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Reshade VR Enhancer Mod (VREM)

2025/02/02 for DCS version DCS   => version 7.2

  • added VREM version of HDR sweetFX technique

What is VREM ?

Reshade VREM is a reshade add-on that gives some improvement for VR users (even if most of them are working in 2D). 

It is the “son” of the 3Dmigoto mod, as the library is no longer working with openXR.

It provides the following features:

  • Label masking by cockpit frame 
  • Reflection on A10C instrument  glass can be suppressed
  • Atmosphere haze reduction 
  • Enhancement of cockpit and outside colors
  • Sharpen filter for cockpit
  • Debanding for sea and sky
  • NVG can be resized and moved vertically
  • Own rotor hiding in cockpit view to avoir issue with reprojection (other rotor still visible)
  • AH64: TADS/PNVS video desactivation/activation  in IHADSS, boresighting convergence, left eye disabling of IHADSS
  • NS430 workaround : NS430 frame is hidden and screen can be moved to a fxied position.
  • Settings can be saved

It is IC compatible, as no game files are modified. It should be compliant with any other reshade usage or addon.

It may eat some fps, but I did not have any reliable fps measurement tool working with the Varjo…


Download and install the latest reshade version with full add_on support ( https://reshade.me/). Reshade must be installed for each version of DCS (ST or MT) you are using.

! Do not install any VR compatibility features/option, it may break the mod : DO NOT select OpenXR, just DX 11/12. DO NOT tick off any extra add-ons, just leave the two ticked defaults alone. !

Download the mod from here : https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/fr/files/3305420/

Or from here if not working: https://github.com/lefufu/DCS-world-reshade-VREM/releases/download/7.2/ReshadeDCS_VREM_v7.2_unofficial_reshade.zip

Install the mod in DCS folders

It is best to use Jsgme or Ovgme (the provided zip is compliant with them) but otherwise:

  • unzip the mod package
  • copy the “bin” and “bin-mt” folders (that are in the mod folder) into the DCS installation directory. You should have a file “reshade DCS VREM.addon64” and a folder “shaderreplace” in the folders in which DCS.exe is.


It is best to use Jsgme or Ovgme (the provided zip is compliant with them) but otherwise:

  • delete “reshade DCS VREM.addon64” and the  folder “shaderreplace” in the folders “bin” and “bin-mt” of DCS installation

Using the mod

  • Options are toggled or set up by using the reshade settings. Press the “home” key to open the option windows and then go to “addon” tab. Untick the options “Generic Depth” and “Effect Runtime Sync” if you are not using them.
  • Ensure “DCS VREM” is ticked.
  • Settings sections are collapsed by default, you just have to open them to access options.
  • Every section must be activated before beeing used. This often need a game restart (it depends of other features activated).
  • Do not forget to save your settings !


Unfortunately, the option windows can only be seen in the 2D mirror view, and most effects can only be seen in the VR view ! So you will have to play between 2D and VR view for setting up color, sharpen, deband…


Most settings are obvious, but here are some notes on using the mod

  • IHADSS boresight and left eye disabling
    I'm old now and I need to save my eyes and my brain. So I set the IHADSS for both eyes display. But in this context this is nearly impossible to boresight it, as the crosshair is collimated at infinite, and not the bulleye...so I setup an option to activate and set a special convergence of IHADSS, to have the crosshair at the same depth than the bulleye. At first activate the settings (either by the GUI or by pressing SHIFT+i) and then use GUI to setup the convergence at the good level. Of course, there is not one single convergence for pilot and CPG, but you can move a bit your head forward or backward to make it working.
    IHADDS in both eye may be a bit uncomfortable to look in cockpit, so you can disable left eye by pressing ALT+i
  • NS430 workaround
    Having the NS430 floating in front of your eye is just impossible, most of us are not using a controller, so we can not use it on arm.
    I setup a workaround to display the NS430 screen in the area in which the menu, comms, kneeboard are displayed. You'll still need to use the "in front of your eye" view to setup things in the NS430 but at least you can fly and use the display. You can use ALT+V to toggle display of NS430. Beware: even if the NS430 is no more displayed, all buttons and so on are still active: if you put your cursor on their place you will see labels.
    You can customize the positon, depth and size  of the NS430 screen using the GUI.
    I made a small video here to show the effect : https://youtu.be/j5eKRo31Zh0?si=xJj1IDWCzh6ubhDF
  • Reshade technique
    VREM is now able to inject reshade technique into PS shader rendering, so they are now compliant with Quad view. In addition I added some VREM version of Reshade shaders, to enable capacity to limit them to cockpit or external view.
    Summary of available options is here:
      Inner / outer view selection Cockpit/external
    Standard Reshade technique In global VREM options no
     Reshade Technique modified for VREM In shader options In shader options


