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Mirage F1 EE doesn't have refueling probe in Single Player but does in Multi Player

Go to solution Solved by AdrianL,

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I intended to practice A2A refueling in single player after learning how to do it in a multiplayer server, and found that my single player Mirage F1 EE lacks a refueling probe.  I thought I selected the wrong one by accident, but when I double checked it is in fact the EE.  It does this in mission editor missions as well as the instant action designed for A2A Refueling practice.  I did have an English Cockpit livery, but even when I removed it the issue remained.  I have done a Clean and a Repair (Slow) which both completed successfully and the issue remains.  I don't understand why it only effects single player and not multiplayer, so any suggestions would be great!  Attached is a video of the probe missing in single player, my dcs.log from that same session I recorded in, and a DxDiag.txt.  Let me know what else is needed or if anyone has encountered this before and knows a fix! Thank you guys :)

Mirage F1 No Refueling Probe.7z

Posted (edited)

Your log is showing cockpit errors, which I do not see in my log, and the refueling probe is there for me in the Refueling instant action mission.

    Line  991: 2024-04-30 21:15:12.295 ERROR   APP (Main): Error: Unit [KC135MPRS]: Corrupt damage model.
    Line 1015: 2024-04-30 21:15:17.026 ERROR   VISUALIZER (Main): ILV for cockpit 'Cockpit-F1EE' not found
    Line 1043: 2024-04-30 21:15:18.372 ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND (33448): texture 'BUFF_LEGACY_RADAR_MT' not found. Asked from ''
    Line 1044: 2024-04-30 21:15:18.511 ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND (39008): texture 'miragef1-common_4_spec' not found. Asked from ''

You say you have run a repair. May select the option to 'search for extra files' when doing the repair.

Delete your FXO and metashaders folders under 'Saved games' as your do have 2 metashader compilation errors. 

Otherwise I am out of ideas. it is strange that it works in MP but not SP

Edited by AdrianL
  • Thanks 1

Hi AdrianL and thank you for the suggestions.

I completely removed the liveries, the kneeboards, and cleared the FXO and Metashaders folders.  Still having the issue.  

I then tried uninstalling the module, then deleting any evidence of the module in the DCS install directory Mods\aircraft\Mirage-F1, then reinstalling the module and leaving it vanilla.  Still the same issue.

Scanning for extra files, the only thing related to the Mirage F1 is the .7z of the English cockpit -- I zipped it all into the achieve and then deleted the folders. 

I am also puzzled by the fact that it works in MP but not SP!  

Attached is the new log if that is at all helpful to you.


Hi AdrianL and thank you for the suggestions.
I completely removed the liveries, the kneeboards, and cleared the FXO and Metashaders folders.  Still having the issue.  
I then tried uninstalling the module, then deleting any evidence of the module in the DCS install directory Mods\aircraft\Mirage-F1, then reinstalling the module and leaving it vanilla.  Still the same issue.
Scanning for extra files, the only thing related to the Mirage F1 is the .7z of the English cockpit -- I zipped it all into the achieve and then deleted the folders. 
I am also puzzled by the fact that it works in MP but not SP!  
Attached is the new log if that is at all helpful to you.
Have you tried a full repair? (Usually no need to reinstall anything, as a repair basically reverts everything back to vanilla). Have you excluded the Saved Games and core folders in your AV solution?

Sent from my SM-A536B using Tapatalk

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No useful suggestions unfortunately, but I can add that I was SP last night and conducted an aerial refuel

  • Thanks 1

7800x3d, 5080, 64GB, PCIE5 SSD - Oculus Pro - Moza (AB9), Virpil (Alpha, CM3, CM1 and CM2), WW (TOP and CP), TM (MFDs, Pendular Rudder), Tek Creations (F18 panel), Total Controls (Apache MFD), Jetseat 

  • Solution
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, irasolis said:

 removed the liveries,

Only thing I can suggest is to rename following folders under your saved games folder and then open DCS.

  • Liveries
  • Mods
  • Scripts

Open DCS and then then just go straight to the refueling mission and see if it works. Afterwards you can rename the folders back if no change (Delete the newly created ones if there). But it if it now works then we know something under those folders are causing the issue. DCS file corruption has been eliminate with the repair, unless your anti-virus is getting involved. Might want to add DCS as an exclusion and then re-run the repair if you did not have an exclusion.


I am seeing errors in the log but they should not be causing this i.e.

