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Problem with rtx 3060ti ventus 3x card

Go to solution Solved by sapper1971,

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Posted (edited)

Hi, I have recently swapped an rx570 for a rtx 3060ti  ventus 3x. Since switching over DCS constantly crashes on default low med or high settings. It will generally crash if you enter the f2 view mode. This card is far superior to the rx570 it replaced and I had no issues at all with the previous card. My full system is ryzen 5 3600, b450 gaming pro carbon Wi-Fi board, 32gb ram, 3 seperate ssd 1tb drives all with lots of space left. Going through optoma 1080 gaming projector with additional monitor running Helios. I have attached the latest dcs log file. I have tried on various dif settings including just single screen but it still crashes the system ie full reboot not to desktop. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I have tried the page memory settings as suggested on another post but still have the same issue. I have also tested this card with other games and it has no issues. 


Edited by sapper1971
  • sapper1971 changed the title to Problem with rtx 3060ti ventus 3x card

This log file doesn't look like a crash (not a CTD) because the log stops in the middle of nowhere (freeze). Are you experiencing crashes-to-desktop or are you forced to kill DCS because it's fozen?

I can see in your log that Windows is up-to-date and your DCS seems clean (no mods apart from SRS, which is perfectly fine).

Please attach the most recent ZIP file from your "Saved Games/DCS.../Logs" folder.



Hi flappie that was the most recent log. The game doesn’t crash to desktop it totally reboots the pc. Maybe one out of 10 crashes it will just hang to a black screen but the rest it just reboots the whole system.

Posted (edited)

Ok I have just launched the game again videoed it and uploaded it to youtube I will attach the link for the vid also I have attached the log file that goes with this crash. I hope this helps you more. The vid link may not become active for about 10 mins as it has to be checked for various items. https://youtu.be/98UKhx40iMk  the vids a bit shaky and excuse the tools and stuff on the floor at the end i'm still building the simpit.


Edited by sapper1971

Ouch, I understand now.

Look, I know this is not easy to read, but here's the harsh truth: your PC has a hardware or driver issue. Your other games may not cause unwanted reboots like DCS does, but that's simply because they're not as demanding as DCS.

The next step is to try to learn more about the crashes. Open the Windows Even Viewer, and look into the App and System logs at the time of the last reboot. Can you see any interesting message? Please attach screenshots.

Reboots are usually caused by a memory fault, a PSU fault or a motherboard fault. You can start by checking your RAM using MemTest.


Let the RAM test last for at least half an hour.


Posted (edited)

Hi ok no prob I will sort this out for you tomorrow as it’s almost 1am now. But thanks for your help I am going to remove the vid now. Speak to you later.

Edited by sapper1971

Hi ok I ran the memtest you requested and I ran it for 5hrs through the night the log is attached it passed all tests. I also this morning have run a copy of DDU to remove all drivers graphic and audio related and replaced them with real clean installs with no effect it still crashes. I have also attached the events errors images to this post there are 4 that repeat upon every crash. This card is brand new and only arrived yesterday is it possible it's the card itself as the sim runs ok with the old rx570 4gb card. Just a quick note on that old card it produced an error where the fan was constantly on for no apparent reason hence I upgraded but the old card was only 3 or 4 months old. The motherboard and cpu were bought as a bundle again tey are  now only 3 or 4 months old. The PSU is a cx750 again it's pretty new and the cpu is water cooled. The only oddity on the whole system is there is 2 volumes of windows installed on seperate drives but that shouldn't create an issue especially as it doesn't with the rx570.





dcs.log MemTest86.log


Ive now reflashed bios also with the latest edition. Attached to this is the nvidia control panel settings which be sety wrongly although they are set to the default settings one of the settings may conflict with dcs.





I had a similar problem, actually I changed a 580 for the RTX 3060ti.  The system would reboot after maybe 10 minutes of play. I read numerous threads but one stood out as being very similar to my problem and it turned out to be the PSU, although the one I had was quite new and a EVGA Super NOVA 850 G3, once replaced DCS ran perfectly.


Hi all thanks for your help with this I’ve spoken to tech support today and tried loads of stuff with them. They are taking the unit back and will test it themselves so for now I wouldn’t waste anymore time on it. I will wait until I hear back from them and take it from there. Buceador the psu has been tested and is fine thankyou though.


Yes thanks for your help flappie, on the bright side removing those old files and cleaning up the drivers sorted out the problem with the rx570. Dcs runs absolutely fine with that and the fan is no longer on 🙂

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