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Changelog for Version: 6.1.2018


This Build is vastly different and more complex, there maybe unforeseen issues that we could not provoke in testing.



General Changes

-App will run in Admin/Elevated permissions mode.

-Moved to .NET 4.6 Framework

-My.Settings Changes (Will have to re-enter build paths to DCS World)


UI/Art Changes

-Several Art / Layout Adjustments

-Added PDF Buttons for All Modules

-Changed Background Graphics

-Lower Section Removed, App Reduced to 835px Height from 900px

-Cleaning up/re-positioning of UI Elements.

-Added Application Log to Lower Left,

Log will display status and update line by line w/ Application Activity

-Added "Open Application Log" Option to the Application Menu.

-Major Background Graphics Changes to UI

-Updated Icon(s) File

-Added Assets for F-15C Aggressors BFM Campaign

-Added Assets for L-39C/ZA Kursant Campaign

-Added Assets for Persian Gulf

-Added Assets for F/A-18C Lot 20

-DRM/PDF Buttons Merged to Smaller Button w/ Context Menu

-DCS Server Status is Clickable and Will bring Up Individual Server Status'


Major Code Changes

-Adjusted Build Detection Code

App will Scan for DCS.exe Primarily now and Enable Builds (Change was made to allow Steam users to use App to launch VR On/Off etc)

If DCS.exe is detected, App will scan for DCS_Updater.exe and ModelViewer.exe and Display Versions for Each in Log,

-Adjusted Build Switching Logic

When switching between builds in the dropdown menu, it will scan for the 3 main EXEs and Enable/Disable Buttons Automatically

-Adjusted Module Detection Code

-Adjusted DRM Detection Code for Disabling Starforce box if using ED DRM

-Fixed Broken Command Line to Launch SteamVR Mode on Oculus Devices.

-Pre-coding for future expansion

-Adjusted Module Detection to Auto-Run on launch

-Adjusted Module Detection to Auto-Run when switching builds

-Adjusted for Module Detection and DCS Installs Scan after Update/Module Install/Un-Install Process

-All Launch/Model Viewer Buttons Updated For Detection as well.

-Integrated Saved Games Folder Paths Settings

-Integrated use of Unique Settings Presets (DEFAULT, PRESET 1, PRESET 2, PRESET 3, PRESET 4, VR HEADSET)

(VR and SteamVR Launch will automatically use VR Preset)

-Integrated Scan and Recovery of Presets/Options.lua if App Crashes/Closes Prematurely

-App Will Scan for DCS, DCS Updater, DCS ModelViewer Processes During Startup

-If DCS.EXE Process is Running, BUILD and PRESET Options Will be Disabled to Avoid User Changing While DCS is Running

-Ability to Copy Config Folder from One Build to Another or to /DCS Updater Utility/ Folder (for Backup etc)

-Changed Build Names from Release, OB, OA, Custom1, Custom2, Legacy to Slot #1 Build, Slot #2 Build Etc

-Revised Internal Clocks and Timers

-Revised .LOG Function

-Revised App Update Versions and Builds and Check for Updates Code

-Added Code to Disable Video Training on DCS Versions Above 2.2 (No Longer Valid IDs)

-Re-coded Individual Buttons for Module, PDF and DRM (Condenses Code, 6237 -> 567 Lines)

-Added Minimum Build Code to Disable Buttons For Modules if Below the Minimum Version Number, As well as VR On/Off/SteamVR Buttons, ModelViewer and Clean Functions.

-Revised DCS Server Check Code, Added More Exception Catches.

-Major Code Condensing, File Size Dropped from 11.0+ MB Back Down to 5.0~ MB




General Purpose Code Clean Up and Condensing

-Removed Old Redundant Code

-Removed Unused WIP/Future Use Code

-Re-Organized Code into cleaner and defined sections

-Removed/Merged Duplicate Code into new Combination/Unified Functions

-Main Code condensed from 19,454 to 10,735 Lines (With more condensing and merging to come)

(This doesnt really change the final compiled size, but it does allow the app to load and functions a little bit cleaner/faster.)


