EagleEye.DCS Posted June 20, 2021 Posted June 20, 2021 is there any paintkit ? thanks DCS INDONESIA COMMUNITY Garuda virtual Air Wing Official Website | Discord | Facebook | Instagram
Marroux Posted June 20, 2021 Posted June 20, 2021 Salutations les frères, Une mise à jour du tigre est-elle dans vos projets ? ...et encore merci pour votre l'ensemble de votre oeuvre dans DCS... Is an update of the tiger in your plans? ...and thanks again for all your work in DCS... Marroux
JVPPR Posted June 20, 2021 Posted June 20, 2021 Bonjour à tous, Je cherche une version optimisée de la livrée version C pour pouvoir ensuite faire la nouvelle du RSD 2021? Je n'arrive pas à utiliser le paint kit
JVPPR Posted June 20, 2021 Posted June 20, 2021 2 hours ago, sushy73 said: Bonjour JVPPR. Je ne sais pas ce que tu appelles" optimisée" mais je peux te proposer une base blanche pour ton projet. Blanc.zip 3.67 MB · 1 download Merci beaucoup, Je galère avec les différentes pièces d'un fichier à l'autre et y a t il une technique pour tout faire concorder. Car j'utilise dans photoshop les modif manuelles mais ça distant les formes et tout se chevauche .
JVPPR Posted June 21, 2021 Posted June 21, 2021 je n'y comprend rien pourtant, j'ai appliqué correctement les motifs. ça avait l'air ok
Patrick56 Posted June 22, 2021 Author Posted June 22, 2021 Hello everyone, We just installed stable 2.71, well done, wonderful work, but the very bad news is the disappearance of the files in Script Database, we had the means to catapult the Rafale and the Sem which would have been the subject of update 004 but our long-term work was destroyed by this disappearance. For us it's a cold shower a lot of our mods which worked with obligatorily purchased modules, no longer work (example the Tiger and the Apache that answers Marroux). We wonder if we continue to make mods in DCS. If ED wants to put an end to all the modders who say it bluntly, we don't think we made the Company lose any money, well on the contrary. The past has shown us that all the simulators which did not open their architectures to the public and therefore to modders, ended up dying. Bonjour a tous, On vient d'installer la 2.71 stable, bravo travail magnifique, mais la très mauvaise nouvelle c'est la disparition des fichiers dans Script Database, nous avions le moyen de catapulter le Rafale et le Sem qui aurait fais l'objet de la mis a jour 004 mais notre travail de longue haleine a été anéantis par cette disparition. Pour nous c'est une douche froide beaucoup de nos mods qui fonctionnaient avec des modules obligatoirement achetés, ne fonctionnent plus (exemple le Tigre et l'Apache ça répond a Marroux). Nous nous posons la question de savoir si nous continuons a faire des mods dans DCS. Si ED veut mettre un terme à tous les moddeurs qui le disent carrément, nous ne pensons pas avoir fait perdre de l'argent à la Société, bien au contraire. Le passé nous a montré que tous les simulateurs qui non pas ouvert leurs architectures au public donc aux moddeurs, ont fini par mourrir. 11 1 [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Passion
toan Posted June 22, 2021 Posted June 22, 2021 Hi Cuesta Bros, I just can't beleive what I'm reading. And the very large communiy that uses your Mods on a daily basis definitely supports you. I just cannot imagine one fraction of a millisecond not to have the SEM, Rafale, Charles de Gaulle and Clemenceau anymore. No way ! Stay strong. We all support your amazing work ! Toan 5
sushy73 Posted June 23, 2021 Posted June 23, 2021 12 hours ago, toan said: Hi Cuesta Bros, I just can't beleive what I'm reading. And the very large communiy that uses your Mods on a daily basis definitely supports you. I just cannot imagine one fraction of a millisecond not to have the SEM, Rafale, Charles de Gaulle and Clemenceau anymore. No way ! Stay strong. We all support your amazing work ! Toan +1 I couldn't have said better 4
fill Posted June 23, 2021 Posted June 23, 2021 Bonjour mes chers amis, Je ne comprends pas pourquoi cette action de leur part. Je n'espère qu'une chose: qu'ils se rendent compte de l'erreur commise et fassent machine arrière. Votre travail est tout simplement magnifique et je ne vous en remercierai jamais assez. Amicalement. Hello my dear friends, I don't understand why ED do that.. I only hope they realize the mistake they made and turn back. Your work is simply magnificent and I can't thank you enough. Best regards. 3
Patrick56 Posted June 23, 2021 Author Posted June 23, 2021 4 hours ago, freebirddz said: Thank you for responding and for taking into account our request, which after all has only one goal, to make DCS always more attractive. Merci d'avoir répondu et de tenir compte de notre requête, qui n'a après tout qu'un seul but, rendre DCS toujours plus attractif. 3 [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Passion
Seyv Posted June 23, 2021 Posted June 23, 2021 j’espère que ED va revoir rapidement sa copie.C'est n'importe quoi ce choix de fermer les ressources.
