown a hijacked airliner. The mission went active in just an hour or some, maybe a little more. No problems. The second mission I uploaded was submitted about 30-36 hours ago and is still listed as pending. It is a little training mission in the AH64 where the player takes on three waves of suicide bomber trucks headed towards the base. Given the topic, and who knows, just want to see if my mission isn't being released because it violates some rule I'm not aware of or something? Anyway, some of the guys in my squadron are convinced that ED is going to ban that mission / remove it. ( because I put suicide bombers in the mission and the description.) I don't because after all, this is a combat simulator, and VBIED's have been sort of a thing for awhile around the world. Furthermore, anyone who owns the Nevada map and the MiG-21 can drop an atomic bomb on las Vegas or Area 51... So I mean, it's a game/ sim, and all that? Anyway, just want to make sure. If the mission it's being approved because the moderators are just overworked or something, cool, I get it. Anway, someone can let me know that'd be very helpful, thanks.
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For some years now, we have had the rule 1.16 in place, yet for some reason, the most common violation comes from users that have also been here for years. During this time, we have also tried to be much more forgiving and gentle in the handing out of punishments, many of our rules are just general conduct rules, and common curtesy to the ED Team and other users. 1.16 is different, this cannot be stressed enough how serious this rule is. We strive to make the most realistic simulation experience, as close the the real thing we can. Sometimes though, with modern aircraft there are things we cannot and should not touch. Many documents are still controlled and illegal for distribution by different government agencies around the world, some have even be illegally leaked to the internet. Just because it is on the internet, doesn't mean its free to share! We are serious in saying that a number of government agencies monitor this very forum, and users from this forum have been targeted for investigation due to sharing documents or information that they should not share. This warning is for you, us and all involved. Sadly, many choose to ignore this rule, so much so that we are updating the wording and the punishment of this rule. First the wording: 1.16 Posting of screenshots, images, file links, file sharing links, and copying and pasting information is prohibited if the source document is from any classified or ITAR controlled source. When posting aircraft, sensor or weapon information more recent than 1980, you must also include the source of the document showing that it is 100% public and verified as not from a classified or non-ITAR controlled source. The punishment: First offence will result in the removal of the material and 50 warning points for 1 year, second offence will result in the material being removed and 100 warning points for 1 year. At 100 points your forum status goes to moderated content, which means all messages posted need to be approved by a forum moderator. At 200 points you will remain moderated content, but will be moved to restricted posting, which means you will only be able to use the Private Message system, no posting allowed. At 300 points you will be fully banned for the duration of your points. This ban, like all others will not be submitted to management for approval, but instead based on your point totals. It will be temporary based on the date of your points. This is harsh, and we don't like having to do this, but our punishment is ultimately much lighter than if you get yourself in the crosshairs of a government agency. Please respect this rule, and think before you post. Thanks The ED Team
- 82
correct as is AI ignore ROE settings
Magic Zach posted a topic in Ground AI Bugs (Non-Combined Arms)
I set some ATGM hum-Vs to hold their fire against a nearby enemy vehicle, and it ignores it and fires anyways AI ignore ROE.trk- 4 replies
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