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Posted (edited)

hi there...


well what started out as an air refuelling practise mission that the proceeded to get way way waaaaaay out of hand, I present yo you version 4.0 of the NZArmA training space. since it's gotten this far I figured it might be worth having a forum page on it, just in case...


anyway here's the files





here are the training mission options available

Release - the current public version with mods (A4)

RF - Random failures on

N - Night

NM - The current public version with no mods


currently, the only mod we use is the A4, because, RNZAF Skyhawk baby!


this is an ongoing project that seems to develop sporadically over the weeks and months, ill update this thread when there are new versions available


here's the briefing info to find out what we've got in the mission




-------------NZArmA Training---------------------


A Simple No Bullshit All Aspect Training Mission.




You start in the parking area at Kutaisi, Senaki-Kolkhi, one of the carriers or air start in the BFM area


Most aircraft have BULLSEYE set as WAYPOINT 1


All aircraft are available


All Comms information can be found:

* On your kneeboard under "NZArmA Mission Information"

* The second image in the briefing




Winds are:

12 Knots at 33 Feet from the west, Bearing 080

25 knots at 1600 Feet from the west, Bearing 080

30 knots at 6600 Feet from the west, Bearing 068

40 knots at 26000 Feet from the west, Bearing 048


Cloud Base is 3000 Feet


QNH 31.1inHg



AWACS E3 call-sign DARKSTAR will perform a circular orbit at FL40 over BULLSEYE

FRQ - 235mhz.


AWACS E2 call-sign OVERLORD will perform a circular orbit at FL30 over BULLSEYE

FRQ - 225mhz.



---------------Air to Air Refueling-----------------


There are 5 tankers flying racetrack patterns around Kutaisi

* They are staggered in range, altitude and starting location

* One in each corner of a square

* KC-135s start in the same place and fly the same course separated by 1 nm



There are the following tankers;

* KC-130 - 231mhz - Shell 1-1 - TACAN 31Y - FL15

* KC-135 (boom) -261mhz - Texico 1-1 - TACAN 61Y - FL20

* KC-135MPRS (Basket) -251mhz - Texico 2-1 - TACAN 51Y - FL20

* S-3B - 241mhz - Texico 3-1 - TACAN 41Y - FL15

* IL-78 - 271mhz - Arco 1-1 - NO TACAN - FL20


Make radio contact as usual.


-------------------Aircraft Carriers--------------------


Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) is travelling North West away from land, ready for carrier operations


FRQ - 271mhz

ICLS - 1


Aircraft Carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) is travelling North West away from land, ready for carrier operations


FRQ - 274mhz

ICLS - 4


The Marines LHA Will be following the same course as the CV


FRQ - 296mhz

ICLS - 6


The Kuznetsov is there too, FRQ 243Mhz



Over the Crimean Peninsula, there is a BFM area, miles away from anything that could interfere or distract from the scrap, you will start at 15000 ft 10 nm apart, hit the merge and fights on!




* Guns only

*All aircraft in the game are available

*Full tanks, no bags

* 4 of each aircraft available for each side


---------------------Air To Air-------------------------


The 'Round Table' Air To Air area is located to the NORTHWEST.

All OPFOR start on the ground and will scramble to meet you.

There are 5 modes, all fired through radio;


1) Round Table --> Radio>Other>Round Table

* Can only be called once and will scramble all OPFOR fighters


2) Manual flight Scramble --> Radio>Other>Manual Scramble>aircraft type.

* Each flight can only be scrambled once

* Selecting manual scramble will remove all other modes

* After selecting 'Manual Scramble' you will need to reopen the radio to select the flights to scramble


3) Random Scramble -->Radio>Other>Random Scramble

* Will randomly scramble a flight


4) Random Rolling Scramble -->Radio>Other>Random Rolling Scramble

* Randomly scramble a flight

* Once the whole flight is down it will scramble another flight at random this will continue until all flights have been shot down


5) Bomber Intercept -->Radio>Other>Bomber Intercept

* Russian bombers will spawn by the Crimean Peninsula and head South East for the Carriers. You will have to intercept them before they kill the carrier. there are 3 waves available, each one spawned after the one before via the radio command, all 3 can be launched quickly for doomsday attack




There are 3 types of escort mission all fired through radio;


1) B-52 - High-Level Runway Strike - Target - Tbilisi-Lochini

2) B-1B - Mid-Level Runway Strike - Target - Vaziani

3) Tornado GR4 - Low-Level Pinpoint Strike - Target - Communication Tower near Gamardzheveba


All bomber missions are heading to the same area so they can be fired 1, 2 or 3 at a time, it's your call.


