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About LC214

  • Birthday 01/11/1997

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  1. The keybindings are all messed up. Half of the knobs don't even have a binding available for axis assignment too and the ones that do only work for half of the axis. Would be great if Razbam could fix all of these issues.
  2. In addition to this, there are a lot of axis bindings that only work between 25%-75% when bound to an axis such as HUD brightness/VID brightness/contrast and several completely missing bindings for axis assignment like the entire interior lights panel.
  3. When spectating another player in MP with F2 view, no engine sounds except the afterburner and nozzle sounds can be heard. Ownship F2 view is not affected. Edit: This is especially obvious if you are next to other Strike Eagles on the ground, there is no noise from other players engines at all even while sitting in your cockpit.
  4. +1, was extremely disappointed to find out almost all of my button boxes were now useless and unbindable in this module.
  5. BLU-107 was first added to the Mirage F1, and if you count the Type 200, the JF-17. It is not on Razbam to fix this, it's on ED.
  6. LC214

    MIDS Radio

    Are we going to get MIDS radio for secure comms? I am unsure if this is accurate for our Falcon or not but it is a very nice feature in the Hornet having essentially 4 radios to talk on in SRS. Would be wonderful for the F-16.
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