Integrated Unified Settings Screen

-Moved Folders/Paths/Language Settings to a Separate Unified Settings Screen

-Moved Oculus Mirror Settings to Unified Settings Screen

-Re-Coded Arrays to Allow Custom Names to be Set for each Build, and Preset

(Custom Name will show on the Builds Panel to the Left and in the Drop down Menu)

-Set Limit of 15 Characters for Custom Build Names.

-Added Saved Games Text Boxes and Browse Buttons

-Added PRESET Custom Name Boxes

-Sorted Settings Screen, Added Separating Lines.

-Added Config Management section to Setttings ( Allows Copy, Backup, and Backup Delete )


Upper Status Bar Integrated


-App will Display Elapsed Time an Item is Running (DCS, ModelViewer, Updater, etc)

-App will Display Network status (Connected, Local Only, Offline),

-App will Display DCS Update Server Status (Online / Offline)


Lower Status Bar Integrated

-App will Display Application Status (Update Available, Up to Date, Offline),

-App will Display Current Version, Current Build, Link to Download Latest Version (if Update is Available)

-App will Display Copyright


Network check during startup and specific functions integrated

-App will First Detect if a Network Connection is Enabled

-App will Ping Google to Test External Network or Local Only

-App will Ping DCS Update Servers for Update Server Status

-App will Auto Check for App Update, During Startup, If External Connection

-App will Auto Check DCS Version Numbers, During Startup, If External Connection


Added Log.txt Export Function

-Application will Create a /Saved Games/DCS Updater Utility/ Folder

-Application will save a copy of the log to /DCS Updater Utility/Log.txt on Session End (Not on a Crash)


Revised Object Index Numbers to Allow Using TAB to cycle through objects in order

-When Using Tab, Each Object (Button/Textbox/Checkbox) will Cycle Top to Bottom, Left to Right in Order.



-When Saved Games Folders are Correctly Set and Verified, Presets Will be Enabled.

-On First Verification of Saved Games, it will Create Copies of the Options.lua

(Options.lua.Preset01, Options.lua.Preset02, Options.lua.Preset03, Options.lua.Preset04, Options.lua.VR, Options.lua.Backup)

-If Saved Games Folder is not Correctly Set, App will Set Preset to Default and Lock Drop Down Menu.

-When Choosing Preset Other than Default, App Will Rename Options.lua to Options.lua.Default When DCS is Launched and use one of the new Options.lua.XXXXXX Files., When DCS Closes it will Rename them back.

-When Launching in VR Modes, VR Preset is Automatically Selected.

-When DCS is Running PRESET and BUILD Drop Down Boxes will be Locked.

-If App Is Closed and Re-Opened, it will Check for which DCS Preset is Being Used, and Set the Preset Dropdown Box to that Preset, and detect DCS Running and Resume Normal Function./

-If App is closed and DCS is closed, it will Check for which Preset was Last Used, and Restore them to their Respective Names.

-Presets Cannot be changed while DCS is Running, some Settings Require DCS to Restart to take Affect (MSAA, Monitor Type, Resolution etc etc).

-This Feature is still Very much WIP, Specifically because it relies on so many different things to be properly, and Testing was Limited to Specific Windows Builds/Versions


Build and Module Versions Check:

-Added the Minimum Version Required for EVERY Module, and Updater Function.

-This Applies to All Modules, as well as VR ON/OFF, SteamVR, CLEAN, ModelViewer Functions,

-If Versions is Below Minimum Version Req. The Function/Modules Buttons/Checkboxes Will be Disabled.


Config Management:

Was Added to the Settings Screen,

-COPY Function will Copy the Entire /Config Folder, From SOURCE BUILD to DESTINATION BUILD,

if SOURCE or DESTINATION BUILD is not Selected, COPY Button is Disabled.

(Used to Copy Options and Input Settings etc from one install to another)


-BACKUP Function will Make a Copy of the Current Config Folder and it will be Named /Config_BACKUP_<DATE>_<TIME>


-DELETE Function will Make a Backup, and then Delete the /Config/ Folder

(Useful for when you have corrupt Options.lua or Input LUAs, This will delete them all and you can add back from the Backup One at a time to find the problem)










Edited by SkateZilla

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs


6.1.2018 is Released.

