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Lock-On with 1680x1050


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Hi i have new "22 widescreen with 1680x1050 and i did not understand what i have to change? Can some one please explain to me? I did search the forum for this but i did not understand from what i have read so far, i have this in config\view\view.lua


-- Camera view angle limits {view angle min, view angle max}.

CameraAngleLimits = {}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_27] = {160.0, -76.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_33] = {160.0, -79.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_25] = {109.0, -70.0, 105.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {116.0, -85.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29] = {160.0, -80.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K] = {140.0, -65.0, 90.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iA_10] = {160.0, -72.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iF_15] = {160.0, -81.0, 110.0}


Can some one show me what to change?

Thank you.


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When i fly in Lock-On with the new widescreen the picture is stretched and i read and see pictures with wide screen that you get more view on the sides, and they say to edit the "config\view\view.lua" and i don't understand what i have to change so i can fly Lock-On good with the new widescreen, and this is what i have now in "config\view\view.lua"


-- Camera view angle limits {view angle min, view angle max}.

CameraAngleLimits = {}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_27] = {160.0, -76.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_33] = {160.0, -79.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_25] = {109.0, -70.0, 105.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {116.0, -85.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29] = {160.0, -80.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K] = {140.0, -65.0, 90.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iA_10] = {160.0, -72.0, 110.0}

CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iF_15] = {160.0, -81.0, 110.0}


So i'm asking if some one can please tell me what to change?

Thank you.

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Hi i have new "22 widescreen with 1680x1050 and i did not understand what i have to change? .....



First make sure you're running you monitor in its native 1680x1050 rez (Go to Nvidia CP or ATI CCC)... then open lock on and set the proper resolution... LOMAC should show a selection now for 1680x1050


Then go to windows folder


C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Config\graphics.cfg


Then change the values to this...save...that simple





resolution = {1680, 1050};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.6;



resolution = {1680, 1050};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.6;




resolution = {1680, 1050};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.6;




resolution = {640, 480};

fullscreen = 0;

aspect = 1.3333;






I found odd symbol behavior when i had AVI set to 1.6.... Enjoy!



Also, bookmark this site http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/



Btw... this is more of a tech disscusion... no worries though

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First make sure you're running you monitor in its native 1680x1050 rez (Go to Nvidia CP or ATI CCC)... then open lock on and set the proper resolution... LOMAC should show a selection now for 1680x1050


Then go to windows folder


C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Config\graphics.cfg


Then change the values to this...save...that simple





resolution = {1680, 1050};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.6;



resolution = {1680, 1050};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.6;




resolution = {1680, 1050};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.6;




resolution = {640, 480};

fullscreen = 0;

aspect = 1.3333;






I found odd symbol behavior when i had AVI set to 1.6.... Enjoy!



Also, bookmark this site http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/



Btw... this is more of a tech disscusion... no worries though


Fudd is correct, but remember everytime you go into your graphics tab in lock on it will change the aspect ratio back to 1.3333333. So make sure your settings are good or the next time you fire up lock on and you forget to change it it will look funny.

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you can use LockOn Configurator and it's a lot easier.. you can select res and aspect ratio you want...


Does it change it back if you go into the graphics tab in lock on?

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good info for you there from Fudd.


zaguru, i think cali is asking if the aspect ratio changes back after you edit the graphic settings in game...using the lockon configurator you speak of, is that the samething as locfg?


from memory i think its the resolution that remains while the aspect gets reset for some reason...


so when using the lockon configurator does it maintain the same aspect ratio after making changes in game???


if so i would love to hear about it as i am constantly having to retype those aspect ratio values after i make changes while testing for performance changes etc.

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Let me put it this way:


FOV is how much you can see naturally without turning your head. The standard FOV is 70 degrees, enough to see your front panel, windshield, and surrounding area within a cone. For example: look at your monitor and pay attention to what you can see without turning your head. Then lean forward or backward and see how much more FOV you have. In settings, cockpit, in game, you can adjust how much FOV you have by using the slider. What this does is gives you a wider FOV or narrower FOV either zoomed out or zoomed in.


Zoomed all the way in you will see things from a distance up close and your perephrial vision is narrow. You can see only certain things.

Zoomed all the way out you will see everything near you at a distance but your perspective visual is much wider. You can see everything but detail is not really there. Think of it as using a pair of binoculars.

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OK thank you for the explaination but how do i change in Lock-On so i can see like this? http://forum.lockon.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=4325&d=1138774626

I don't see like that i'm just very close to the HUD, i change aspect ratio to 1.6 in the graphics config file, i change the config\view\view.lua in Camera view angle limits to {20.0, 145.0} but still no change in FOV, what els should i do? Can some one please help?


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Go to settings, cockpit, and drag the slider to 99 degrees. That FOV is fully zoomed out.

There is no slider option for cockpit view in Flaming cliffs, i think it was in 1.02, but thank you any way. Can some one please help me with change the FOV so i can see like this http://forum.lockon.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=4325&d=1138774626

Any one, please?


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