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Having a hard time with maverick BSGT


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So I followed youtube videos on how to boresight the mavericks.

was an online map, so no track available.

jet is hot on startup, but last time I didn't bsgt, I was WAY off and was unable to bsgt them up in the air. 

next start up, I pick a vehicle about a mile away. put the TGP on it, then slew mavericks to it (both stations) and all seems well.

I go up and fly, about 10 miles from target and closing in fast. one of the stations was WAY off. I step over to the other rack and that one was ok and I was able to hand-off successfully. I tried to bsgt from the air hoping I can re-do it but everytime I tms up and switch over SOI to mavs, i would undesignate (the crosshairs disappear) whatever it attempted to lock on and lock on the same thing, but instead of getting the crosshairs as lock, the crosshairs disappear and BSGT button isn't there.


so then I said forget it and went into VIS mode and try to do it myself manually, but I can't figure out how to ground stabilize the maverick, so it's going all over the place and just can't get a lock.


I enjoy using the fire and forget mavericks, but with this jet I'm having a tough time.


any ideas? I can make a mission with cold start, so I can get a track file possibly.

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6 minutes ago, razorseal said:

So I followed youtube videos on how to boresight the mavericks.

was an online map, so no track available.

jet is hot on startup, but last time I didn't bsgt, I was WAY off and was unable to bsgt them up in the air. 

next start up, I pick a vehicle about a mile away. put the TGP on it, then slew mavericks to it (both stations) and all seems well.

I go up and fly, about 10 miles from target and closing in fast. one of the stations was WAY off. I step over to the other rack and that one was ok and I was able to hand-off successfully. I tried to bsgt from the air hoping I can re-do it but everytime I tms up and switch over SOI to mavs, i would undesignate (the crosshairs disappear) whatever it attempted to lock on and lock on the same thing, but instead of getting the crosshairs as lock, the crosshairs disappear and BSGT button isn't there.


so then I said forget it and went into VIS mode and try to do it myself manually, but I can't figure out how to ground stabilize the maverick, so it's going all over the place and just can't get a lock.


I enjoy using the fire and forget mavericks, but with this jet I'm having a tough time.


any ideas? I can make a mission with cold start, so I can get a track file possibly.

General rule, the farther away the target is which you use to boresight, the more accurate the Mavericks will be.

As for VIS, it should put the HUD as SOI, then slew to where you want and TMS up and then it should make the WPN page SOI and then you can adjust and fire.

Otherwise, replicate your issues in SP where you can get a useful track.

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yeah, apparently I was doing vis wrong. I was trying to pick from the mfd before tms up on hud. I will try that now.


for the bsgt, i was about a mile away. not gonna get much better sitting at an airport looking at something lol.

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14 minutes ago, razorseal said:

yeah, apparently I was doing vis wrong. I was trying to pick from the mfd before tms up on hud. I will try that now.


for the bsgt, i was about a mile away. not gonna get much better sitting at an airport looking at something lol.

one mile is very close, you'll likely get unprecise boresighting as a result. Try it in the air instead. Or try to locate something at least on the other side of the runway.

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Boresighting is typically done in the air, there's too many bumps on takeoff, even if the Mav itself isn't inhibited on the ground (and it might be). Plus, on D model Mavs, you have dust covers (at least IRL, not sure if they're in DCS) that are supposed to stay on until you're in the air. They would prevent any video from being visible on the ground.

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2 hours ago, razo+r said:

one mile is very close, you'll likely get unprecise boresighting as a result. Try it in the air instead. Or try to locate something at least on the other side of the runway.

Ok so I just tried in the air, but it was a building. It worked once and I got a lock and bsgt popped up. 

I then slewed to something else and it still wasn't boresigthed well. I tried to bsgt again but this time it wouldn't lock and the crosshairs disappeared. 


I have been on dcs way too much lately and doing some family stuff now lol. 

Tonight I'll set up a mission with a cold start and try to bsgt in the air from a friendly target at the airbase and show the track.


I have alot of fun with the f16, but use the mavs alot and it's the one thing I'm having a tough time with. Bummer.


How come the a10 or harrier doesn't require boresighting? Nit sure on harrier as I don't fly it much anymore but wotu a10, you do designate from tgp as spi then mav just slews to it. I never boresight it.

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