Supported settings


I did testing only for 2D and with Varjo Aero for VR, which is using quad views.. Things should work for other VR helmet, but who knows !

MSAA4x not supported, other AA should work.

I tested the mod only in the following configuration, it is likely some options will break some mod features. Especially cockpit illumination, supersampling,...Please report here if you test them. But, due to the amount of work for doing and testing, it is likely I will not add them in the mod support.

DCS 2024-08-12 19-11-17.jpg


Known issues


The "rotor hide" option is also hiding the basket of the tanker when doing air refueling.

Some reshade effects will have some errors or may crash the game...





The mod is using code from 

Crosire https://github.com/crosire/reshade

FransBouma https://github.com/FransBouma/ShaderToggler

ShortFuse https://github.com/clshortfuse/renodx

Once again, thanks for helping me in the reshade Discord, without their kind answers to my stupid question, nothing would have been possible !

Sharpen algorithm and lot of code for it taken from here : https://astralcode.blogspot.com/2018...ing-of_13.html

FXAA algorithm and lot of code for it taken from here : http://blog.simonrodriguez.fr/articles/30-07-2016_implementing_fxaa.html


2024/08/14  for DCS version  => version 1.0

  • 1st public release

2024/08/16 for DCS version  => version 1.1

  • fix TADS video disabling in IHADSS not working.

2024/08/16 for DCS version  => version 2.0

  • fix TADS video disabling in IHADSS not working for cold start
  • fix Rotor hide still active in specific case (reflect at night for example)
  • add NVG resize (in "misc" section)
  • add NS430 workaround
  • add IHADSS convergence settings for boresight when IHADSS is displayed for both eyes
  • add left eye disabling for IHADSS when IHADSS is displayed for both eyes
  • some code rework

2024/09/17 for DCS version DCS  => version 3.

  • add NVG height position (in "misc" section)
  • improve NS430 workaround that was not working in all cases, the area on which it can be moved can be increased
  • code optimization : only needed features are now to be enabled (using settings) to reduce mod footprint
  • some settings may be lost and will have to be set and save again.

2024/11/09 for DCS version DCS DCS  => version 4.0

  • fix Haze no more working with last version
  • some optimization, color PS no more modified if not used, label moved back to "misc" section

2024/12/23 for DCS version DCS  => version 5.0

  • compatibility with last DCS version
  • recompiled for Reshade 6.3.3

2025/01/26 for DCS version DCS   => version 7.0

  • compatibility with last DCS version
  • Reshade techniques can now be injected in VR, with capacity to target Inner or Outer view for QV
  • Some dedidated VREM techniques are available, each effect has its own settings to enable effects for cockpit or external
  • Unofficial reshade library used (waiting future release)

2025/01/31 for DCS version DCS   => version 7.1

  • Fix a bug making reshade effects not available in VR for some configuration.

 Features demos

Label masking


Haze control


Rotor hiding


IHADSS Boresighting


PNVS masking


Color/sharpen/deband features


NVG feature


NS430 workaround feature


Reshade shaders in VR :


Edited by lefuneste01
  • Like 1
  • Thanks 9

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


Done all your instructions, but.....playing monitor , all the effects works, unless I play VR, none works, For example The rotor doesn ot Hide, at plain monitor yes....I am doing something wrong?