---------------------Air To Ground-------------------------


Sukhumi is home to a simple bombing and gun range with various targets of various types for UNGUIDED A2G practice. target vehicles and buildings placed around the airfield, including 3 different sized sticks of infantry for ripple bombing practice.


Below the river, at KM57 you will find a big bullseye style target marked out with airshow pylons with a FARP in the middle. use it for target practice, accuracy practise or air racing, whatever else you can think to do with a big area of concentric circles

FARP Moscow is at the centre @ 210Mhz


Grid KM76 is home to 2 groups of targets, one group is ground units the other is trucks and tanks, there close to Kutaisi so you can try out new things without having to fly far


A laser designation range is to the NORTHEAST around the lake next to Haristvala and the lake around Analsopli to practice laze and buddy laze. There is one of each type of armoured vehicle and 2 ships there to practice on. They are spaced and placed in such a way that identification and engagement should be easy.


There is a drone serviced GBU range near the end of the medium-sized lake to the SOUTH SOUTHEAST of Kutaisi.

* Make radio contact en route. 131Mhz

* The drone will laze for you

* Laser code 1688

* Full JTAC/FAC Procedures will be in effect


There are 4 command bunkers located on the GPS coordinates of famous locations in Georgia. The point of this is for target id and bunker-busting practise. See if you can destroy them all

* Alphabetic Tower - 41°39'21.4"N 41°38'22.0"E

* Katskhi Column - 42°17'15.0"N 43°12'56.2"E

* Friendship Monument - 42°29'31.9"N 44°27'09.4"E

* Sochi Autodrom - 43°24'37.0"N 39°58'05.8"E


Finally hidden in the hills and valleys of area GF34 is a small target to attack, it seems a separatists movement has set up a base there and has been using the base to attack locals



---------------SEAD/SAM Evasion Training-------------------


There are 5 SAM sites, located in 5 different areas;

* SA11 located at Beslan Airport

* SA10 located near the lake NORTHEAST of Mineralnye

* SA3 located along the coast SOUTH of Batumi

* SA6 and SA2 located along the coast SOUTHWEST of the SA6 Site

Use these locations to practice SEAD and SAM Evasion



2 MANPAD 'sites' are located to the south of Kutaisi, just northeast and north-west of the drone serviced target range, one site is Igla's the other site is for stingers



On the far eastern edge of the map, you will find the SSoD, it contains most of the SAM units in the game, not all but most. can you take them all out?




2 Russian Naval ships are sailing North West from grid FG for ASW Training, these guys shoot back


3 Russian Cargo ships are also North West from grid FG great for ASW Training, these guys won't shoot back



-------------------------Helicopter Ops---------------------------


Their area is a selection of helicopters at Kutaisi, cold and hot start available


behind the main parking area at Kutaisi are sling load cargo's for sling practice


There are also 5x FARP's available,

* On an island in the middle of the airshow course along the river - FARP Dublin 180Mhz

* On an island in the river just north of Zugdidi - FARP London 170Mhz

* West of AMBROLAURI and below SADMELI - FARP Berlin 190Mhz

* -Helipad- In Grid MN31 on a mountain top above the tunnel FARP Warsaw 200Mhz

* North of Lanchhuti, surrounded by circles of Airshow Pylons - FARP Moscow 210Mhz

* -Helipad- Below the dam, start of the Vally run - FARP Dallis 160Mhz



-------------------------Cocking Around---------------------------


There is air race along the river south of Kutaisi.


