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Training Landing - stuck during shutdown procedure

Go to solution Solved by Flappie,

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During the third/last training mission for the Landing and shutdown procedure, I managed to get to the point after "burn through the spark plugs" after which the next step was: "Set all other switches OFF." Whatever I did, the mission didn't move on from there.

I decided to investigate, but I'm totally puzzled after the look on the mission. After sparks, there should be actually trigger "SWITCHED CONDITION (27.sparks)" with the message "Reduce the throttle..." and then the Magneto step and after these two should come the "Set all other switches OFF". I was looking for some simple flag number mismatch, but I can't find any.

There are a few more issues with the mission:

  • Some voice lines follow too closely and the previous one is cut (e.g. after the third turn, but there are more occasions).
  • Sometimes, the highlighted instrument doesn't make sense, e.g. after the landing and "turn left" instruction, the RPM and manovacuumeter are highlighted.

I'm adding not that short (obviously) track file for the mission.

Not sure how important that is for track file playing, but I'm using FMOptions adjustment for Yak-52:

-- See https://forum.dcs.world/topic/187159-no-buguncommanded-left-rudder-during-flight/
aileronTrimTab = -0.016
rudderTrimTab = -0.25
--aileronTrimTab = 0.0
elevatorTrimTab = 0.0
--rudderTrimTab = -0.666



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✈️ L-39, F-5E, F/A-18C, MiG-15, F-86F, C-101, FC2024 🛩️ Yak-52, P-47, Spitfire 🚁 UH-1H, Mi-8, Ka-50 III 🗺️ NTTR, PG, SY, Chnl, Norm2 📦 Supercarrier, NS430, WWII, CA 🕹️ VKB STECS+Gladiator/Kosmosima+TPR ▶️ DCS Unscripted YouTube 🐛 "Favourite" bugs: 1) gates not growing regress, 2) L-39 target size cockpit animation regress, 3) Yak-52 toggles not toggling, 4) all Caucasus ATC bugs

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  • 1 month later...

Lastest OB (MT), my installation files were cleaned recently, but the issue is still there, so it was definitely not caused by FMOptions.lua tuning.

✈️ L-39, F-5E, F/A-18C, MiG-15, F-86F, C-101, FC2024 🛩️ Yak-52, P-47, Spitfire 🚁 UH-1H, Mi-8, Ka-50 III 🗺️ NTTR, PG, SY, Chnl, Norm2 📦 Supercarrier, NS430, WWII, CA 🕹️ VKB STECS+Gladiator/Kosmosima+TPR ▶️ DCS Unscripted YouTube 🐛 "Favourite" bugs: 1) gates not growing regress, 2) L-39 target size cockpit animation regress, 3) Yak-52 toggles not toggling, 4) all Caucasus ATC bugs

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  • 2 weeks later...

No modifications here but I get the same treatment. Some steps are somehow skipped (I go straight from flag 26 to flag 29), but this should not change the result of all 11 switches set to off and flag 29 being true.

Issue reported. 👍

  • Thanks 1

Don't accept indie game testing requests from friends in Discord. Ever.

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  • 1 month later...

I can confirm it works now.

If I recall correctly, it was the magneto switch step missing, although I couldn't figure it out in the mission file. I don't remember ever turning it off before (or being prompted to). The switches were actually the very last step before the announcement that the mission is over. Great! Thanks for the fix.

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✈️ L-39, F-5E, F/A-18C, MiG-15, F-86F, C-101, FC2024 🛩️ Yak-52, P-47, Spitfire 🚁 UH-1H, Mi-8, Ka-50 III 🗺️ NTTR, PG, SY, Chnl, Norm2 📦 Supercarrier, NS430, WWII, CA 🕹️ VKB STECS+Gladiator/Kosmosima+TPR ▶️ DCS Unscripted YouTube 🐛 "Favourite" bugs: 1) gates not growing regress, 2) L-39 target size cockpit animation regress, 3) Yak-52 toggles not toggling, 4) all Caucasus ATC bugs

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