Installed reshade for dx11 and also for openxr, none works for me

Playing with OpenXr toolkit on, under win11 and reverb G2 (WMR)

Intel i9 10850k - MSI Tomahawk 490z - 64 GB DDR4 3000 - HP Reverb G2 - MSI optix Mag321curv 4k monitor - MSI RTX 3080ti - Winwing Orion Throttle base plus F18 stick

Posted (edited)


There are different options for compatibility issue. The most common one is to have DCS settings triggering some shaders not modified by the mod => effet will not be possible, or some DCS/other tools options changing resolution in a way not handled by the mod =>   color change or label masking will be out of the planned areas.

But here there is something different, as the Rotor effect is working in 2D bit not in VR, knowing this is the same shader in both modes.

I supposed an issue between Reshade and OpenXR toolkit. Could you try to disable OpenXRtoolkit for DCS (use openXR toolkit companion app to remove DCS form the supported app as shown below) ? You will be able to re enable it later in the same way.

Another test (to be done before removing DCS from OpenXRtoolkit) is to delete the file ReShade.log in bin or bin-mt and launch DCS. Then go to the otpion screen (with the "home" key), activate "Debug messages in log" in the "debug" option  and push on the button "Capture frame" once in cockpit.

Then leave the game and send here the new ReShade.log file.
I saw also here: https://vrtoolkit.retrolux.de/gamelist.html


Open XR (Available starting with ReShade v6.x )

Games using OpenXR or when you use the OpenXR Toolkit you need to use the official Reshade Installer to install the OpenXR ReShade layer to be able to use ReShade.





Edited by lefuneste01
  • Like 1

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

On 8/16/2024 at 6:12 PM, firefox121 said:

Done all your instructions, but.....playing monitor , all the effects works, unless I play VR, none works, For example The rotor doesn ot Hide, at plain monitor yes....I am doing something wrong?

Installed reshade for dx11 and also for openxr, none works for me

Playing with OpenXr toolkit on, under win11 and reverb G2 (WMR)

I replaced the mbucchia "Varjo-Foveated" by the Varjo native quad view so I was able to test openXR and my mod by disabling quad view rendering (openXR toolkit is not compliant with it).
The mod is working with OpenXR toolkit, label masking rotor hiding, color change, everything is OK.

So could you please try re install Reshade without any VR options ? They are not needed for the mod and may block addon...

I have the defautl installation of reshade (with addon support).


Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

1 hour ago, lefuneste01 said:

I replaced the mbucchia "Varjo-Foveated" by the Varjo native quad view so I was able to test openXR and my mod by disabling quad view rendering (openXR toolkit is not compliant with it).
The mod is working with OpenXR toolkit, label masking rotor hiding, color change, everything is OK.

So could you please try re install Reshade without any VR options ? They are not needed for the mod and may block addon...

I have the defautl installation of reshade (with addon support).



I notice that you too use an Aero. I and some others @speed-of-heat have had zero luck getting Reshade to work in VR with the Aero. The effect can be seen in the 2D mirror, but it has zero effect on the image in the HMD.  Did you have to perform any special installation steps in order to get it to work with Varjo Base and the Aero. I am using Varjo Foveated and Varjo Base Based on the fact you mention using the native Varjo foveated rendering, I am assuming you are using the latest version of Varjo Base?


14900KS | Maximus Hero Z690 | ASUS 4090 TUF OC | 64GB DDR5 6600 | DCS on 2TB NVMe | WarBRD+Warthog Stick | CM3 | TM TPR's | Varjo Aero

Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, zildac said:


I notice that you too use an Aero. I and some others @speed-of-heat have had zero luck getting Reshade to work in VR with the Aero. The effect can be seen in the 2D mirror, but it has zero effect on the image in the HMD.  Did you have to perform any special installation steps in order to get it to work with Varjo Base and the Aero. I am using Varjo Foveated and Varjo Base Based on the fact you mention using the native Varjo foveated rendering, I am assuming you are using the latest version of Varjo Base?