* Fly near/over the starting box to the EAST to pop smoke markers by the pylons

* Fly through the slalom course as fast as you can

* If you see one pylon slalom it (opposite side from last slalom pole)

* Start/Finish is marked with Orange smoke

* Turn Point is marked with White

* Blue smoke marks a wings level gate, fly between the pylons wings level

* Red smoke, bank Right around the outside of the pylon

* Green smoke, bank Left around the outside of the pylon

* The river course is an end to end course, fly through the gates at the western end then slalom through the course, turn around as fast as you can in the turning area to the east (marked with pylons and smoke) and fly back to the start-finish gates back at the western side.

* The 4 white smoke markers to the West of the start gate are there to help you line up for the run-in


(You can also use the same target area to race in a circle, or in ever-decreasing circles, the eastern (090) arc has pylon spaces to get in and out)


Vally Run/Mach Loop From Helipad Dallas - follow the smoke


There is also a tunnel north of Kvemo-Sba In Grid MN31 that you can try to fly through, fly into the area and smoke markers will appear at each end Red and Green at the western end and Blue and Yellow end, try to fly through it, To help you find the area there is a helipad on top of the mountain - FARP Warsaw 200Mhz


Good luck




REDFOR airfields will scramble fighters to attack you if you fly too close.


You may land at any friendly or neutral airfield to refuel, rearm and repair


There is no bullshit here, if you wish to try one of the areas please fly towards it. Once the area is destroyed that's it until mission restart.

All areas are out of the way of all other areas so you can't accidentally wander off into one of the areas. You must make an effort to fly to them OR trigger them by radio.


All units are set to HARD OR BETTER SETTINGS no point practising with crap AI!


This mission has no scripts and is 100% mission editor based.




this mission is set up with the aircraft that NZArmA flys with if you want to add your own please only change the ones that are there, the mission has some complex triggers in it tied to the names of specific aircraft. if you add-in an aircraft you will have to find these triggers and add them to it HOWEVER if you CHANGE the aircraft to the type you want then the triggers will auto-update and continue to work as designed.





I hope that you enjoy the mission and can get plenty of use out of it, feel free to use on your own servers and tweak the aircraft and units in it to fit your purposes, I've spent a lot of time making this, the more people who use it the better and we all need to do training time to time so get out there and get amongst it


happy hunting

Edited by PSYKOnz

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the share I will give it a try.

Can you explain why you said the altimeter is "QNH 31.1inHg" ?

It seems in fact to be an standard 2992 at least in the NM version, but I don't understand why you would put something as high as 3110. I think the F18 altimeter cant even go above 3100.

Toutes les grandes personnes ont d'abord été des enfants, mais peu d'entre elles s'en souviennent.


Three Point Landing


I’ll take a look, but as far as I can remember it’s either the default it was on or a leftover from an earlier version.


I’ll take a look and re up it here if needs be

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

  • 4 weeks later...

Decided to cut my losses and just load “summer - clear skies no wind” preset for weather.


recommend you do the same, I will address this in an upcoming release of the mission. Making final tweaks now, testing as I go


anything else you want done?

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

  • 4 months later...

There used to be a Top Gun version.  I have it but I don't think it works in 2.7 (it doesn't show up in the mission list).


Is there a new version?  Or why isn't it seen in the mission list?


Also, in the Dogfight one, the Tomcats in close blue start with radar off.  Anyway to have them start with radar on?






"Also, I would prefer a back seater over the extra gas any day. I would have 80 pounds of flesh to eat and a pair of glasses to start a fire." --F/A-18 Hornet pilot


They should Astarte radar on, not sure why there starting with it off I’ve not had them Starting off for me


the top gun training one has been superseded by the NZArmA bfm training “the 600”


as to it not showing up I have no idea why that’s happened,  I’ll look into it 

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen


Yes every close in dogfight I fly I have to jump in the RIO seat and flip the switch to take the radar off standby.  I didn't know this and I lost 2 great tracking shots on the bandits from not having a radar (maual shooting was OK though).


