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Collective Question. (I am not Borg)


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Hi All


Posted this in the wrong place initially. But now I have it on good authority that you are the right fellas to see. :)


For the most part DCS makes it easy even for a dunce like me to set up peripherals, (though I don't play with those graphs and curves) but setting the throttle on my Saitek X52 Pro for use with the Huey has led me a dance today.


Having just run the startup tutorial, I found that moving the throttle actually lowered the rpm, regardless of whether or not I had the axis inverted. But I finally worked out that I'd got it wrong by setting the throttle to...well...throttle and not collective as I should have.


Then I had to fight with the slider switch on the throttle, which for some reason had also been allocated to collective. (I didn't do that, that wasn't me!) But in the end (at least for now) I managed to get everything where I "think" I want it.




I have to bring the collective stick up to about half way before the Huey gets light on its skids and while of course I have no real point of reference, this seems a little excessive. Is that the way it's supposed to be? Or am I going to have to revisit the axis tuning and do something in there.


Also, which dial am I supposed to be looking at to see a change as I move the collective lever? Because the rpm gauge seemed to stay the same and I didn't notice anything else moving.

I realsie that there's not going to be a digital power bar representation or anything like that to help me balance the throttle vs forward movement, but it feels like there should be something at least.


Thanks fellas.



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Hi Badger, to get lift you do have to raise your collective quite a bit, watch the co-pilot when your applying it and see how much the collective moves in game.

Forget about adjusting throttle (govenor) once you complete startup.

Check torque gauge also for a visual que.


Happy landings:)

i5 8600k@5.2Ghz, Asus Prime A Z370, 32Gb DDR4 3000, GTX1080 SC, Oculus Rift CV1, Modded TM Warthog Modded X52 Collective, Jetseat, W10 Pro 64


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It takes a lot of power to lift a few tons of metal off the ground by its bootstraps. Sometimes I'm still amazed at how helicopters even manage to fly honestly, but physics is a pretty cool guy. And, you don't want any curves or other things going on with your collective axis. You want it to be linear so you have a good idea of how much power is left. Besides, once you lift off and start moving forward, effective translational lift will kick in and you'll want to drop collective fairly significantly to fly level at cruise speed. If your collective curve is set to emphasize the pickup phase, or any particular phase of flight, then you're losing precision on the collective axis in every other possible scenario.

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Also, which dial am I supposed to be looking at to see a change as I move the collective lever? Because the rpm gauge seemed to stay the same and I didn't notice anything else moving.

Adding to what was said, the RPM is actually supposed to remain roughly constant all the time, within the boundaries of the green arc on the gauge.

The governor adjusts the throttle automatically (which is why you leave the throttle all the way up in every situation except autorotations, and maybe governor failure) depending on your input on the collective. You still have to manage rotor speed with both the collective and the cyclic to avoid overspeeding or low RPM.

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When I hit that center stop, I can feel the AC just starting to get lift (...)

But you must be carefull with that - do not rely on it too much. With different weight or under different weather conditions (better: air density -> temperature, elevation) this sweet spot can significantly change.

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Thanks for the replies fellas. I've a long way to go but already this is proving to be a really interesting sim. :) (Had it since beta, but only now looking at it. duh.)


Also, sorry for the confusion with the double (triple) thread. I moved it here after Flagrum pointed me in the right direction, but then admin has moved it also. You can tell I don't post much right? :)

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