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[REPORTED]Host crash when player reloads vehicle ATGM and leaves the vehicle

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So, as the tittle says....


When a player using the Tactical Commander joins a vehicle and shoots and ATGM, then starts an ATGM reload and leaves the vehicle control, while the reload is happening... it crashes the server...




Can be reproduced 100% with Bradley, BMP-2, Stryker ATGM.







Everybody gotta be offended and take it personally now-a-days


I think the problem is on the vehicles which require an animation to reload the ATGM (BMP-2s, M2 Bradleys, etc) while I don't think is an issue with vehicles such as the T-72 which have no animation and only an internal reload.



Client track file attached.

Attack on Orbelyanovka-20200301-224753.trk

PC : i7 7700K | NVIDIA 2070 Super | 32GB RAM 3000MHz

Modules : FC3 | Bf 109K-4 Kurfurst | F-5E-3 Tiger II | A-10C Worthog | MiG-21Bis Fishbed | UH-1H Huey | Combined Arms | AJS-37 Viggen | F/A-18C Hornet | Ka-50 | F-14A&B Tomcat! | L-39 | Mi-8MTV | Persian Gulf | F-86F | MiG-15 | AV-8B N/A | M-2000C | P-51D | F-16C | Yak-52 | Nevada | SA342 | NS430 | JF-17


Virpil WarBRD | Virpil VFX Grip

  • ED Team

Hi all


Im going to ask you for more data on this.


If you have short track replays showing this happen please attach it




Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal


PC : i7 7700K | NVIDIA 2070 Super | 32GB RAM 3000MHz

Modules : FC3 | Bf 109K-4 Kurfurst | F-5E-3 Tiger II | A-10C Worthog | MiG-21Bis Fishbed | UH-1H Huey | Combined Arms | AJS-37 Viggen | F/A-18C Hornet | Ka-50 | F-14A&B Tomcat! | L-39 | Mi-8MTV | Persian Gulf | F-86F | MiG-15 | AV-8B N/A | M-2000C | P-51D | F-16C | Yak-52 | Nevada | SA342 | NS430 | JF-17


Virpil WarBRD | Virpil VFX Grip

Crash Logs from mission runs with BIGNEWY.


To note is that R Alt + J has to be used.


It also crashes using the icon, it's not specific to the RAlt + J or Icon.

PC : i7 7700K | NVIDIA 2070 Super | 32GB RAM 3000MHz

Modules : FC3 | Bf 109K-4 Kurfurst | F-5E-3 Tiger II | A-10C Worthog | MiG-21Bis Fishbed | UH-1H Huey | Combined Arms | AJS-37 Viggen | F/A-18C Hornet | Ka-50 | F-14A&B Tomcat! | L-39 | Mi-8MTV | Persian Gulf | F-86F | MiG-15 | AV-8B N/A | M-2000C | P-51D | F-16C | Yak-52 | Nevada | SA342 | NS430 | JF-17


Virpil WarBRD | Virpil VFX Grip

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