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 When you use trigger.action.circleToAll in Single player DCS is works fine, when you use it on a multiplayer mission hosted on a dedicated server ....

It will crash to desktop connected clients

API function details: https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/DCS_func_circleToAll


Attached zip file has:

test mission file

dcs.log from server

trk file from client

and crash zip file generated by DCS when it crashed


Repo Steps


SP test (this works)
1. Load this mission in DCS mission editor
2. run the mission
3. Observe the MAP in F10 view (near the BTR)
4. After 20 seconds a message will appear and also a red circle will be drawn north of the BTR
5. Wait 10 and the circle will dissapear (message will appear)

MP DEDICATED SERVER test (this will crash to desktop the client)
Make sure server is PAUSED if no client connected!!!
1. Load this mission on YOUR DEDICATED MP server  - NOT just host your own MP server , there is a difference
2. Connect to the DEDICATED DCS SERVER as a client
3. Observe the MAP in F10 view (near the BTR)
4. After 20 seconds a message will appear ... and your DCS will crash to desktop


If you need anymore information please ask



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