The version "600" uses the A-4 mod so I can't use it, nor can some others if they don't ahve the A-4 mod.....many don't that are running on MP servers since if you don't have the same mods as the others or the server itself, you apparently can't fly together.


IS there a non A-4 version, or can I just go into the ME and take out the A-4s?




"Also, I would prefer a back seater over the extra gas any day. I would have 80 pounds of flesh to eat and a pair of glasses to start a fire." --F/A-18 Hornet pilot


Did some tests today mine is working fine on all versions. I get in, everything is set up and working correctly no issues with radar at al, works fine on


i also had a mate test it; we both flew the cats on both sides and had no issues with radar or set up at all, all we had to do was select guns and master arm, merge and go


must be something on your end?

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

  • 7 months later...

1st thanks for the mission 🤩 it is wonderful.

I only would like to suggest;

Could not be possible to have the dogfight area in a detailed area of the map? The current area is so barren that it is distracting with all the terrain glitches.


Thank you


Yea that’s been an on going issue for me too, at the moment there are a few issues,


first is that the editor is crap at letting you move things, so when I go to move them I have to move each aircraft (or flight of aircraft) one at a time, then move there waypoints one at a time as well, I found a way to do it a bit easier using cut and paste bit it still requires a lot of work 

Second is where to put the area, I fully agree it needs to be moved and I’m happy to do it but I just can’t find an area that works, most areas are covered by the SAM ranges or by other things, aar or target ranges or the terrain is way to steep or undulating for a good bfm area.

Third, my time is as with everyone’s is limited and to find a new area, test it and then make the changes requires time I just don’t have. 


if you would like to help me out by finding and testing an area I’ll absolutely get it done!

if you (or anyone) can find an area on the map that is more detailed, has some undulating terrain but isn’t too excessive (we went bfm not hide and seek lol) and one that is clear of all other training things I’ll move everything there and get it all set up and ready to go 🙂

let me know if your keen and/or how you get on 🙂

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen


@Slice313the more I look at it the more I want to put the bfm area in the enemy air to air spawn location to the northwest, that way if you wanted to you could spawn a flight of baddies and take them on with the bfm aircraft, which makes sense and adds another dimension, however the problem then becomes the SAM placement.


They would need to be arranged in such a way that they don’t have a fire zone overlapping the bfm area incase someone spawns in the sams and then later on decides on bfm without taking out the sams that affect the area,

it’s really down to finding a place to stick the SA5 that bastard has such a huge attack range it’s silly,

issue 2 for SAM placement is that they are All layed out in such a way that you can get to and engage any individual site without having to deal with another SAM site first. If we can solve that problem we can solve the bfm area problem. If we can find a layout that works I’m keen to do the big move 


Tomcat, Tomcat über allen


here is an insanely quick and dirty test build. 


BFM area and SAMs have been moved, please test

- BFM area

- all the moved test sites ( SA 2,3,5,6 have moved) need to test both attacking them and their effect on other SAM sites in the respective area

- the biggest issue I can currently see is that the SA5 in its new location covers basically the entire area that the carriers are in, last thing we want is to be in the groove on approach for a 3 wire and then have to defend against an sa5


really need to find a better spot to put the sa5


as this is a test build it has not been "cleaned" you will require the A4 and the Civil Air mod, also the names and labels are more specific to the NZArmA crew not he generic user ones you will see in the official releases. there may also be little glitches and bugs in things so use at own risk

let me know what you think and what you find. if its good I will tidy it all up and refine it a little better then do another official release


NZArmA TRAINING - V10 - testbuild c.miz

  • Thanks 1

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

10 hours ago, PSYKOnz said:

here is an insanely quick and dirty test build. 


BFM area and SAMs have been moved, please test

- BFM area

- all the moved test sites ( SA 2,3,5,6 have moved) need to test both attacking them and their effect on other SAM sites in the respective area

- the biggest issue I can currently see is that the SA5 in its new location covers basically the entire area that the carriers are in, last thing we want is to be in the groove on approach for a 3 wire and then have to defend against an sa5


really need to find a better spot to put the sa5


as this is a test build it has not been "cleaned" you will require the A4 and the Civil Air mod, also the names and labels are more specific to the NZArmA crew not he generic user ones you will see in the official releases. there may also be little glitches and bugs in things so use at own risk

let me know what you think and what you find. if its good I will tidy it all up and refine it a little better then do another official release


NZArmA TRAINING - V10 - testbuild c.miz 1.54 MB · 1 download


Thanks for taking your time 😄

I have been looking for a long time, a MP mission just to train Dogfights with my friends and seems like this could become the perfect mission to "train it all".

