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Fire at point - broken when potential normal targets in range

Go to solution Solved by NineLine,

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This has been an issue for quite some time now (since well before 2.8), just only now finally got around to setting up a clean test and recording a track.

Basically Fire at Point commands will be ignored if there is a potential target within the groups engagement range, in the sample mission I have a few bofors setup (done the test with a few different units, behaviour is always the same)

  1. Gets fire at point command as part of its wypt 0
  2. Gets it as a triggered action
  3. Sent via do script

I fly over them all in a mossie all 3 will immediately abandon the task and engage me once I am in range. This behaviour is the same in Singleplayer and Multiplayer Additionally; somewhat related, if the groups are set to restrict targets to ground only (as a way to possibly get around the above issue) they will simply ignore any fire at point commands given that have a altitude set (wont fire at all), and ROE settings dont have any impact either, seems the fire at point command flips them to weapons free.


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