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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share some first impressions of flying the Ka-50. I'm fairly new to DCS - started back in January, but since then I've picked up multiple modules including the Huey and the Mi-8. The UH-1 had a bit of a learning curve, but I quickly got comfortable with it. I hated the Mi-8 until I realized it has two throttles - I'd been trying to fly it on a single engine... :P. Now, it's my favorite heli!


The Ka-50 wasn't on my radar at all until now, but with the free trial period, I decided to give it a shot. And I'm glad I did. First, it's a very different creature compared the Huey or the Mi-8. It feels less like a heli and more like a fixed wing airplane. It is certainly a lot more aerobatic and maneuverable than the Mi-8. It's also a lot more forgiving and, when I'm not horsing around, the Ka-50 feels a lot more stable. Perhaps it's my prior experience with the other heli mods, but I quickly felt very comfortable in the Ka-50. Had to go through the manual to figure out how to use the weapon systems, but with a bit of practice, it's easy to lock and destroy targets. By comparison, I still find the Mi-8 very challenging in combat - not only because it's difficult for me to employ its weapon systems accurately but also because a couple of hits from some guy with an AK47, and the Mi-8 is ready to go down.


So, overall, the Ka-50 is growing on me. It's an interesting mod, worth purchasing and learning. In fact, I'd probably recommend the Ka-50 as a first step to someone with no heli experience over the Mi-8 or even the Huey (though both are a ton of fun!).


I remember when Black Shark 1 was announced to say there was a groan from some of the community at the time, me included is understating things, boy was I wrong, since then the KA-50 is my favourite, I have most of the fixed wing ww2 included,

when It was announced that BS3 was coming it was like Christmas for me

I've no idea why I like it so much maybe its the mix of old n new tech but the KA-50 feels just right, at the moment there is a new version in the works ( don't ask when I've no idea) and you can be sure I will be getting it.

Thump of the rotors

Needles vibrating behind the glass

Smoke belching from over used turbine

realistic comms


Top cover ? whoa all right I've went to far (but I can dream can't I)

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