"Can't execute EDCORE (Main): Can't execute Lua file C:\Users\Vindy\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\Export.lua - can't open 'C:\Users\Vindy\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\ScriptsTheWayTheWay.lua'"


Edited by AdrianL
  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, MAXsenna said:

Have you tried a full repair? (Usually no need to reinstall anything, as a repair basically reverts everything back to vanilla). Have you excluded the Saved Games and core folders in your AV solution?

Sent from my SM-A536B using Tapatalk

Hi MAXsenna and thank you for the suggestion!  I did a repair (all files) - slow, is a full repair something different?  

3 hours ago, Mr_sukebe said:

No useful suggestions unfortunately, but I can add that I was SP last night and conducted an aerial refuel

Hey Mr_sukebe!  No worries, I appreciate you double checking for me -- the issue is definitely on my end 😞


2 hours ago, AdrianL said:

Only thing I can suggest is to rename following folders under your saved games folder and then open DCS.

  • Liveries
  • Mods
  • Scripts

Open DCS and then then just go straight to the refueling mission and see if it works. Afterwards you can rename the folders back if no change (Delete the newly created ones if there). But it if it now works then we know something under those folders are causing the issue. DCS file corruption has been eliminate with the repair, unless your anti-virus is getting involved. Might want to add DCS as an exclusion and then re-run the repair if you did not have an exclusion.


I am seeing errors in the log but they should not be causing this i.e.

"Can't execute EDCORE (Main): Can't execute Lua file C:\Users\Vindy\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\Export.lua - can't open 'C:\Users\Vindy\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\ScriptsTheWayTheWay.lua'"



I renamed these to disabled [Folder Name], and sure enough the refueling probe is there now!  Thank you for your help, I'll go through these one at a time to see if I can't figure out what the problem is in case someone has this issue in the future -- I knew the problem was on my end, but I wouldn't have thought to disable those folders completely... definitely a lot faster than testing individual files haha

Just now, irasolis said:

I'll go through these one at a time

If you figure out what is was then post the result here. So anyone with this issue in the future can check for it

1 minute ago, AdrianL said:

If you figure out what is was then post the result here. So anyone with this issue in the future can check for it

That's the plan 🙂


My issue file was Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\Mirage-F1EE\ALA 14 Blue Skin (EE) Albacete\description.lua

When that is in the directory, I don't have a refueling probe.  When I remove it, I do have a refueling Probe.  I didn't originally disable this file because I believe this to be a vanilla file and when I redownloaded the English cockpit mod I saw that it was NOT one of the files that it modified.  

I now have everything running back the way it was except that livery removed from the folder.  I will attach my description.lua for that livery to see if it's different from any of yours!



@irasolis I missed that you did a full/slow repair in your first post. A repair doesn't touch anything in Saved Games, so if one has an issue after a full repair, (with delutional of extra files, which can be backed up), the error usually lies in Saved Games like @AdrianL pointed out.
Cheers for solving it!

Sent from my SM-A536B using Tapatalk

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14 minutes ago, irasolis said:

Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\Mirage-F1EE\ALA 14 Blue Skin (EE) Albacete\description.lua

Why is that in your "Saved Games" liveries folder? For me that is under the '..\CoreMods\aircraft\Mirage-F1\Liveries\Mirage-F1EE\ALA 14 Blue Skin (EE) Albacete' folder in the main DCS folder.

30 minutes ago, AdrianL said:

Why is that in your "Saved Games" liveries folder? For me that is under the '..\CoreMods\aircraft\Mirage-F1\Liveries\Mirage-F1EE\ALA 14 Blue Skin (EE) Albacete' folder in the main DCS folder.

I have no idea, I certainly did not move them there.  Looking at the directory you posted I have them in both locations looking through them.... in fact my Saved Games Liveries folder has a lot of different aircraft in it.  Is saved games supposed to have a Liveries folder at all (besides things like the English Cockpit Mods)?  I only have English Cockpits for aircraft that don't otherwise have them...My Saved Game Liveries.png

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, irasolis said:

Saved Games Liveries

Those are liveries you have put there, or extracted there, etc. The DCS installer does not go near that folder.

The folder is meant for user supplied liveries i.e what you can download from 'user files'

Might be an idea to remove all your saved game liveries and add them back as you need then

Edited by AdrianL
  • Thanks 1
14 minutes ago, AdrianL said:

Those are liveries you have put there, or extracted there, etc. The DCS installer does not go near that folder.

The folder is meant for user supplied liveries i.e what you can download from 'user files'

Might be an idea to remove all your saved game liveries and add them back as you need then


I'll definitely do that!  Thanks again for your help!

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