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs


Appreciate all your work, this utility has been a life saver. Just installed the update, re-verified my current installed version and attempted to install the f/a18 and received a "nothing to install" error. Not sure if this is on your end or ED. Just wanted to let you know.


Thanks Skate, nice job as always!


Not sure if you're looking for a feedback but, I think if you could remove the purple color from the GUI it would look better. This color gets too much attention, especially when you have a grey background. Extending out a similar color, or even the grey itself to the bottom right would be a good idea I guess. Or if you're looking to replace the purple, a less 'flashy' color would be great. Purple in my humble opinion doesn't really match the rest of the program's interface.


Thanks Skate, been using this since you first released it, its a great utillity !



DL available skins here:




Pictures of my Skins here: https://imgur.com/a/bOQyQqW



Win10 64bit, Intel® Core i7-5820K CPU OC @ 4.50GHz x6, X99A GAMING PRO CARBON, MSI RTX 2080 TI GAMING X TRIO 11Gb, 32GB DDR4 RAM, SSD 960 EVO250GB, SSD 850 EVO 500GB, JetSeat, MFG Crosswind Pedals, VPC Mongoose T-50, TMWH, DSD ButtonBox, Pimax 5k XR/BE



Posted (edited)
Thanks Skate, nice job as always!


Not sure if you're looking for a feedback but, I think if you could remove the purple color from the GUI it would look better. This color gets too much attention, especially when you have a grey background. Extending out a similar color, or even the grey itself to the bottom right would be a good idea I guess. Or if you're looking to replace the purple, a less 'flashy' color would be great. Purple in my humble opinion doesn't really match the rest of the program's interface.


The Purple is the background of the image, I plan to replace it (Likely with a Top Down view of a Populated carrier deck or something), I just have to make sure nothing is deep/dark colored or it will be hard to read the text.


But I believe I can adjust the current background via color editor, i wouldve changed it earlier, but something in Visual Studio is locking background images, I had to re-do most of the buttons to change background images, but I cannot seem to unlock the background image on the main form, I've cleared it off completely, and it remains after compiling.


Maybe time to update to Visual Studio 2017, and compile for newer O/S's, Removing the Windows XP View style is my next goal.


Updating to latest Visual Studio didnt fix the problem.


Is this Better Though?:



Edited by SkateZilla

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs

Appreciate all your work, this utility has been a life saver. Just installed the update, re-verified my current installed version and attempted to install the f/a18 and received a "nothing to install" error. Not sure if this is on your end or ED. Just wanted to let you know.


Works fine here, attach you /Saved Games/DCS Updater Utility/DCS Updater Utility.log

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs


After updating my game to the current version and locating my saved games folder, installing the f/a18 in combination with the persia map worked. Here is what the autoupdate.log was saying. There is nothing in my savedgames/dcs updater folder.



00000.013 --- Log file: C:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\autoupdate_log.txt

00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2018-06-02 00:49:03

00000.008 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.16299; Win64; en-US)

00000.008 INFO : cmdline: "C:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply install

00000.011 STATUS: Initializing...

00000.012 INFO : basedir: C:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta

00000.012 INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta

00000.013 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,A-10C,F-5E,F-86F,RAZBAM_M-2000C,P-51D,UH-1H,NEVADA_terrain,MIG-21BIS,POLYCHOPSIM_SA342,F-15C,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,UH-1H_ARGO_campaign)

00000.013 INFO : branch: openbeta

00000.013 STATUS: Connecting to update servers...

00002.167 INFO : Got reply from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com

00002.966 INFO : Got reply from srv11update.digitalcombatsimulator.com

00002.969 STATUS: Verifying cached version info...

00002.993 ERROR: Nothing to install.

00005.414 === Log closed.

The Purple is the background of the image, I plan to replace it (Likely with a Top Down view of a Populated carrier deck or something), I just have to make sure nothing is deep/dark colored or it will be hard to read the text.