Again, thank you.


It is so much better to be able to dogfight in a normal quality map area, no more distractions on low quality terrain and glitches.


Ty, I hope this change makes it to the official mission. 👏


bit of an update for you. I've now gone in and refined the SAM areas a bit and I'm pretty happy. I've set it up I a much better way now the SA5 is north east. what it means is that you can attack it on its own, or attack the Sam challenge on its own OR add the sa5 to the Sam challenge if you want it there, much better than it was.


again this is a test build so give it a go, do me a favor and try out some of the new locations for the SAM sites and let me know if there are any issues


you will require the A4 and the Civil Air mod




Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

  • 2 months later...

I'm just finishing up on v12, got some testing to do but I'll release it soon, aiming for a few weeks


Lots of chopper friendly updates in this one, if you have any requests, now is the time.


Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

  • 4 weeks later...

How do you set this up for single player?

Trackir4 using the latest Trackir 5 software, Win10 Pro [Creator Update] updated from Win7Pro Pro 64Bit, Intel® Core™ i5-2500 3.30 GHz 6M Intel Smart Cache LGA115 , GigaByte GA-Z68XP-UD4 Intel Z68 Chipset DDR3 16GB Ram, GTX MSI Gaming 1060 [6 GB] Video Card, Main Monitor 1 on left 1920x1080 Touchscreen Monitor 2 on right 1920x1080 .


Same as any other single player mission install, unzip the pack the drop the .Miz files into your user saved games missions folder

C,users,username, saved games, missions

Then once there in that folder inside DCS go to "missions" and then you will find the mission under the "my missions" option

Here's a video


If for some reason that doesn't work you can load, it's should work fine, cause that's how we all do it, but if it doesn't, drop it into the same location and then open it through the mission editor

Ether way it works for me and my mates who have tested it sp

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

  • 1 year later...


we usually enjoy your training missions a lot, however recently (presume the server I join has the latest version) it only works for me when I fly the F-15E.  Neither Apache nor F-16 load (DCS crashes consistently).  I have removed most of the mods I had, but no joy.

Haven't tried the A-4.  Might remind me of the old 75SQN days 🙂

Have a good one.


  • Like 1

i7-11700F  64GB RAM  RTX3060  WIN 11 Pro  HP Reverb G2  Meta Quest 3 TM Cougar & Logitech X56

Posted (edited)

Hmm that's a bit strange, I'm not sure what may be Happening, I'll take a look at the misson this week and upload a new one, been a few updates since the latest version!,


Hopefully the 75sqn days are good memories!

Edited by PSYKOnz
  • Like 1

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen


Hi again,

sorry to not mention this before, but others on the same server can jump into their F-16's no problem. I tried removing all mods, and doing a clean/repair of DCS.  No luck.  

Strange that the F-15E works, but It is a much newer module for me than the others.  Shouldn't a clean/repair fix any issues with my other modules that don't work?

Hope you find something 🙂  Otherwise, what would you suggest?  Deleting the modules and reinstalling them?  Trying to avoid as I have bad net.

Have a good weekend.


i7-11700F  64GB RAM  RTX3060  WIN 11 Pro  HP Reverb G2  Meta Quest 3 TM Cougar & Logitech X56


I'm not really sure what's causing the issue, I know that the one in user files doesn't have the f15e on it, maybe the guys on your server added the f15e and maybe got something wrong? I'm not sure, either way u hope to have an updated version that I have confirmed works this week

I really don't know what could be causing you to be unable to get into Viper, is it all vipers or just the one at base? Have you tried the dogfight or sead Vipers?

Tomcat, Tomcat über allen

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