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Impossible to launch DCS MT with virtual Desktop, need help


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I just start using Virtual Desktop with my Quest 2 (my Headset is not seen by my computer with my cable link). I can launch DCS in VR on the single thread shortcut but when I try with the Bin-MT it open DCS in 2D. I had the line  --force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR on the shortcut target.

Any help will be much appreciate.

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Your autoexec.cfg is OK. Your dcs.log is from ST:

2023-09-14 16:13:46.916 INFO    APP (12072): Command line: "E:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS.exe"

Please retry MT then attach its dcs.log file.

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  • 1 month later...
I just start using Virtual Desktop with my Quest 2 (my Headset is not seen by my computer with my cable link). I can launch DCS in VR on the single thread shortcut but when I try with the Bin-MT it open DCS in 2D. I had the line  --force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR on the shortcut target.
Any help will be much appreciate.
Can you confirm you are using open xr?
Do you open steam VR?

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