Hello, you should have in mind the VREM is a reshade addon. It means I use reshade to replace shaders in the game, and so I change the way the game is building image. This is different of the standard reshade behavior, that is adding some image filter on the game output. The good example of the difference is the problem of firefox121, I think he has issue because he setup reshade to modify VR images, and these options seems not compliant with addon...I'm using the standard installation of reshade, without any options for VR.

In the future I'll try to integrate reshade filters to process shader output instead of global output image (it is possible but I still do not understand well how to do it..), but for now only the 3Dmigoto features are available : color changes, sharpen, deband. They are more basics than reshade filters, but they are applied on specific areas : cockpit or external. 
So if you want to use reshade filters only, I can not help, whatever the version of Varjo Base. But maybe the mod will answer to some of your needs ?

Edited by lefuneste01

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

57 minutes ago, lefuneste01 said:

Hello, you should have in mind the VREM is a reshade addon. It means I use reshade to replace shaders in the game, and so I change the way the game is building image. This is different of the standard reshade behavior, that is adding some image filter on the game output. The good example of the difference is the problem of firefox121, I think he has issue because he setup reshade to modify VR images, and these options seems not compliant with addon...I'm using the standard installation of reshade, without any options for VR.

In the future I'll try to integrate reshade filters to process shader output instead of global output image (it is possible but I still do not understand well how to do it..), but for now only the 3Dmigoto features are available : color changes, sharpen, deband. They are more basics than reshade filters, but they are applied on specific areas : cockpit or external. 
So if you want to use reshade filters only, I can not help, whatever the version of Varjo Base. But maybe the mod will answer to some of your needs ?


Many thanks for the response. I understand, I guess the question is when you say “I'm using the standard installation of reshade, without any options for VR" Does this mean you are NOT selecting the OpenXR option in addition to DX11 when installing Reshade via the installer? Also, I had assumed that in order for your MOD to work then Reshade functioning correctly in VR would be a prerequisute, it sounds like the method you are using does not require this to be true?

14900KS | Maximus Hero Z690 | ASUS 4090 TUF OC | 64GB DDR5 6600 | DCS on 2TB NVMe | WarBRD+Warthog Stick | CM3 | TM TPR's | Varjo Aero

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, zildac said:

Does this mean you are NOT selecting the OpenXR option in addition to DX11 when installing Reshade via the installer? 


1 hour ago, zildac said:

..Reshade functioning correctly in VR would be a prerequisute, it sounds like the method you are using does not require this to be true?

Yes. Just install reshade with only default options (but of course the version for addon support).

Edited by lefuneste01
  • Thanks 1

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

37 minutes ago, lefuneste01 said:


Yes. Just install reshade with only default options (but of course the version for addon support).


Thanks for clarifying, will try in the next day or so.

14900KS | Maximus Hero Z690 | ASUS 4090 TUF OC | 64GB DDR5 6600 | DCS on 2TB NVMe | WarBRD+Warthog Stick | CM3 | TM TPR's | Varjo Aero

Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Silver_ said:

It would be good if it incorporated, like 3DMigoto, the possibility of activating and modifying NVGs. It worked very well in VR.

I found the NVG good for VR now in the Varjo. So why should I add again the resize/convergence option ?

Edited by lefuneste01

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste



3 hours ago, lefuneste01 said:

I found the NVG good for VR now in the Varjo. So why should I add again the resize/convergence option ?


Before there was the option of being able to move the NVG image up and see the cabin below, I don't know if there is any option of this type now.

9 hours ago, Silver_ said:


Before there was the option of being able to move the NVG image up and see the cabin below, I don't know if there is any option of this type now.

There was only an option to scale the NVG and change the convergence, because initially the VR NVG were covering the full FoV in VR, unlike in 2D. But now you can see below them, as in real life and convergence seems OK. So...

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

4 hours ago, lefuneste01 said:

There was only an option to scale the NVG and change the convergence, because initially the VR NVG were covering the full FoV in VR, unlike in 2D. But now you can see below them, as in real life and convergence seems OK. So...

