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In-Game Renderer Issues and Clipping


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Hi, im Sp0nge lol ;)


Issue #1 - In-Game Renderer Problems


It makes my game freeze when I click on "Render to AVI" :(


i read over some of the other topics after I had a search and they didnt seem to help..


Has anyone had a similar problem and found a resolution?


Most of the issues seem to be codec issues, but when I go to remove ANY it tells me that it's needed by windows and uninstalling it could be like potentially harmful. So I will give a list of codecs i have installed..


Cineform HD VFW Codec

FRAPS Video Decompressor


Indeo video 5.10





Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec








XviD MPEG-4 Video Codec


In that order.


Okay so onto my next issue.


Issue #2 - Screen/Vehicle/Aircraft Clipping


Whenever I get too close in any external view it clips the plane. This is what I mean.




I've tried re-installing lock on but that didn't work.


So I hope someone can help

Is breaking the laws of gravity illegal?



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if you install one new video codec ( other applications or codec-pack ) this codec will be saved in windows. But Lockon dont read them all ( only the most popular ones ) and if you try to click "Render to AVI" it freezes right here because of unknown codecload..


Go system options.....locate Codec Type, Name and Path and just delete this one xxxx.DLL file.....


Thats it.


i just compared my to yours..probably


Ivcodec2.dll or vp6vfw.dll or (what i dont think) msh262 ... mostly i guess one the the first tow ones


Just go c:/windows/systems32 (if XP) and backup and delete them ( deleting is deinstalling ) and try again



Issue 2:


make sure your LOD value in Visib Range settings (modman or manualy game or in lockon/config/graphics.cfg is not 0.7 (what it is on visib "low" ..make it 1.0 at least...and this disapears)


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A similar fenomenon I have seen too when I was trying the "low" settings for visibility.


What it does is making the "near clipping" setting very bad and the nose of the Su-25T gets clipped from "in cockpit" view.


Check this setting in LockOn Cfg




later edit..


warm warm warmer :)


I5 4670k, 32GB, GTX 1070, Thrustmaster TFRP, G940 Throttle extremely modded with Bodnar 0836X and Bu0836A,

Warthog Joystick with F-18 grip, Oculus Rift S - Almost all is made from gifts from friends, the most expensive parts at least

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For issue 1 why don't you reinstall xvid codec?




I know that Lock On tries to use this one.


I5 4670k, 32GB, GTX 1070, Thrustmaster TFRP, G940 Throttle extremely modded with Bodnar 0836X and Bu0836A,

Warthog Joystick with F-18 grip, Oculus Rift S - Almost all is made from gifts from friends, the most expensive parts at least

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I use 0.1 but the interface of LoCFG shows 1 until you move the slider a bit to the right... then you can move it back to max left and shows 0.1... just a glich :)


I5 4670k, 32GB, GTX 1070, Thrustmaster TFRP, G940 Throttle extremely modded with Bodnar 0836X and Bu0836A,

Warthog Joystick with F-18 grip, Oculus Rift S - Almost all is made from gifts from friends, the most expensive parts at least

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