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Mission 15b, found a "workaround" for deck crew AI getting bogged

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Yesterday I tried playing mission 15 again, and Paco got "stuck" on CAT 3 and wouldn't launch. Taking a closer look, I noticed that the CAT crew got "stuck" (AI pathfinding issue), which caused the launch sequence to not initiate.

There were two variants of this problem: 

1. One crewmember get's stuck next to Paco's jet,


2. If/when unstuck, he walks over to the CAT and gets stuck there, within the cluster of the rest of the crew.

Solution: I taxied around Paco's jet, which unstuck the single crewmember, then again taxied through the crew cluster, after which they "snap out of it" and proceed with the launching procedure.

Just use CAT 1 or 2 afterwards, mission proceeds normally.

Hopefully ED get's the AI sorted out soon!!!

Edited by Jayhawk1971
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I am really looking forward to the flight deck directors and any other love they could give the SC. Even though it will be a lot of work (I can only imagine) to rebuild these missions, I'm sure it will be awesome once the "dance on the deck" works! 👍

Now, if ED would just make their planned briefing room available for single player missions... 🙏

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