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DCS World dummies and smart ai

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I had tested the Ka-50 BS3 Ai, I set the Ka-50 III Ai to ACE level and place them to meet Apache AH-64D block II Ai with ACE level.

For first test with the Ka-50 III set in 2011 version, the Ka-50 III 2011 version Ai did not use the 9K121 Vikhr to target the AH-64D block II but the Apache Ai can use the AGM-114K to target the Ka-50 III and destroyed it. 

For second test with the Ka-50 III set in 2022 version armed with Igla, the Ka-50 III 2022 version Ai also did not use the Igla to attack the Apache and got shot down by Apache. 

The Apache Ai so smart and the Black Shark Ai was dummies even with ACE level. That's something need fix.

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I just make another test with only place Ka-50 III and AH-64D block II at a location with no other vehicles, the Ka-50 III ai will use its Vikhr to hit the Apache. The Ka-50 III ai will not engage the Apache when flying at battle zone such as frontline where a lot of ground vehicles. 

I also noticed the other two attack helicopter 's ai was very bad, the Mi-24V and Mi-28N running a suicide attack run with ATG missile to approach the ground target (tank) until get hit by heavy machine gun from the tank. The Apache ai so smart that it will launch missile and maintain a distant from the target and keep it safe from any ground fire. 

That Mi-24V and Mi-28N 's ai should egress after destroy the first target with ATG missile to keep a safe distant.   

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  • JOKERACTS changed the title to DCS World dummies and smart ai
4 hours ago, BIGNEWY said:

please include a short track replay example. 

thank you

Here the track, the mission made by edited fast mission generator with no player all just ai for battle spectator.

I also founded new dummies ai, 

-The J-11A ACE ai equipped with both R-27ER and R-77, that J-11A ai don't know to switch air to air weapon to R-77 when the engagement range was very close.

-The A-10C II ai did not use the sidewinder missile to engage air target like helicopter.

-The AH-64D block II ai don't know to switch weapon from ATG missile to 30mm cannon while flying near the ground target. 

Dummies ai.trk

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  • ED Team

Fast mission generator has some issues, you will get better results if you create a mission from scratch and pay attention to the advance waypoint actions of each unit to ensure they are behaving as intended. 

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