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GBU's and the A-10


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The GBU-28? the F-111 could carry 2 of them and the F-15E can AFAIK take 1 so the A-10 wont be able to carry even one of those Babys...


Well, to pretty much say it, Dice knows the A-10 quite more than most of us. I'd see one but then again if it's cleared, then it can carry it. But whether or not it has actually dropped one is a matter of conjecture since the task of the A-10 is close air support, not deep strike, but with Afghanistan, it may have.

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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Dice, I've been thinking about this. Are you sure about the GBU-28? That's a BLU-113 on there, its a big'un. :smilewink: I didn't know that about the GBU-15, but it looks like it doesn't feed video in LOMAC anyway. The ACP recognizes it as an E/O weapon, but that's as far as it goes. I was thinking it was a possibility since the Hog has carried GBU-8s in the past, but I think that was just during OT&E in the 70's.


Warthogmadman, no worries dude, I'll add what we're sure about at this point and go from there. Every time I add a weapon I have to go back through the meinit file and manually correct the 2-missile AGM-65D configuration, but its no problem now, I just marked the side of my monitor with a piece of masking tape to mark where I need to drag the scroll bar to get to that part of the file. I'll upload it shortly. Let me know when you're done with your movie, I'd like to see that. :D


OK, i am going to make sure to upload it to several places this time. I am also going to use the in game renderer, considering the FRAPS quality i had was horrible. This one is going to be specifically the A-10. I am calling it Rampage Run. Although i am super busy with school now, so i figure it could be a long time. If it gets to the point, i am probably going to wait for the new A-10A model lo-fi and deadman are working on. That way i have LBG's and a sweet looking model to go with it!

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Damn guys I’m sorry I was reading/understanding the GBU-28 as a GBU 12. I pulled a muscle at work so I’m on muscle relaxers (with a few beers on top last night) and my brain was a little fuzzy to say the least. I don’t believe the A-10 has been cleared for the 28 only the 500/1,000/2,000 pounders.


IK, you are right on the GUB-15 as far as I know. I don’t know what kind of link they used in the 70s during testing but, I have a feeling they only cleared the airframe (separation testing) to drop the GBU-8 and not to be able guide it onto the target. I believe this may have been only “future growth” testing.


BTW, yes I have more meds but they are all for me...ROFL!

Ugly but well hung!

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BTW, yes I have more meds but they are all for me...ROFL!


I was about to ask you for some of that, dang. :P

Nah, pot is all I got, pot is weed, and that's all I'll ever need.


How about adding a working amraam onto the A-10? ;)


A quick question, why is there no launch override on the A-10 in A-A mode?

Creedence Clearwater Revival:worthy:

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Every time I add a weapon I have to go back through the meinit file and manually correct the 2-missile AGM-65D configuration, but its no problem now, I just marked the side of my monitor with a piece of masking tape to mark where I need to drag the scroll bar to get to that part of the file.


Try using the "Find" facility in Note Pad or Word Pad instead;


Edit: oops that was the wrong line :doh:


Search for:



Or change the *3 to *2 if you have used LOPE.


... and it will take you directly to Pylon 3 and then click find next again and it'll take you to Pylon 9. Check you're in the correct place before you edit.





Minimum effort, maximum satisfaction.


CDDS Tutorial Version 3. | Main Screen Mods.

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Guest IguanaKing

That makes too much sense, Cosmo. :doh: Thanks for the tip. :D Its actually the AGM65D*2 entries that get screwed up. The one on station 3 looks fine in-game, but station 9 looks exactly like station 3. Instead of the side Maverick being outboard, its inboard. That's why I have to go in and manually change that CLSID on station 9, just so its physical appearance isn't hosed in the game. :thumbup: I think I'll eventually have the payload weights for the A-10A fixed as well.

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Guest IguanaKing
Damn guys I’m sorry I was reading/understanding the GBU-28 as a GBU 12. I pulled a muscle at work so I’m on muscle relaxers (with a few beers on top last night) and my brain was a little fuzzy to say the least. I don’t believe the A-10 has been cleared for the 28 only the 500/1,000/2,000 pounders.


IK, you are right on the GUB-15 as far as I know. I don’t know what kind of link they used in the 70s during testing but, I have a feeling they only cleared the airframe (separation testing) to drop the GBU-8 and not to be able guide it onto the target. I believe this may have been only “future growth” testing.


BTW, yes I have more meds but they are all for me...ROFL!


Hehe...no problem, Dice, I've been in that same situation a few times myself. :D I have one more question for you about A-10 armament. What is the ejector rack called that only carries pairs of bombs? I've seen a couple of photos of Hogs with Mk20s mounted in pairs, and they weren't on TER-9s...it was just a side-by-side configuration. Any idea what that rack is called? Thanks again for the info. :thumbup:

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That makes too much sense, Cosmo. :doh: Thanks for the tip. :D Its actually the AGM65D*2 entries that get screwed up. The one on station 3 looks fine in-game, but station 9 looks exactly like station 3. Instead of the side Maverick being outboard, its inboard. That's why I have to go in and manually change that CLSID on station 9, just so its physical appearance isn't hosed in the game. :thumbup: I think I'll eventually have the payload weights for the A-10A fixed as well.


I got the wrong line again?? lol :book:



Minimum effort, maximum satisfaction.


CDDS Tutorial Version 3. | Main Screen Mods.

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Hey Guys, This might be alittle OT but i thought i would ask anyways. How do i change a Non-Flyable that is set as a Flyable, back to a non-flyable again? I have the F-15 mod installed and when flying the Hog i get the F-16. If you guys could explain just briefly how to fix this it would be a great help for me. Thanks. S! Great job by the way.

