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bomb multiples bug?


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Other that your fuse being on SAFE, the settings should be correct. Make sure you keep pressing weapon release until all the bombs dropped.


Watched the track a couple of time and it is kind kind of weird... The Harrier seems to be rearming itself... Are you flying with unlimited weapons?


Anyway,  4 bombs, in 2's with 0 interval will not feel too much different that 4 in 1'1 with 0.  Repeat your test with 010 interval and, perhaps, uncheck unlimited weapons...


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Thanks for the reply.  Yes it was set to unlimited.

I didn't realize you had to repress the pickle button as this defeats the purpose of setting up the release parameters to begin with.

In Razbam's manual p 78 "A delivery sequence is started the moment the pilot clicks on the Bomb Pickle button."

Maybe this is a bug?

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Well... I wouldn't trust the "manual" at this point but it says that the sequence starts at that time, not that it will continue it if you stop pressing the Weapon Release button...

Anyway, you have to keep pressing it until all bombs drops. Works the same in several other airplanes .


So, not a bug.


Also, make sure you box "tone" in the stores page. It will beep to provide feedback on weapon release.



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Just tested, took 10 Mk.82s (two racks with 3 bombs on middle pylons, two with 2 bombs on inner ones), ripple with pair release works fine, with single pickle button press and hold. Settings were: QTY 10 (2x3 + 2x2 bombs, so, all of them are selected), MULT 2 (two stations will release per one release impulse) and Interval 020 (200 ft, doesn't matter, but greater the interval - easier it is to see separate bomb pairs releasing). At CCRP cue I just held pickle and all ten bombs were released in pairs at a set interval.

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