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NEWS "RAFALE PACK EVOLUTION II" Version 2.8.7 August 2023 by the Cuesta Brothers Team

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Posted (edited)

Hi All,

Combined naval and air ops training for the USS Constellation and the HMCS Montreal frigates involving a French Navy Rafale and a US UH-60, all attacked by several Tarantula high speed missile patrol boats... 🤨

All the excellent ships Mods are by Admiral189. 👏

Fly low...




Edited by toan
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Posted (edited)

To Jerec,

I was talking about the textures folder.

Here is a screenshot of a Rafale-M A/A with 4 Meteor underwing, 2 Mica NG on fuselage attach points and 2 Mica IR on wing tips.

As I mentioned previously, I only use the last stable version 2.5.6 of DCS.

Fly low...


Edited by toan
Posted (edited)

"Control, we have a problem"... 😜

It seems that the textures of the fuel tanks for the Croatian versions of the Rafale C and Rafale B are not referenced, although they seem to exist in the Croatia livery folder.

Now, maybe Croatia didn't buy any fuel tanks, I don't know... 😋 🤭

The other liveries are all correct.

Fly low...



Edited by toan

I have a problem. I only see CDG carrier in ME. In game the ship there is not.

Planes and weapons work without problems.

I'm using the first version of Rafale with mig-29 cockpit and CDG works, but 

I would like use the new version of the plane.

Any help?

On 6/8/2021 at 10:52 AM, limoncino said:

I have a problem. I only see CDG carrier in ME. In game the ship there is not.

Planes and weapons work without problems.

I'm using the first version of Rafale with mig-29 cockpit and CDG works, but 

I would like use the new version of the plane.

Any help?

If you do not use the latest version of the RAFALE PACK, that is to say the 002 but even better the 003 and the last CDG you will only have problems following the latest updates.

SI vous n'utilisez pas la dernière version du PACK RAFALE c'est a dire la 002 mais mieux encore la 003 et le dernier CDG vous n'aurez que des problèmes suite aux dernières mis a jour.



Apparemment le contrat est en bonne voie avec la SUISSE pour l'achat de Rafales si cela se concrétise, bien venue amis de la Force Aérienne Suisse.

en tous cas nous on est près.

Apparently the contract is on track with SWITZERLAND for the purchase of Rafales if this materializes, welcome friends of the Swiss Air Force.

in any case we are close.Screen_210609_153759.jpgr

Rafale B où Rafale C ?


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Posted (edited)

Excellente nouvelle si nos amis Suisses achètent le Rafale.... mais je n'ai encore trouvé cette info nulle part... 😋

Ca sera une belle revanche sur le dernier contrat qui avait échappé à Dassault dans des conditions "bizarres"... au profit du F-18... 🤔

La texture Suisse est-elle dispo quelquepart ? 😜

Merci d'avance,

Fly low...


Very good news if Switerland buys Rafales.... but I didn't find that news anywhere yet...

It would be some kind of a revenge to the last contract which was given to the F-18, instead of Dassault proposal.

Is your Swiss livery available ?


Fly low...

Edited by toan
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12 hours ago, codenamepanzer said:

how to use the POD TALIOS ?

ust put it on

They use the same functions as the DAMOCLES, ie air / ground capabilities and in addition they complement the RBE2 radar (essential, I repeat for the EXOCET and the SCALP).

il suffit de le mettre

Ils utilisent les mêmes fonctions que le DAMOCLES c'est a dire des capacités air/sol et en plus ils complémentent le radar RBE2.(indispensable je le répète pour l'EXOCET et le SCALP).



Bonjour a tous et deja un gros merci

Bon je rencontre quelques petits soucis:

je suis en open beta 2.7,v3 du mod.

-J ai le hud du rafale qui se superpose a celui du 33

-si je cree une mission je n ai pas les mfd gauche et droit alors qu en mission rapide oui

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3 hours ago, olivier-gaming said:

Bonjour a tous et deja un gros merci

Bon je rencontre quelques petits soucis:

je suis en open beta 2.7,v3 du mod.

-J ai le hud du rafale qui se superpose a celui du 33

-si je cree une mission je n ai pas les mfd gauche et droit alors qu en mission rapide oui

We were not aware of this problem, did you delete the old version.

On a pas eu connaissance de ce problème, avez vous bien supprimez l'ancienne version.


36 minutes ago, olivier-gaming said:

Je n avais pas l ancienne

Bien alors peut être faudrait il vous pencher sur la façon d'allumer les cadrans (L) pour le jour et (?) pour la nuit. Quand a l'échelle d'inclinaison qui a l'air de vous déranger

mettez vous en mod combat et elle disparaitra. Lisez la documentation.

Well then maybe you should consider how to turn on the dials (L) for day and (?) For night. When has the tilt scale that seems to bother you

put you in combat mod and it will disappear. Read the documentation.


On 6/9/2021 at 3:47 PM, Patrick56 said:

If you do not use the latest version of the RAFALE PACK, that is to say the 002 but even better the 003 and the last CDG you will only have problems following the latest updates.

SI vous n'utilisez pas la dernière version du PACK RAFALE c'est a dire la 002 mais mieux encore la 003 et le dernier CDG vous n'aurez que des problèmes suite aux dernières mis a jour.

I'm using the 2.5.6 version.

Is there a newer one?

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