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TGPD Waypoint Mapping for JDAMS broken


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Hello. I have found this issue that is really frustrating me when playing on servers generally speaking.

When i am Kited up with GBU-38 JDAMS och using a  Targetpod.

I am using the Target pod to Mark the ground then klick 7 "MARK" to get in to the TGPD Mode. 
and this Mode it Marks Waypoints to 26-30 in your Waypoint list normally. And you can then normally drop 4 GBU-38 JDAMS on 4 different targets in the terrain with 4 "STPT" and a quick button bindings and some quick fingers. And they will hit with no issues.

But on Public servers or Edited servers where there is Waypoints already in place for mapping Airfields. Towns. etc. And the waypoint list is filled up to or over 26-30. Then the TGPD + GBU-38 JDAM Multi Target bombing is not possible. 

What happens is that you do mark the locations and it changes the coordinates while you have the 7 "MARK" Menu open and designating waypoints. But the second you close it down. It reverts back to the original server waypoint listed coordinates. And Then you start your attack. And when you trying to sway your TGPD to look at the waypoint you marked before. It is just marking a town/airfield some where else than where you marked your targets. 

And the big issue i found out by Map wizards that have told me to ask here and not bother them. Is that if they try to Skip those waypoints 26-30. And continue behind them. It will just stack the waypoints over 26-30 any way. Like a falling Tetris game.

So this is why i am here. And i am looking for a solution or a trick to by pass this issue. And before you guys start your great ideas of saying "Well you can always drop them one by one with the TGPD and Sway to next target". That is not a solution. Its just pure lazy dont care talk.

So i am hoping to find a Solution, Good Discussion about said issue & Get a better understanding after this discussion.

And don't forget. Stay Safe & Stay Awesome ! And i will see you out there in the Sky o7

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  • ED Team

Hi @OviDiuSSwe

Currently it's advised to only create steerpoints between 1 and 25, reserving the rest for special points. This is something you need to discuss with the people that build your missions if possible.

That being said, however, on the situation you described, did you press Cursor Zero to remove any cursor slews to ensure the TGP returned to the correct location without any cursor slew-induced offset?

There's also a possibility your server is using a script to pre-plot steerpoints to the clients, and that may cause issues. Again, something to discuss with your mission makers.

Lastly, as a rule of thumb to help us help you, please always try to attach a short track that demonstrates your bug occurring. This will help us ensure the procedure you are performing did not contain any errors.


Esquadra 701 - DCS Portugal - Discord

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We've been working around this bug for a long time now by just doing as you say, limiting waypoints to less than 26. Anything over that corrupts them and this kind of play on markpoints is not possible. The numbers on display will be correct but are not usable.

I think the ideal solution would be to figure out why the TGP and weapons are using the previous waypoint coordinates instead of the new markpoints, for the sake of polished logic.

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  • ED Team

I won't comment on how real life operations do this, but I would say it must be like that too. It kind of sounds logical to limit steerpoints that way.

We will discuss internally about ways to either restrict the steerpoints somehow in ME or other solutions. Thanks for your suggestion. 

Esquadra 701 - DCS Portugal - Discord

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