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Al Dhafra ILS buggued again : ILS actives only when wind is coming from behind, not front


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13L ILS frequency is buggued again. Indeed, here is the table @Flappie created a few years ago about ILS on Persian Gulf map. 

At Al Dhafra, 13L ILS at 109.1 now activates only when wind is behind, thus runway is closed, rendering it usable. 

There is no ILS usable anymore on runways 13L and R combined, which is very problematic.


I've been reported ILS bugs at Al Dhafra from 2020 and after, and it's still not fixed. We play with our squadron on this base mainly, and we paid each one of us this map more than 40 euros/dollars. It becomes really annoying that at this price, we can't have a proper ILS working after all this time. 

I'm sure ED is working very hard, but after all this time the frustration is really growing, for such a simple bug...




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The 111.10 ILS on 13L isn't working anymore when wind is coming from 145 to 315. 

It seems, imho, that ILS activation on Al Dhafra was inverted compared to what it should be compared to wind direction. 

Consequently, currently, you can't use ILS if you use active runway on Al Dhafra.

All tests were made using F-15E

Edited by Aigle2
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  • Aigle2 changed the title to Al Dhafra ILS buggued again : ILS actives only when wind is coming from behind, not front
  • 2 months later...


In my testing, Minhad 09 works as wind related.
My test mission is attached.



Modules: A-10C/II, F-4E, F-5E, F-14A/B, F-15E, F-16C, F/A-18C, AV-8B, FC3, Ka-50-2/3, UH-1H, Mi-8MTV2, SA342, Mi-24P, AH-64D, P-51D
Maps: Nevada, PG, Syria, SA, Sinai, Kola, Afghanistan, Channel, Normandy2.0      Assets etc.: CA, Sc, WW2AP
Mods and Skins in User Files: files/filter/user-is-western0221/ 


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