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No engine sounds in F2 view for other players in MP


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When spectating another player in MP with F2 view, no engine sounds except the afterburner and nozzle sounds can be heard. Ownship F2 view is not affected.

Edit: This is especially obvious if you are next to other Strike Eagles on the ground, there is no noise from other players engines at all even while sitting in your cockpit.

Edited by LC214
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I've noticed this as well. I don't have any mods or tacview installed. I can only hear the nozzle sound, no engine sounds.

EDIT: I am able to hear engine sounds of other F-15Es when they are on the ground, but the sounds stop when the player is airborne.

Edited by xxcosmicggxx

Modules Owned:

F-15E, F/A-18C, F-16C, F-14A/B, AJS-37, AH-64D, A-10C II, A-10A, F-15C, Marianas, MiG-21, P-51, Supercarrier, Su-33, UH-1H, AV-8B, Persian Gulf Map

Computer Specifications:  

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 | Thrustmaster T.16000M, TWCS Throttle


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Surprised there aren't more reports of this. Same as above, only nozzle and afterburner noises can be heard from other F-15E's in MP. No noise from idle to mil. Two others I fly with routinely, that also use the F-15E, they report it happens to them as well after the update.

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Haven't tested it myself, but based on the patch notes from today. This issue should be resolved.

  • Fixed: Corrected engine start and shutdown sounds not playing for AI F-15E
  • Fixed:  Corrected engine sounds not heard from other F-15E aircraft in multiplayer 


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