Yes it is true but it does not allow you to regulate the amount you see below or the size of the binocular, this is always the same. Anyway, don't worry, I'm fine the way I am.

54 minutes ago, Silver_ said:

Yes it is true but it does not allow you to regulate the amount you see below or the size of the binocular, this is always the same. Anyway, don't worry, I'm fine the way I am.

Mmmh you're right anyway because I moved from Reverb G2 to Varjo, so I have no more issue with sweetSpot. But maybe it could help Reverb users, for example. I'll see for a future release.

  • Like 1

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

Posted (edited)

2024/08/16 for DCS version  => version 2.0

  • fix TADS video disabling in IHADSS not working for cold start
  • fix Rotor hide still active in specific case (reflect at night for example)
  • add NVG resize (in "misc" section)
  • add NS430 workaround
  • add IHADSS convergence settings for boresight when IHADSS is displayed for both eyes
  • add left eye disabling for IHADSS when IHADSS is displayed for both eyes
  • some code rework

Most settings are obvious, but here are some notes on using the mod

  • IHADSS boresight and left eye disabling
    I'm old now and I need to save my eyes and my brain. So I set the IHADSS for both eyes display. But in this context this is nearly impossible to boresight it, as the crosshair is collimated at infinite, and not the bulleye...so I setup an option to activate and set a special convergence of IHADSS, to have the crosshair at the same depth than the bulleye. At first activate the settings (either by the GUI or by pressing SHIFT+i) and then use GUI to setup the convergence at the good level. Of course, there is not one single convergence for pilot and CPG, but you can move a bit your head forward or backward to make it working.
    IHADDS in both eye may be a bit uncomfortable to look in cockpit, so you can disable left eye by pressing ALT+i
  • NS430 workaround
    Having the NS430 floating in front of your eye is just impossible, most of us are not using a controller, so we can not use it on arm.
    I setup a workaround to display the NS430 screen in the area in which the menu, comms, kneeboard are displayed. You'll still need to use the "in front of your eye" view to setup things in the NS430 but at least you can fly and use the display. You can use ALT+V to toggle display of NS430. Beware: even if the NS430 is no more displayed, all buttons and so on are still active: if you put your cursor on their place you will see labels.
    You can customize the positon, depth and size  of the NS430 screen using the GUI.
Edited by lefuneste01
  • Like 2
  • Thanks 2

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste


2024/09/17 for DCS version DCS  => version 3.

  • add NVG height position (in "misc" section)
  • improve NS430 workaround that was not working in all cases, the area on which it can be moved can be increased
  • code optimization : only needed features are now to be enabled (using settings) to reduce mod footprint
  • some settings may be lost and will have to be set and save again.
  • Thanks 2

Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/20/2024 at 10:10 PM, lefuneste01 said:

I added demo videos in first post. There is no feedback here...Is someone using the mod ?


Cant get it to work. Works in 2D, and the reshade is visible in 2D mode.

When I launch VR everything stops working. I can only see and change options in Reshade on the monitor, there are no changes on 2D monitor or VR.

On 8/16/2024 at 6:12 PM, firefox121 said:

Done all your instructions, but.....playing monitor , all the effects works, unless I play VR, none works, For example The rotor doesn ot Hide, at plain monitor yes....I am doing something wrong?

Installed reshade for dx11 and also for openxr, none works for me

Playing with OpenXr toolkit on, under win11 and reverb G2 (WMR)

Same.. Did you find a fix yet?

19 minutes ago, TShingen said:

ReShade.logGetting these "errors"

Did you install reshade with addon and no option/ related to VR ? Only the option shown here should be selected.
The logs are showing the rotor shader is not detected or the feature is not activated.


Intel i5 10400K @4.8 GHz, 3080ti, 32 GB RAM, Varjo Areo.

I spend my time making 3dmigoto VR mods for BoS and DCS instead of flying, see https://www.patreon.com/lefuneste

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