But I believe I can adjust the current background via color editor, i wouldve changed it earlier, but something in Visual Studio is locking background images, I had to re-do most of the buttons to change background images, but I cannot seem to unlock the background image on the main form, I've cleared it off completely, and it remains after compiling.


Maybe time to update to Visual Studio 2017, and compile for newer O/S's, Removing the Windows XP View style is my next goal.


Updating to latest Visual Studio didnt fix the problem.


Is this Better Though?:



Much better! Much even, the difference between colors isn't as noticeable now.


I really like this one!

Posted (edited)
After updating my game to the current version and locating my saved games folder, installing the f/a18 in combination with the persia map worked. Here is what the autoupdate.log was saying. There is nothing in my savedgames/dcs updater folder.



00000.013 --- Log file: C:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\autoupdate_log.txt

00000.000 === Log opened UTC 2018-06-02 00:49:03

00000.008 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.16299; Win64; en-US)

00000.008 INFO : cmdline: "C:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply install

00000.011 STATUS: Initializing...

00000.012 INFO : basedir: C:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta

00000.012 INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta

00000.013 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,A-10C,F-5E,F-86F,RAZBAM_M-2000C,P-51D,UH-1H,NEVADA_terrain,MIG-21BIS,POLYCHOPSIM_SA342,F-15C,RAZBAM_AV8BNA,UH-1H_ARGO_campaign)

00000.013 INFO : branch: openbeta

00000.013 STATUS: Connecting to update servers...

00002.167 INFO : Got reply from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com

00002.966 INFO : Got reply from srv11update.digitalcombatsimulator.com

00002.969 STATUS: Verifying cached version info...

00002.993 ERROR: Nothing to install.

00005.414 === Log closed.


That's because the only command was to update, and not install any modules.


Seems the Checkboxes have become in-op for Hornet and Persian Gulf, will fix in next build.


The DCS Updater Utility.log file is only generated when the app closes. or by choosing Application Information -> Open Application Log File.


Either way, the log you provided showed me the commands for the Hornet and Persian Gulf werent not being sent when choosing install selected modules, already fixed in my build, working on some other things then will put out an update.


The individual Install buttons work though.

Edited by SkateZilla

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs

Much better! Much even, the difference between colors isn't as noticeable now.


I really like this one!


Next Build will have this then.

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs

Posted (edited)

Change log for 6.2.2018.1 /

-Fixed Disabled F/A-18C Module Check Box

-Fixed Disabled Persian Gulf Module Check Box

-Adjust Color of Background / Splash Screen


Online Now

Edited by SkateZilla

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs


Thanks mate.

S.O: Win 64bit
MB: ASUSTek TUF GAMING X570P/Alim: 850 watt Corsair 850TXEU
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8 Core/GPU: nVidia RTX3070 8GB (GIGABYTE Technology)
RAM: DDR4 64 GB 1600Mhz
Accessories: Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog


Having a weird situation when launching the new version. I get the attached dialogue, then if I click on 'No', I get a Windows admin warning. Loading the old version has neither of these issues.

Intel i7 12700K · MSI Gaming X Trio RTX 4090 · ASUS ROG STRIX Z690-A Wi-Fi · MSI 32" MPG321UR QD · Samsung 970 500Gb M.2 NVMe · 2 x Samsung 850 Evo 1Tb · 2Tb HDD · 32Gb Corsair Vengance 3000MHz DDR4 · Windows 11 · Thrustmaster TPR Pedals · Tobii Eye Tracker 5 · Thrustmaster F/A-18 Hornet Grip · Virpil MongoosT-50CM3 Base · Virpil Throttle MT-50 CM3 · Virpil Alpha Prime Grip · Virpil Control Panel 2 · Thrustmaster F-16 MFDs · HTC Vive Pro 2 · Total Controls Multifunction Button Box


The new Version is set to run as Admin that's why, needs admin privs to move and rename files within saved games folder.


This was noted in the Change Log.

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs


Thanks, yes that’s fine. It’s the attachment issue that I’m concerned about.