toan Posted June 23, 2021 Posted June 23, 2021 What puzzles me is that the original message from Bignewy was posted 2 months ago, on April 23. Considering the totally destructive impact of the last DCS 2.7 update on the Rafale Mod, the result of ED current investigations "into ways to help modders" seems far from constructive...
Patrick56 Posted June 24, 2021 Author Posted June 24, 2021 14 hours ago, toan said: What puzzles me is that the original message from Bignewy was posted 2 months ago, on April 23. Considering the totally destructive impact of the last DCS 2.7 update on the Rafale Mod, the result of ED current investigations "into ways to help modders" seems far from constructive... Yes!! indeed we had not seen the date, here is a message that lacks freshness, thank you Oui!! effectivement on n'avais pas vu la date, voilà un message qui manque de fraicheur, merci [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Passion
Garuda01 Posted June 24, 2021 Posted June 24, 2021 Wow hopefuly they will let us have this mod fully working, what i dont get is that, if you buy f18 16 jf or mi24 they give access to lua files in core mods, but if you have ka50 hip, uh1 or any of fc3 modules we are not allowed to see their lua, makes 0 sense, i miss flying tiger instead of ka 50
Patrick56 Posted June 24, 2021 Author Posted June 24, 2021 1 hour ago, Garuda01 said: Wow hopefuly they will let us have this mod fully working, what i dont get is that, if you buy f18 16 jf or mi24 they give access to lua files in core mods, but if you have ka50 hip, uh1 or any of fc3 modules we are not allowed to see their lua, makes 0 sense, i miss flying tiger instead of ka 50 Totally agree and we do not know why some files are encrypted and others not or rather we can see the reason too well ... Tout a fait d'accord et on ne sait pas pourquoi certains fichiers sont crypté et d'autres pas ou plutôt on voit trop bien la raison... [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Passion
toan Posted June 24, 2021 Posted June 24, 2021 This reminds me of a previous 2.5.6 update last year, when all the users of FC3 discovered unbelievably that its files were encrypted.... without notice already.... Fortunately, this was corrected afterwards. Could we again expect ED to reasonably revise its position on this lua database to "ensure a level playing field for all"... Thanks in advance, ED. 1
Patrick56 Posted June 25, 2021 Author Posted June 25, 2021 HI ALL, We noticed that the 11th pylon for the TALIOS on Rafales AS and B caused an imbalance on the MFD "ENGAGE" we will try to remedy this by coupling the TALIOS with the RBE2 which work together and complement each other in reality. This will be the subject of a small update. On a remarqué que le 11ème pylon pour le TALIOS sur les Rafales AS et B on provoqué un déséquilibre sur le MFD "ENGAGE" nous allons tenter d'y remédier en couplant le TALIOS avec le RBE2 qui fonctionnent de paire et en complémentarité dans la réalité. Cela fera l'objet d'une petite mis a jour. 2 [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Passion
JVPPR Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 Question: à Patrick56 Est il possible facilement de rajouter des vapor au niveau des canards, comme sur le F16? effects_presets = {{effect = "OVERWING_VAPOR", file = current_mod_path.."/Effects/un fichier nommé xxxxxxxf16 overwingVapor.lua"}, Merci
kolpakov_79 Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 maybe there was already a question, fashion does not work in 2.7. What should I do?
sushy73 Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 May be could you tell us what do you mean by "fashion"
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