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Engine failure on start in tutorial


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So I've left the Gazelle on the shelf for a little while since release and just picked it up again last night. Running through the cold start training mission as soon as I move the fuel lever forward the rotor picks up speed and then there's a bang around 250 RPM (rotor) and the engine is dead.


This never happened on previous runs of the mission maybe a month ago and I'm certain I'm not missing a step. Anyone have any ideas? This is in the Caucasus, by the way.

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1/2 way of the full laver and wait for the needles to sync ,

Whan thay are sync and stop to move forword it to the full way slow till u reach the right tackoff rpm.



IAF Bell205

IAF Anafa



DCS World Modules: A-10C, FC3, MiG-21BiS, F-86, P-51, KA-50, UH-1H Huey, Mi-8, M2000K, Gazal, Bf109, Mig-15, Hawk and NTTR


My System - ASUS Maximus HERO iiiv, CoolMaster 120 Sadion Plus, I7 -6700K @4.0, G.Skill ddr4 16GB ram, Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 , PSU Seasonic X-650W, OCZ 150 500Gb ssd drive X2, Seagate 7200 1T X2.


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I believe on the real Gazelle, the pilot actually watches the torque meter to make sure it doesn't go past a certain amount as engine damage will occur otherwise. As others stated, in DCS Gazelle, just make sure you keep the engine RPM and rotor RPM needles basically on top of each other and you'll be good.

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