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AMAZING Pitbuilding tecniques.. Check this guy out..!


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I came across this guy on a russian (I think?) forum:



And I was just flabbergasted by his building tecnique..! Also if you look through the pictures you will find the answer to some of the hard-to-build panels in our KA-50..!:thumbup:

Like these two:





NB.! Some of the pics apear to be "black".. move your mouse cursor in the top center region of the picture and you'll see a link that opens the picture in a seperate window..


I have no clue what he's writing, but I spend a lot of time going through russian forums simply because it jammed pack full of insanly good sollutions to complex problems.. And you can copy theyr methods without any special skills or tools..!


Ps. this is just ONE THREAD on the forum.. if you have time, go through the other to.. I've spendt all my cofee brakes today glued to the monitor..

"But (504)Brewber said they were'nt friendly.. So I took'em out.!"



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Definitively a pit artist. His cockpit structure is really a masterpiece. But I think most of the parts for his cockpit come from a real plane. See all those gauges with serials and everything? I wonder how he is intending to make them work, or maybe it's just decorative? Wish I can get myself a mission in russia for my work so I can spend some euros buying some nice parts like this, assuming I can find the right place....

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I wish we could get our hands on some good 3-View drawings that show the bulkheads like he obviously have..


I started on a drawing a while ago for the outer structure of the Blackshark. So that I eventually would be able to make a structure like this guy has. But this is as far as I got before resigning from a lack of good info:



Anyone care to finish it?

"But (504)Brewber said they were'nt friendly.. So I took'em out.!"



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no bulkheads but perhaps these images still help....http://www.airwar.ru./other/draw/ka-50.zip

there are a lot of 3-ways (tehe) at http://www.airwar.ru i'm sure you've come across that site and even this ka50 image!, but just in case you haven't... hope it helps with your build.


if you just take the ka-50.zip part out of the http address it's much easier to navigate their full list of aircraft from the root structure \-:

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hey I was bored today, so I tried giving the front end a go (modeling not building!) hopefully it might come in handy for you, I've got a .dwg file of the front end. not going for any modeling awards here, so it's pretty bland... figure you could export pieces of it in panels and figure out what you are going to build... I noticed you did your front console in autocad, so perhaps the best solution is scaling this model, until it fits your autocad model of the front console(?) should give you buildable dimensions. I rendered it with a shell, but the shell is removed for the autocad file, lots of vertices for you to play with... modeling wise, I was lazy, so it IS a symmetry meaning the right hand side also has a door, you'll have to tweak that... I didn't model the really aerodynamic portions that envelope under the front door either.. figured that would be hard to build from wood, and I tried to keep the floor as flat as possible, and didn't model all the way out to the end of the nose...


anyways the pics.






or in your case maybe more like:




You'll notice i didn't crop the top of the side window properly (woops) might want to tweak that.


using these as ref (provided if you want to tweak some more)






and of course the model you can get at: http://www3.telus.net/public/jlevicek/misc/ just browse for the ka-50.dwg file I can't link it directly my isp don't likey.


anyways good luck, I enjoy reading your thread.

Edited by oakdown
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Woow, great start. Seems it will be cool pit :O

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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