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Guest IguanaKing
IK, how did you get the GBU's hanging under the SU-33? Also, the 65E's, where can I grab those?




You'll have to ask the guy who hung those on his Su-33 about how to use them, because he put those on himself. :smilewink: Have you tried using LOPE yet? You can hang 65Es on your A-10 that way and GBUs on your Su-33. I'm leaving the 65Es out of my mod, because at this point, they are an unconfirmed payload for the A-10. Dice is looking into that for us. If they ARE compatible with the IRL A-10, one thing I DO know is that you can only carry two of them. Both the 65K and 65E are too heavy for the LAU-119.

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IK, I know that the Hornet community uses the laser Mav's. Do you know if they are slewed to the target using a pod (lantirn,sniper,etc)? If so, would the A-10 realistically need such a pod, or would the PavePenny be suitable and logical to use? I ask because I noticed that the LMAV doesnt seem to hit a moving target when fired off of the Hog.





"When you're out of Tomcats, you're out of fighters!"


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Guest IguanaKing

The PAVEPenny should be enough, since its not really used for weapons guidance. It just directs the pilot to the illuminated target and works with the INS and ADC to calculate a release point, the weapon is supposed to take care of post-release guidance. That's an interesting find you made in discovering that the E doesn't work well against moving targets. So, it looks like the E in LOMAC behaves much like an unpropelled GBU, which wouldn't be the case IRL. It should be able to bob and weave with the best of any enemy ground vehicle as long as the FAC can keep the target illuminated. :D


BTW...I don't know what I was thinking earlier. The LAU I mentioned in the last post should be an LAU-88 not 119. :doh:

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IK, here’s an article on tests being done on the A-10C model which allow the Hawg to use laser guided AGM-65s with the new Sniper pod. It’s doesn’t say what model mav was used in the test but, if it can use one it should be able to use all laser guided missiles such as the E model.




Now the A-10As have had the limited ability to use LGBs (only in the last three years) with the LITENING pod but, as far as I know they have not used any laser guided missiles with this pod. As you’ve stated above the Pave Penny pod can only receive info and not guide anything so without some type of targeting pod the A-10A would not be able to guide a AGM-65E .


So there you go, I believe the A-10C can use the AGM-65E but, the A-10A can’t. You will have to make the call on whether to use then or not.

Ugly but well hung!

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IK, how did you get the GBU's hanging under the SU-33? Also, the 65E's, where can I grab those?




I just used LOPE to hang them on, took it out for a test flight, and viola, they work, except the MER*3 GBU-16 stuff though...

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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Im trying this out myself and cant drop any LGB's from my '33. I have fitted it with KAB-500's and GBU-12's and cant get them to drop. It isnt a problem on the A-10 though. What procedure are you going through to get working LGB's on the Su-33? I am running LO 1.12.




"When you're out of Tomcats, you're out of fighters!"


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Yeah I am too. What you have to do is turn on your Rangefinder (SHIFT + O) then enable the Optical Seeker (Key O) then move the pipper onto the target (doesn't have to be preplanned) and lock. At this point you have to map "Launch Permission Override" somewhere on the joystick as it's needed to launch the weapon. Now the tricky part, if you're not familiar with LGB use, Su-33 wise, is that it needs to fall within two bars on the left hand side of the HUD. Usually a diving or semi-level attitude will get you within the bars. If all fails, nose up and climb slightly to get a better "window". Note you have to designate for the GBU's while the KAB-500s are launch and leave.


Here's a track of me using them (for the screenies) that could help:




Lock On 1.12


That should help more than swamping the topic with alot of screenies... I post enough as it is..

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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Guest IguanaKing

Thanks, Dice. In the interest of realism, I'll leave the Es off the Hog. Besides, it seems they are of little use against moving targets in LOMAC. The high weight which makes them incompatible with LAU-88s pretty much kills the idea for me. I can think of much more powerful laser guided ordnance carried one per station that can only deal with stationary targets...so I'll stick with those instead. :D Just a heads up for anybody who loads GBU-12s on stations 1 and 11...when you release the second to last GBU-12, DO NOT cycle through your A-G weapons. If you do so, a program glitch usually causes you to lose access to that last GBU. If you don't cycle weapons, you can still drop it. :)


I'm still in progress on mods for the Mission Editor and Encyclopedia to, not only NATOize them, but to correct them. OMG are both of them horribly wrong! :doh: I'm going to add RHAW/TEWS symbology to the Encyclopedia as well, based on the chart I made in the past.

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Guest IguanaKing

Thanks Warthogmadman987. :D Just one thing though...thats a "g" in my screen name, not a "q". My screen name comes from my other passion... raising, rescuing, rehabilitating and studying the world's living dinosaur, the green iguana. ;)


It looks like I'll have to update my ELINT chart after I make all of these corrections. :doh: I'm debugging as I go along, and the new info just looks so cool. Hopefully this mod will help our members who don't think, simultaneously, in Russian and English, to Google a little bit and learn a thing or two about the various systems portrayed in LOMAC. :D

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Thanks Warthogmadman987. :D Just one thing though...thats a "g" in my screen name, not a "q". My screen name comes from my other passion... raising, rescuing, rehabilitating and studying the world's living dinosaur, the green iguana. ;)


Ya, my bad, i was posting at about midnight here, so i wasnt all on the same page...

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Hey Hellcat61, here's a rather interesting track (okay, the ending is something out of the ordinary...) on getting frisky with GBU-16s:



LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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