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yeap...gonna watch this one...with till schweiger ...really excited how they line the story



I hope the movie makes it to the U.S. I'd like to see it. But I don't really care for a woman seeminly being cast as a significant character holding sway as the good Baron's conscience and love interest. I guess it brings the ladies into the theater, but otherwise a love interest in a movie about the Baron is superfluous, a time filler to stretch the movie's length, imho. There was the Blue Max for that. Is the Red Baron to compete with that film?

Flyby out

The U.S. Congress is the best governing body that BIG money can buy. :cry:


I think I have mixed feelings after seen this film. Our cinema was playing it while the "Cine-Lady" event. I was with my girlfriend there. As a very emotional man I had tears in my eyes just on the first scenes. My girlfriend to... It is a very emotional movie!


I was interest in the movie mainly for the flight scenes. So I was a little bit disappointed. Only 1/5 or lesser (The visual effects company says over 430 VFX shots. That isn`t that much for a 130 min movie) of flight scenes in the whole film. But these scenes are great done! I had the feeling that non of the flying scenes are computer generated. It was made totaly different to the "Flyboys" movie. And that was the fact I liked. All flying scenes looked unique to me. I think that all aircrafts was historical correct. I bet you will like the look and the sound of the aircrafts and the flight scenes.:pilotfly:


The fact I don`t liked was that you only hear from the dead of the Barons buddies. You don`t see a dramatic dogfight scene. I don`t know if the director would save the money for additonal flight scenes nor to save the lenght of the movie.


My conlusion is that you may will don`t like the film. You will probably think that something is missing in the film. But it is better to make your own opinion with look the movie.:)


(sorry for my bad english)

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thanks for the review EagleEye. I guess I can wait for it to come to cable tv, given your review. Your opinion is well taken.

Flyby out

ps: everyone I know speaks bad english. You'd fit right in! :D

The U.S. Congress is the best governing body that BIG money can buy. :cry:

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