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Any place where i can get cheap pedals?

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try craigs list... or even try making your own. You can always buy a cheap joystick and canabalize it to be used with homemade pedals. It might now look good on the first try, but you might find that you enjoy the homegrown method and make a better second version.


DIY Rudder Pedals

Homemade metal rudder pedals

Rudder pedals with toebrakes

How To -- Make Your Own Rudder Pedals


Just a thought.



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HP TouchSmart IQ816 / 25.5" HD touch screen / 9600GS 512/ Core 2 Duo 2.16 / 4GB RAM / VISTA 64 / CH Fighterstick

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...or even try making your own. You can always buy a cheap joystick and canabalize it to be used with homemade pedals. It might now look good on the first try, but you might find that you enjoy the homegrown method and make a better second version.


Good point; making your own would be fun and satisfying, even if they're not as shiny as a set you buy... if you have the patience, that is. :thumbup:

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if you have the patience, that is. :thumbup:


I imagine anyone with the drive to fly simulators (especially study sims), has a great amount of attention to detail, plenty of patience and usually a fair amount of brainpower. That is the perfect combo for anyone wanting to take it to the next level.


You could also look here for inspiration:

Mike's Flight Deck


I bought the first book (very interesting book) and am looking forward to the follow-up.



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I imagine anyone with the drive to fly simulators (especially study sims), has a great amount of attention to detail, plenty of patience and usually a fair amount of brainpower. That is the perfect combo for anyone wanting to take it to the next level.


You're just full of good points, aren't you? :D


Myself, I have more inclination to build a cockpit enclosure than to build the actual controls. I look at things like that link you posted, and also forum threads like this, and I find them simultaneously inspiring and intimidating.

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I find them simultaneously inspiring and intimidating.


I hear ya, and agree whole-heartidly. You never know if yours will suck or be awesome until you build it, though :)


If it blows you have learned one of the following:

1. Enough to try again (hopefully better this time).

2. That your time is better spent saving the money to buy a solution.


Neither one is any better than the other, just depends on the person.

Edited by kdittyr



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