Intel i7 12700K · MSI Gaming X Trio RTX 4090 · ASUS ROG STRIX Z690-A Wi-Fi · MSI 32" MPG321UR QD · Samsung 970 500Gb M.2 NVMe · 2 x Samsung 850 Evo 1Tb · 2Tb HDD · 32Gb Corsair Vengance 3000MHz DDR4 · Windows 11 · Thrustmaster TPR Pedals · Tobii Eye Tracker 5 · Thrustmaster F/A-18 Hornet Grip · Virpil MongoosT-50CM3 Base · Virpil Throttle MT-50 CM3 · Virpil Alpha Prime Grip · Virpil Control Panel 2 · Thrustmaster F-16 MFDs · HTC Vive Pro 2 · Total Controls Multifunction Button Box


I never got that pop up in my version of Windows 10.

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs


Sadly, I do. Never had this issue with any of your previous versions. If I run an old version it's fine. Just the new one is causing the problem.

Intel i7 12700K · MSI Gaming X Trio RTX 4090 · ASUS ROG STRIX Z690-A Wi-Fi · MSI 32" MPG321UR QD · Samsung 970 500Gb M.2 NVMe · 2 x Samsung 850 Evo 1Tb · 2Tb HDD · 32Gb Corsair Vengance 3000MHz DDR4 · Windows 11 · Thrustmaster TPR Pedals · Tobii Eye Tracker 5 · Thrustmaster F/A-18 Hornet Grip · Virpil MongoosT-50CM3 Base · Virpil Throttle MT-50 CM3 · Virpil Alpha Prime Grip · Virpil Control Panel 2 · Thrustmaster F-16 MFDs · HTC Vive Pro 2 · Total Controls Multifunction Button Box


its either the change to admin only, or the update to Moved to .NET 4.6 Framework

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs


Is this something you can fix? I've never seen it happen ever before with any other app.

Intel i7 12700K · MSI Gaming X Trio RTX 4090 · ASUS ROG STRIX Z690-A Wi-Fi · MSI 32" MPG321UR QD · Samsung 970 500Gb M.2 NVMe · 2 x Samsung 850 Evo 1Tb · 2Tb HDD · 32Gb Corsair Vengance 3000MHz DDR4 · Windows 11 · Thrustmaster TPR Pedals · Tobii Eye Tracker 5 · Thrustmaster F/A-18 Hornet Grip · Virpil MongoosT-50CM3 Base · Virpil Throttle MT-50 CM3 · Virpil Alpha Prime Grip · Virpil Control Panel 2 · Thrustmaster F-16 MFDs · HTC Vive Pro 2 · Total Controls Multifunction Button Box


Solved! I ran Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"} from Powershell and all is now good!

Intel i7 12700K · MSI Gaming X Trio RTX 4090 · ASUS ROG STRIX Z690-A Wi-Fi · MSI 32" MPG321UR QD · Samsung 970 500Gb M.2 NVMe · 2 x Samsung 850 Evo 1Tb · 2Tb HDD · 32Gb Corsair Vengance 3000MHz DDR4 · Windows 11 · Thrustmaster TPR Pedals · Tobii Eye Tracker 5 · Thrustmaster F/A-18 Hornet Grip · Virpil MongoosT-50CM3 Base · Virpil Throttle MT-50 CM3 · Virpil Alpha Prime Grip · Virpil Control Panel 2 · Thrustmaster F-16 MFDs · HTC Vive Pro 2 · Total Controls Multifunction Button Box


Latest Build Online.

Windows 10 Pro, Ryzen 2700X @ 4.6Ghz, 32GB DDR4-3200 GSkill (F4-3200C16D-16GTZR x2),

ASRock X470 Taichi Ultimate, XFX RX6800XT Merc 310 (RX-68XTALFD9)

3x ASUS VS248HP + Oculus HMD, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS + MFDs


Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere but I couldn’t find it by searching this thread. I was looking for a “Help” file or manual that would help me learn how to use the interface of the DCS GUI Utility. There is an entry in one of the file menus but it seems to take me to the earlier CMD line format, at least none of the pictures seem to address the GUI Utility. I know many of you have followed this since it was created but I could use something to train me how to use it.



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